11 JOB POSITIONS at The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR/Rwanda). Deadline :Varies Between February 21, 2020 and February 28, 2020.
1) The Administrative Assistant at The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR/Rwanda). Deadline : February 21, 2020
The Administrative Assistant will provide administrative assistance to the immediate supervisor and/or Headof the Office, and/or to the Unit as a whole to ensure that routine servicesand activities within the administrative domain are properly implemented. Asper specific instructions, the incumbent may require liaising with other internalor external entities, to ensure effective delivery of services and achievementof objectives. The assignments are mostly standard tasks including limitedinterpretation of subject matter and information exchange between staff in theoffice, at the duty station and external officials of other institutions toensure mutual understanding. The incumbent’s workload and the assignments willremain under constant guidance and direction of the supervisor.
The Administrative Assistantis a position within an office/Division/Bureau that requires basic knowledge ofadministrative rules, procedures as well as operational standards of a UNHCRoffice. The nature of certain administrative/personnel functions requirediscretion and confidentiality.
All UNHCR staff members are accountable to performtheir duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within theirdelegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR whichincludes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policiesand Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks.In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities ina manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerialcompetencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respectfor diversity. ********************************************************************************************* Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). Should you be asked for a fee or a benefit at any stage ofthis process, please report your concern to UNHCR’s Investigation Service ([email protected]). RENUMERATION A competitive compensation and benefits package isoffered. For information on UN Salaries, allowances and benefits, please visitthe portal of the international Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org. |
Within delegated authority,the Administrative Assistant will be responsible for the following duties:(These duties are generic and may not be carried out by all AdministrativeAssistant: please refer to the organizational context).
– Arrange appointments/meetings bothinternal and external, some involving high ranking officials. – Receive visitors, place and screentelephone calls, respond to routine requests for information and take notes atmeetings as and when required. – Maintain hard and electronic officefiles and records; classify and code material relating to a variety of topics; – Receive, review, sort anddistribute all incoming and outgoing correspondence, office pouch and material,highlight priority items and attach necessary background information. Maintaina follow up system. – May be required to maintain/updateconfidential files. – Draft routine correspondence,memoranda and reports. Format more complex documents by using the appropriatetechnology. – Facilitate implementation ofPersonnel administrative formalities and processing of documents in relation toofficial travels, leaves and movements of staff. Support staff members withprocessing personnel-related documentation. – Maintain office inventory andstocks of office supplies. Monitor the asset management track to ensure alladmin procurements and disposal of UNHCR property are done and recordedaccurately. – Assist the supervisor to monitorand record expenditure/disbursement of funds. – Following instructions from thesupervisor make logistic and administrative arrangements for seminars,workshops, and briefings that may be required by the Office/Division. – May regulate and monitor routineprovision of services and/or shifts from providers, as and when applicable; – Monitor office/compound facilitiesand equipment and in consultation with the supervisor take appropriate actionto ensure proper functioning at all time. – Performother related duties as required. |
Educational &Professional Work Experience
Years of experience/degreeLevel · 4 years relevant experience with High schooldiploma Certificates and/or Licenses Business Administration,Finance, Office Management, HumanResources or other related field |
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Functional Skills
IT-Computer Literacy UN-UN/UNHCR Administrative Rules,Regulations and Procedures UN-UN/UNHCR Financial Rulesand Regulations and Procedures IT-PeopleSoft Applications Language Requirements Knowledge of English and/or UN working languageof the duty station Competency Requirements Accountability Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to ContinuousLearning Client & ResultOrientation
Cross-Functional Competencies Analytical Thinking Planning and Organizing
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2) Protection Assistant (Child) at The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR/Rwanda). Deadline : February 21, 2020
ORGANIZATIONALCONTEXTThe Protection Assistant (Child) normally reports tothe Protection Officer or the Senior Protection Officer. Depending on the structure of the Office, theposition may also report to senior national staff. The incumbent providesfunctional and administrative support to the protection unit on protectionrelated liaison, correspondence, monitoring, case management and reportingactivities.
The Protection Assistant (Child) also supports theprotection unit in designing a comprehensive protection strategy and inproviding quality, timely and effective protection responses to persons of concern.He/she may liaise externally with local authorities and partners oncorrespondence and/or protection issues as guided by the supervisor.
The Protection Assistant (Child) also facilitates theinvolvement of persons of concern with the Office in making decisions thataffect them, whether in accessing their rights or in identifying appropriatesolutions to their problems. To achieve this, the incumbent will need to buildand maintain effective interfaces with communities of concern, localauthorities and protection and assistance partners. **************************************************************** Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, colour or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). Should you be asked for a fee or a benefit at any stage ofthis process, please report your concern to UNHCR’s Investigation Service ([email protected]). RENUMERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN Salaries, allowances and benefits, pleasevisit the portal of the international Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org. |
Accountability:· Theprotection of populations of concern is met through the application ofInternational and National Law, relevant UN/UNHCR protection standards and IASCprinciples.
· Protectionactivities are guided by the UNHCR country protection strategy. · Theparticipation of persons of concern is facilitated through supportingparticipatory, rights and community-based approaches.
Responsibility: · Consistentlyapply International and National Law and applicable UN/UNHCR and IASC policy,standards and codes of conduct. · Observeand respect protection related Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). · Providefunctional and administrative support in all protection related AGD basedprogramming with implementing and operational partners. · Providefunctional and administrative support in implementing participatory approaches,needs assessments, monitoring, reporting and case management. · Supportassessments on durable solutions through voluntary repatriation, localintegration and where appropriate, resettlement. · Facilitateliaison with competent authorities for the issuance of personal and otherrelevant documents. · Assistin drafting reports, routine correspondence, updating relevant databases andcompiling statistics for the protection unit/section.
Authority · Selectpersons of concern for preliminary interviews and decide which relevantinformation to share. · Enforceintegrity in the delivery of protection services by local implementingpartners. |
ESSENTIAL MINIMUMQUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE· Education:Completion of secondary school. Additional Training courses in protection related issues required.
· Jobexperience: relevant to the function: 2 years.
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· Knowledgeof another official UN language(s) an asset. · Goodcomputer skills.
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3) Senior Protection Assistant (in replacement capacity) at The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR/Rwanda). Deadline : February 21, 2020
The Senior ProtectionAssistant normally reports to a more senior Protection colleague. The incumbentmonitors protection standards, operational procedures and practices inprotection delivery in line with international standards and provides functionalprotection support to information management and programme staff.
The Senior ProtectionAssistant provides quality, timely and effective protection support to personsof concern (PoC) and identifies opportunities to mainstream protection methodologiesand safeguards in operational responses. S/he contributes to designing acomprehensive protection strategy and may liaise externally with localauthorities and partners on protection issues as guided by the supervisor.
The Senior Protection Assistantalso ensures that PoC are involved in making decisions that affect them,whether in accessing their rights or in identifying appropriate solutions totheir problems. To achieve this, the incumbent will need to build and maintaineffective interfaces with communities of concern, local authorities andprotection and assistance partners. All UNHCR staff members are accountable to performtheir duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within theirdelegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR whichincludes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policiesand Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks.In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities ina manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerialcompetencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respectfor diversity. ********************************************************************************** Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applications willbe accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, pleasevisit the portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· UNHCR’spolicies, standards and procedures are constantly and coherently applied in thearea of responsibility (AoR). · Theneeds of persons of concern in the AoR are assessed and analysed in aparticipating manner and using an Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) perspectiveto form a firm basis for planning.
Duties: – Consistently apply International and National Law andapplicable UN/UNHCR and IASC policy, standards and codes of conduct. – Provide counselling on protection issues to PoC; liaise withcompetent authorities to ensure the issuance of personal and other relevantdocumentation. – Support activities in protection related AGD basedprogramming with implementing and operational partners. – Conduct preliminary information gathering and interviews insupport of eligibility, status determination, durable solutions and socialneeds assessment. – Contribute to measures to identify, prevent and reducestatelessness. – Contribute to a country-level child protection plan as partof the protection strategy. – Contribute to a country-level education plan for PoC as partof the protection strategy. – Monitor Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for allprotection/solutions activities. – Participate in individual protection case managementincluding cases of SGBV and child protection. Monitor and report on cases ofrefoulement, expulsion and other protection incidents. – Assist in identifying durable solutions for PoCin voluntary repatriation, local integration and where appropriate,resettlement. – Contribute to the design, implementation andevaluation of protection related AGD based programming with implementing andoperational partners. – Draft reports, routine correspondence, updaterelevant databases and compiling statistics within the Area of Responsibility (AoR). – Contribute to initiatives toenhance national and local protection capacities. – Select PoC for preliminary interviews and decide whichrelevant information to share. – Enforce integrity in thedelivery of protection services by local implementing partners. Perform other relatedduties as required |
1. MinimumQualifications
Education &Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / DegreeLevel
For G5 – 5 years relevant experience with High schooldiploma
Certificates and/or Licenses International Law; Political Science; |
Autres informations | |||||
Functional Skills IT-Computer Literacy
CL-Protection & SolutionsAwareness PR-Protection-relatedguidelines, standards and indicators PR-Refugee ProtectionPrinciples and Framework
Core Competencies: Accountability Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to ContinuousLearning Client & ResultOrientation Cross-FunctionalCompetencies: Analytical Thinking Political Awareness Stakeholder Management |
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4) Protection Associate at The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR/Rwanda). Deadline : February 21, 2020
The Protection Associatenormally reports to the Protection Officer or the Senior ProtectionOfficer. The incumbent monitorsprotection standards, operational procedures and practices in protectiondelivery in line with international standards and provides functional protectionsupport to information management and programme staff.
The Protection Associate isexpected to coordinate quality, timely and effective protection responses tothe needs of populations of concern (PoC) and identify opportunities tomainstream protection methodologies and integrate protection safeguards inoperational responses in all sectors. S/hecontributes to designing a comprehensive protection strategy and liaisesexternally with authorities and partners on protection doctrine and policy asguided by the supervisor.
The Protection Associate alsoensures that PoC are involved in making decisions that affect them, whether inaccessing their rights or in identifying appropriate solutions to theirproblems. To achieve this, the incumbent will need to build and maintaineffective interfaces with communities of concern, local authorities andprotection and assistance partners. All UNHCR staff members are accountable to performtheir duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegatedauthorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes theUN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies andAdministrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition,staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in a mannerconsistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerialcompetencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respectfor diversity. ************************************************************************* Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applications willbe accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, pleasevisit the portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· UNHCR’spolicies, standards and procedures are constantly and coherently applied in thearea of responsibility (AoR). · Theneeds of persons of concern in the AoR are assessed and analysed in aparticipating manner and using an Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) perspectiveto form a firm basis for planning.
Duties: – Stayabreast of political, social, economic and cultural developments that have animpact on the protection environment. – Consistentlyapply International and National Law and applicable UN/UNHCR and IASC policy,standards and codes of conduct. – Assistin providing comments on existing and draft legislation related to PoC. – Provideadvice on protection issues to PoC; liaise with competent authorities to ensurethe issuance of personal and other relevant documentation. – Assistin conducting eligibility and status determination for PoC. – Contributeto measures to identify, prevent and reduce statelessness. – Contribute to a country-level childprotection plan as part of the protection strategy. – Contribute to a country-leveleducation plan as part of the protection strategy. – Monitor Standard OperatingProcedures (SOPs) for all protection/solutions activities. – Manage individual protection casesincluding those on SGBV and child protection. Monitor, and intervene in casesof refoulement, expulsion and other protection incidents. – Assist in identifying durablesolutions for the largest possible number of PoC through voluntary repatriation,local integration and where appropriate, resettlement. – Contribute to the design,implementation and evaluation of protection related AGD based programming withimplementing and operational partners. – Facilitate effective informationmanagement through the provision of disaggregated data on PoC and theirproblems. – Participate in initiatives tocapacitate authorities, relevant institutions and NGOs to strengthen nationalprotection related legislation and procedures. – Assist the supervisor in prioritizingPoC for interview, counselling and propose protection support for individualcases. – Assist the supervisor with enforcingcompliance of local implementing partners with global protection policies andstandards of professional integrity in the delivery of protection services. – Assit the supervisor with enforcingcompliance with, and integrity of, all protection standard operatingprocedures. – Submit individual payments requestfor PoC for approval. – Performother related duties as required.
1. MinimumQualifications
Education &Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / DegreeLevel
For G6 – 6 years relevantexperience with High school diploma
Certificates and/or Licenses International Law, Political Science or other relatedfield |
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Relevant Job ExperienceDesirable:
Protection Learning Programme Functional Skills IT-Computer Literacy CL-Protection & SolutionsAwareness PR-Protection-relatedguidelines, standards and indicators PR-Refugee ProtectionPrinciples and Framework Core Competencies: Accountability Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to ContinuousLearning Client & Result Orientation Managerial Competencies: Judgement and Decision Making Cross-FunctionalCompetencies: Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Political Awareness Stakeholder Management
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5) Associate Public Health Officer at The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR/Rwanda). Deadline : February 21, 2020
UNHCR Operation in Rwanda manages an active refugee population of159,359 refugees individually registered. Of these, over 74,000 are refugeesfrom the Democratic Republic of Congo and over
84, 000 are from Burundi who have been arriving in the country sinceApril 2015 due to the unstable situation in their country of origin. A totalof 149,457 refugees arehosted in 6 refugee camps, namely Nyabiheke, Gihembe Kiziba, Kigeme,Mugombwa and Mahama.
All refugee in camps have access to basic services including shelter,primary health care, vaccination, reproductive health services, nutritionsupport, etc., and access to water and sanitation facilitieshas been ensured.
The AssociatePublicHealth Officer will be based in the Kirehe Sub-Office, carrying outdirect oversight functions for the Health/Nutrition Sector in the Mahama camp, transitcenters receiving Burundian refugees and in the urban settings in Kirehe. As such, s/he will develop and ensure proper implementation ofpolicies and procedures, provide technical support to partner medical staff ineach location, and act as UNHCR’s liaison with localhealth authorities. As UNHCR’s local focal point in the health/nutrition sector, s/he will provide background and technical input for visitingdelegations, regional initiatives, and domestic strategic programs impactingthe health of refugees. ******** Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomes applicationsfrom qualified candidates regardless of disability, gender identity, marital orcivil partnership status, race, color or ethnic and national origins, religionor belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). |
Ensure, in close collaboration with other humanitarian actors, thatpublic health, reproductive health, HIV and nutritional andmental health services provided to refugees are based upon Ministry of Health, UNHCRand/or internationally recognized and most up-to-date standards and policies.This includes:• Establish and/oradapting UNHCR internal guidelines and procedures to streamline inputs andimprove efficiency of program activities through integrated public health responsealso taking into account crucial services such as water and sanitation.
• Promote appliedresearch and program evaluation to enable the identification of gaps in programimplementation and standards, and to further promote evidence-based activitiesand guidance. • Identify gaps andoverlaps in programming, address unmet needs, and orient existing activities toaddress priority public health issues. • Promote inter-sectoralcoordination outside and within UNHCR in all matters related to public health andnutrition programs. • Undertake needs andresources assessments with Governments and partners in order to prioritizeneeds and activities in provision of services to refugees and other persons ofconcern to UNHCR. • Standardize approachesto disease control related to cross-border population movements between UNHCR Sub-Office and health and nutrition partners and other UNbodies. This may involve travel within the region to ensure proper cross-bordercoordination of disease prevention and control activities. (2) Monitor and evaluate public health and nutrition programs againststandard UNHCR and international indicators to ensure that programs are evidence-basedand implemented in a comprehensive and cost-effective manner. This includes: • Active involvement inall aspects of program monitoring and evaluation with emphasis on checkinglevels of implementation and impact vis-à-vis resource inputs to measurecost-effectiveness and re-orient the programs as appropriate. • Monitor health andnutrition programs with emphasis on organization and use of the health information system; application of standard guidelines andprotocols; and comprehensiveness of health and nutrition programs. This will beaccomplished via regular site visits, flow of information (reporting), use of healthsector monitoring systems, conventional/non-conventional surveys and evaluationstudies, data analysis and interpretation, and the support of periodicnutrition surveys. – Oversight of medical referrals, ensuring compliance with UNHCR guidelinesand local standard of care. (3) Support capacity building initiatives so that refugees and otherpersons of concern to UNHCR, UNHCR and its partners acquire the neededknowledge, skills, and sense of responsibility and ownership of programs. Thisincludes: supporting health and nutrition focal points and coordinators of partners to develop training plans, organize and act as resource persons in workshopsand training both in-service (formal) and on the job (coaching); sharing withlocal and international partners relevant guidelines and information materialson refugee health including reproductive health, HIV/AIDS,mental health and nutrition; supporting the establishment of Refugee Health, HIV andNutrition Committees to enable their active participation in process of health,HIV and nutrition planning, implementation,monitoring andevaluation; advocating, informing, and communicating amongst stakeholders to ensurethat the health and nutritional needs of refugees and other PoCs are addressedand appropriately ddocumented/disseminated among government, UN agencies,implementing/operational partners, and donor communities. (4) Ensure refugees have access to HIV treatment and care servicescomplying the national standards; UNHCR is recipient of a grant for Global Fundto finance support Burundian refugees access to treatment. UNHCR is also indiscussions with the government on integration of refugees in the nationalprogram grant. The Associate Public Health Officer will closelyengage in the negotiation process at the level of theSub-Office. (5) Urban refugees will be included in the national health insuranceprogram. The Associate Public Health Officer will support the process of integrationof refugees in health services and discussions on strategy and scope of thehealth insurance program including possible expansion to the camp-basedrefugees. (6) Contribute in core sectoral assessmentsand engage in multifunctional team monitoring; Standard Expanded Nutrition Surveys(SENS) and Joint Assessment Missions (JAM) |
· Education:A clinical background of Medical Doctor or Nurse with postgraduate training inPublic Health.?· Experience: Minimum of 5 years of relevant experiencein progressively responsible functions including refugee settings
· Atleast 3 years ofinternational humanitarian experience in low income countries · Previous working experience in refugee settings · Good experience in nutrition · Experiencein emergency settings · Language:Fluency in Englishboth in written and spoken |
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· Knowledge of public health, nutrition,reproductive health and HIV as well as mental health in humanitarian emergencies.· Knowledge of the latest developments and technologyin public health, nutrition, reproductive health and HIV/AIDS Accountability:
· Proven technical and managerial competence in publichealth and nutrition programming; · Ability to promote good working relationships amongcolleagues, supervisors · Ability for analytical and creative thinking forrapid solutions · Good communicator with strong interpersonal and negotiationskills to deal with S/M of different cultural and educational backgrounds · Extremely high ethical and professional standards · Language:Fluency in Englishboth in written and spoken |
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6) Senior Resettlement Assistant at The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR/Rwanda). Deadline : February 24, 2020
A Senior Resettlement Assistant position is typicallylocated at Regional Office, Branch Office or Field Office. Under supervision,the incumbent’s primary role is to assist the supervisor in effectiveresettlement delivery of a given UNHCR Office in accordance with the UNHCRResettlement Handbook, UNHCR Manual and relevant policy papers and publications.The Senior Resettlement Assistant provides important clerical and administrativesupport to resettlement operations and may as required take part in assessingcases for resettlement and conducting interviews. The incumbent maintainsfrequent contacts with his/her supervisor, relevant colleagues within the sameOffice or Offices under purview to exchange information and discuss issues onresettlement cases. Some contacts and communication at a working level arerequired with Embassy / Immigration Officials of resettlement countries, IOM as well as with other operating partners regardingresettlement issues.
******************************************************************************** Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). Should you be asked for a fee or a benefit at any stage ofthis process, please report your concern to UNHCR’s Investigation Service ([email protected]). |
Accountability: · UNHCR’sresettlement policies and standards are correctly and coherently applied. · Personsof concern are made aware of UNHCR’s resettlement procedures and have fair andtransparent access to and participation in the resettlement process. · Suspectedfraud in the resettlement process is promptly reported).
Responsibility: · Carryout preliminary interviews and initial assessments, to process refugees forresettlement following established procedures. · Preparewritten documentation for resettlement submission; ensure that records / filesof individual cases are updated in a systematic and timely manner. · Assessand review individual resettlement cases and prepare individual / groupsubmission for scrutiny by the supervisor. · Providepersons of concern with up-to-date and accurate information on UNHCR’sresettlement policies and procedures. · Complywith UNHCR’s standard operating procedures on resettlement, ensuring timelyaction on cases. · Followup on cases from time of submission to final decision and departure; ensureeffective in-country communication on the status and follow-up on persons ofconcern being considered for resettlement. · Assistin maintaining and updating proGres or Consolidated Online ResettlementTracking System (CORTS) database and provide technical support. · Coordinatetravel and departure arrangements for refugees accepted for resettlement. · Organizelogistical support for governments undertaking resettlement missions. · Provideadministrative support for resettlement-related training activities, includingorganization of resettlement workshops and meetings as required. · Maintainaccurate resettlement statistics as well as up-to-date records on individualcases; assist in the preparation of reports. · Draft/ type routine correspondence to Field Offices / Regional Offices /Headquarters. · Systematicallyapply an Age, Gender and Diversity perspective in all aspects of theresettlement process; comply with UNHCR policy and guidelines on HIV/AIDS. · Assistin mitigating resettlement fraud by reporting suspected fraud.
Authority · Recommendeligible cases for resettlement consideration. Provide counselling to persons of concern. |
· Completionof the Secondary Education with certificate/training in training in International Law, International Relations or related fields required.
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DESIRABLE QUALIFICATION& COMPETENCIES· Goodknowledge of resettlement issues and UNHCR resettlement policies andoperational applications.
· Completionof UNHCR specific learning/training activities (e.g., PLPand RSD/Resettlement Learning Programme, resettlement anti-fraud workshop).. |
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7) Generator Technician at The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR/Rwanda). Deadline : February 24, 2020
TITRE DU POSTE: | Generator Technician | VACANCE DE POSTE : | 20/HCR/KGL/VN/040 | NUMERO DU POSTE | UNOPS (3) |
A GeneratorTechnician position is located at the Branch Office. Under supervision, the incumbentshallbe responsible for installation, dismantling, maintenance and repair ofgenerators. The incumbent will directly report tothe Administrative Associate.
**************************************************************************** Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). Should you be asked for a fee or a benefit at any stage ofthis process, please report your concern to UNHCR’s Investigation Service ([email protected]). RENUMERATION A competitive compensation and benefits package isoffered. For information on UN Salaries, allowances and benefits, please visitthe portal of the international Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org. |
o Hands on manufacture, maintenance, installation,service and repair to a varied range of diesel driven generating sets, dieselgenerator control systems and associated equipment including turbochargers andfuel injection equipment. o Carry out fault diagnosis and carry out forwardplanning on assigned work/projects. o Ensure most economical and effective layout ofelectrical installations together with achieving high level of productivity inwork assigned. o Ensure operatives, apprentices and assistants under controlcarry out all works to required standards Ensure spares or materials lists arecompiled in good time for work assigned. o Ensure having adequate hand tools to carry outduties when not travelling, will be required to assist with general workshopduties. o Ensure all resources allocated are safely andsecurely stored while in possession and ensure that returned in a reasonableand appropriate timescale. o Carrying out site visits as and when requested bythe fleet manager and carry out on-call responsibilities on a rota basis conductself in a manner, which maintains and enhances working relationship withcustomer and where possible, capitalise on any networking opportunities topromote the Company and its services. o Complete all paperwork such as time sheets andexpense claims in a timely and accurate manner. o Ensure that issues and risks are escalated to managementto allow adequate investigation and resolution. o Ensure that all actions are considerate andcompliant with the quality standards, health and safety standards and Companystandards. o Observe and demonstrate behaviours in line with thecore values of the UNHCR. Approach situations with a responsible, tenacious andaccountable attitude o Ensure all identified problems and causes forconcern are reported to fleet manager immediately and recorded. |
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8) Generator Technician at The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR/Rwanda). Deadline : February 24, 2020
The position is in the Administration atUNHCR Nyamata. The incumbent shall be responsiblefor installation, dismantling, maintenance and repair of generators. The incumbent will directly report to the Associate AdministrativeOfficer.***********************************************************
Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomes applicationsfrom qualified candidates regardless of disability, gender identity, marital orcivil partnership status, race, color or ethnic and national origins, religionor belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). |
o Hands on manufacture, maintenance, installation,service and repair to a varied range of diesel driven generating sets, dieselgenerator control systems and associated equipment including turbochargers andfuel injection equipment. o Carry out fault diagnosis and carry out forwardplanning on assigned work/projects. o Ensure most economical and effective layout ofelectrical installations together with achieving high level of productivity inwork assigned. o Ensure operatives, apprentices and assistants under controlcarry out all works to required standards Ensure spares or materials lists arecompiled in good time for work assigned. o Ensure having adequate hand tools to carry outduties when not travelling, will be required to assist with general workshopduties. o Ensure all resources allocated are safely andsecurely stored while in possession and ensure that returned in a reasonableand appropriate timescale. o Carrying out site visits as and when requested bythe fleet manager and carry out on-call responsibilities on a rota basis conductself in a manner, which maintains and enhances working relationship withcustomer and where possible, capitalise on any networking opportunities topromote the Company and its services. o Complete all paperwork such as time sheets andexpense claims in a timely and accurate manner. o Ensure that issues and risks are escalated to managementto allow adequate investigation and resolution. o Ensure that all actions are considerate andcompliant with the quality standards, health and safety standards and Companystandards. o Observe and demonstrate behaviours in line with thecore values of the UNHCR. Approach situations with a responsible, tenacious andaccountable attitude o Ensure all identified problems and causes forconcern are reported to fleet manager immediately and recorded. |
ESSENTIAL MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONSAND EXPERIENCEEducation: High School Certificate is required. Technical diploma will be an advantage.
Experience: Minimum five (5) year experience in a combination of mechanic/technician. Two (2) or more year in INGO or in commercial company. |
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Technical Skills
Excellent knowledge of English, Knowledge of Frenchor other languages is an ass |
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9) Associate Project Manager at The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR/Rwanda). Deadline : February 26, 2020
TITRE DU POSTE: | Associate Project Manager | VACANCE DE POSTE : | 20/HCR/KGL/VN/041 | NUMERO DU POSTE | UNPOS4 |
Giventhe deteriorating security situation in and around the Libyan capital ofTripoli, UNHCR has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with theauthorities of the Republic of Rwanda and the African Union (AU) in theimmediate establishment of an Emergency Transfer Mechanism (ETM). Theestablishment of the ETM is aimed at responding to the emergency protectionneeds of refugees, asylum-seekers, children and youth-at-risk, and others ofconcern in Libya (urban-based and detention environments).
TheGovernment of Rwanda has graciously authorized the use of Gashora TransitCentre in Bugesera District for accommodating the evacuees from Libya. United Nations High Commissioner (UNHCR) hasstarted the repair and upgrade of the infrastructure by renovating the existingfacilities and constructing additional accommodation units, Water and SanitationHygiene (WASH) facilities and public structures as the structures are belowstandards. UNHCR and Ministry In-charge of Emergency Management (MINEMA) areproviding the core protection assistance including registration, documentationand refugee status determination in line with their mandate. Existing partnershave their Project Partnership Agreements (PPAs) extended for the provisionof integrated essential servicesincluding the upkeep and maintenance of the ETM facility, access to healthcareservices and accelerated learning opportunities, psychosocial counselling,child protection interventions, Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV) preventionand response, as well as community self-empowerment initiatives, vocational andentrepreneurial skills training to expand access to socio-economic rights andlivelihoods opportunities. The operation istherefore in need of an Associate Project Manager who will report to and beguided by the Senior Program officer in carrying out a supervisoryresponsibility of ensuring the ETM activities are implemented in line with theproject proposal. ******************************************************* Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomes applicationsfrom qualified candidates regardless of disability, gender identity, marital orcivil partnership status, race, color or ethnic and national origins, religionor belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). |
· Writing all European Union Trust Fund projectcontracting documents;
• Write all EuropeanUnion Trust Fund reporting documents (quarterly reports, monitoring reports,interim reports, newsletters, updates, etc.); • Coordinate with DonorRelations and Programme teams to ensure activities are not double-funded withother donor contributions; • Follow up withProgramme on implementation by partners and Direct Implementation (inform EuropeanUnion Task Force if any challenges seen in the implementation); • Continuous follow upwith Programme on challenges faced with the tight European Union Task Force budgetstructure and raise a red flag in case of challenges; • Ensure visibility isprovided in close coordination with Communication unit in UNHCR EU Unit inBrussels, including writing human interest stories, tweet texts, photos, draftvideo scripts, etc.; • Assist Programme team infinding adequate ways of Management Systems Renewal Project (MSRP) coding incase no specific situation/Population Planning Group is created for ETMactivities – there needs to be an easy system, as otherwise financial reporting(on yearly basis) is extremely challenging. • Organize EuropeanUnion field missions to ETM centre; • Work with EuropeanUnion Trust Fund monitoring consultancy on finding adequate indicators forquarterly monitoring; • Ensure data onindicators are provided on quarterly basis; • Close relation with RegistrationOfficer to ensure a useful data statistics template is created and which isupdates on weekly/monthly basis (ETM Niger has a good statistic updateavailable) • Be the interlocutorfor any European Union Task Force contracted Third-Party Monitoring (TPM) and Results-BasedMonitoring (RBM) missions; • Regular interactionwith the EU Delegation • Attend European UnionTrust Fund Steering Committee meetings in Brussels or elsewhere (includingpresenting) • Attend to any other relevant tasks as required…with key occupation/skills/experienceavailable |
· Education:University degree or equivalent in Business Administration,Law, Economics, Development, Social Science or related field.
· Experience: Minimum3 years of work experience relevant to the function, in programme management,monitoring evaluation
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· Integrity and professionalism: demonstratedexpertise in area of specialty and ability to apply good judgment; high degreeof autonomy, personal initiative and ability to take ownership; willingness toaccept wide responsibilities and ability to work independently underestablished procedures in a politically sensitive environment, while exercisingdiscretion, impartiality and neutrality; ability to manage information objectively,accurately and confidentially; responsive and client oriented.· Accountability: mature and responsible; ability tooperate in compliance with organizational rules and regulations.
· Commitment to continuous learning: initiative andwillingness to learn new skills and stay abreast of new developments in area ofexpertise; ability to adapt to changes in work environment. · Planning and organizing: effective organizationaland problem-solving skills and ability to manage a large volume of work in anefficient and timely manner; ability to establish priorities and to plan,coordinate and monitor (own) work; ability to work under pressure, withconflicting deadlines, and to handle multiple concurrent projects/activities. · Teamwork and respect for diversity: ability tooperate effectively across organizational boundaries; ability to establish andmaintain effective partnerships and harmonious working relations in amulti-cultural, multi-ethnic environment with sensitivity and respect for diversityand gender; · Communication: proven interpersonal skills; goodspoken and written communication skills, including ability to prepare clear andconcise reports; ability to conduct presentations, articulate options andpositions concisely; ability to make and defend recommendations; ability tocommunicate and empathize with staff (including national staff), militarypersonnel, volunteers, counterparts and local interlocutors coming from verydiverse backgrounds; ability to maintain composure and remain helpful towardsthe staff, but objective, without showing personal interest; capacity totransfer information and knowledge to a wide range of different target groups; |
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10) Senior Shelter Assistant at The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR/Rwanda). Deadline : February 28, 2020
TITRE DU POSTE: | Senior Shelter Assistant | VACANCE DE POSTE : | 20/HCR/KGL/VN/042 | NUMERO DU POSTE | UNOPS5 |
LIEU D’AFFECTATION: | Kabarore | CATEGORIE/GRADE : | LICA 5 | DATE LIMITE : | 2020-02-28 |
Under the direct supervisionof the Associate Physical Site Planner based in Branch office working closewith the Head of Field Office/Field Unit at Kabarore FU in collaboration with Headof Field Unit, the incumbent will be based in Kabarore FU and will be requiredto travel to Nyabiheke refugee camp, or assigned mission to support other camps,receptions centers and urban areas. Snr Shelter Assistant will support furtherdevelopment and continuity of the shelter activities and other infrastructuresproject activities at the camp level and host community projects fundeddirectly by UNHCR.
Finally, the incumbent withthe help of Associate Physical Site Planner will be responsible for ensuringthat UNHCR standards are maintained in shelter construction, monitor the workof construction companies, take care of the maintenance of the structuresalready built and monitor the numerous constructions undertaken within thesigned camp. ******************************************** Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). Should you be asked for a fee or a benefit at any stage ofthis process, please report your concern to UNHCR’s Investigation Service ([email protected]). |
· Atfield level, assist the UNHCR Associate Physical Site Planner or Head of FieldOffice to implement clear guidance and standards for shelter, including minimumstandards to meet basic and essential needs.· Assistin carrying out technical assessments of the construction of new construction;rehabilitation/maintenance works (i.e. shelter/communalstructures/roads/drainage works) in priority locations that have beenidentified by the camp administration and /or the joint MFT team.
· Assistthe respective Field Office/Field Unit in shelter monitoring, coordinate allshelter and infrastructure activities within the camp; working closely with theexisting refugee structures (leaders and shelter committees) to support onshelter interventions · AssistUNHCR Associate Physical Site Planner to monitor the implementation of projectsunder the area of responsibility. · Coordinatedaily need assessment on shelter within the camps · Participateon all shelter related meetings, compile reports or minutes on weekly/monthlybasis · Assistin verifying any BoQs, execution plan, including defining the scope of works,technical drawings and specifications for internal analysis. · Supportsupply in the market analysis of locally available construction materials andskills, promoting the use of local capacity as appropriate. · SupportField Office in monitoring WASH activities within the camps and to ensure allrelated WASH services conform to UNHCR standards · Playmajor role in Multi-functional Team during all stages of programme cycle · Regularlyreport on work progress of various activities and preparation of SitRep (weeklyand monthly). Perform other related duties as required |
· Completionof secondary education with post-secondary certificate/training courses inshelter related fields.· Minimum3 years of relevant working experience, including collaboration with differentinternational organizations (e.g. UN agencies, Red Cross Movement, INGOs, IOsor Donors).
· Excellentknowledge of English and good knowledge of French. · Knowledgeableon the use of engineering software’s i.e. AutoCAD, ArchiCAD etc. · ManagingResources · Analyticalthinking. · TechnologicalAwareness. · Planningand Organizing. |
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· Knowledgeof UNHCR standards and criteria for site selection, as well as issues relatedto shelter, protection, WASH, environment, land property issues etc. will be anasset.· Goodknowledge about construction of buildings. Any specific additional knowledgeabout electricity work, water and sanitation system will be an asset.
· Goodknowledge of site surveying and experience in undertaking related topographyassessments/ feasibility studies for site identification and environmentalimpact studies whilst using surveying tools (including GPS equipment, GISsoftware). · Capacityto work with multi sectorial teams to ensure that relevant issues related tothe site/settlements planning are taken into consideration such as thedevelopment/maintenance of various infrastructures required. · Willingnessand ability to work in hardship environments. · Computerliteracy in MS Office and other relevant software to produce digital maps, siteplans, layout and technical drawings. |
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11) Principal Secretary at The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR/Rwanda). Deadline : February 24, 2020
TITRE DU POSTE: | Principal Secretary | VACANCE DE POSTE : | 20/HCR/KGL/VN/043 | NUMERO DU POSTE | TA (Kigali) |
LIEU D’AFFECTATION: | Kigali | CATEGORIE/GRADE : | G6 | DATE LIMITE : | 2020-02-24 |
The position of the Principal Secretary is part of theRepresentative’s Office and will work under the direct supervision of theRepresentative. The incumbent will be working directly with and providingadministrative and secretarial support services to the Representative and theDeputy Representative in order to ensure the smooth running of the Executive Officeand its flow and management of information. This would involve direct contactwith other staff members and contacts with high ranking officials, both withinand outside UNHCR. The successful incumbent must possess the ability toprioritise tasks and to organise work independently based on direction from theRepresentative and the Deputy Representative.***************************************************
If you wish to be considered for this vacancy,please submit your application on http://rwanda.unhcr.io by 24February 2020 Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). Should you be asked for a fee or a benefit at any stage ofthis process, please report your concern to UNHCR’s Investigation Service ([email protected]). |
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