2 Job Positions at The Global Fund: (Deadline 25 April 2022)

2 Job Positions at The Global Fund: (Deadline 25 April 2022)

2 Job Positions at The Global Fund: (Deadline 25 April 2022)

Ethics Officer at The Global Fund: (Deadline 25 April 2022)



Country Coordinating Mechanisms of the Global Fund in Rwanda, CCM Rwanda

Job Title

Ethics Officer

Terms and Duration

of Contract

This is a part-time position for 12 Months based on satisfactory performance

Duty Station


Job Background

The Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) are the embodiment of one of the Global Fund’s founding principles, Country Ownership and as the main multi-stakeholder governance body for Global Fund investments at the country level, CCMs play several key roles, including creating funding requests, nominating Principal Recipients, and overseeing grant implementation. In carrying out their work, CCMs have to follow the highest standards of ethics and integrity since ethical and responsible decision-making by CCMs is key for the success of Global Fund programs in countries. Therefore, CCM members need to apply the highest standards of conduct in their work to prevent, detect, and respond to conflicts of interest, unethical conduct and prohibited practices, as ethics and good governance contribute to our ability to deliver on our mission to eradicate the three diseases. Evidence and experience illustrate that improved ethical conduct and conflict of interest management lead to greater trust and improvements in CCM functioning, and contribute towards more robust funding requests, improved grant oversight and ultimately better programmatic performance and health impact. CCMs are required by the CCM Policy through Eligibility Requirement 6 to: approve and adopt the Code of Ethical Conduct for CCM members; develop or update, as necessary, and publish a conflict of interest policy that applies to all CCM members, alternates and CCM Secretariat staff; and enforce the Code of Ethical Conduct and apply the conflict of interest policy throughout the life of Global Fund grants. Additionally, CCMs must ensure new members are trained on the Code, obtain certification from all members that they have complied with, and commit to continue to comply with the Code and either appoint one CCM member as an Ethics Focal Point or, create an Ethics Committee. To support CCMs, the Global Fund is funding a CCM Ethics Officer role, as a part-time position within the CCM Secretariat. The role of the CCM Ethics Officer is to support the Operations function of the CCM, which includes ensuring Ethical leadership and conduct. The CCM Ethics Officer should also serve as the Protection from Sexual Exploitation Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) Focal Point for the CCM.

Job Description

The CCM Ethics Officer acts as the ethics function of the CCM Secretariat and reports to both the CCM Executive Secretary and the CCM leadership. The CCM Ethics Officer works with the existing CCM Ethics Committee or CCM Ethics Focal Point (depending on which one the CCM has in place). The CCM Ethics Officer is part of the CCM Secretariat and therefore cannot be a CCM member. For this role, the CCM Ethics Officer will be receiving guidance and support from the Ethics Office of the Global Fund. The role of the CCM Ethics Officer is to support the Operations function of the CCM which includes ensuring ethical leadership and conduct and to support the CCM in its goal to coordinate national disease programs at the country level, in support of ending the epidemics and achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3; 2 to contribute to the strategic functioning of a CCM by promoting ethical conduct and decision-making in all CCM activities; to lead the ongoing enforcement of the Code of Ethical Conduct (focusing on conflict of interest management, ethical decision-making and behaviors) to support the Global Fund’s ethical values; and to support the CCM in its shared responsibility for preventing and responding to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment and related abuse of power in the context of Global Fund programs.

The specific areas of responsibility for the CCM Ethics Officer position are:

  • Responsibilities related to Values and Principles driven actions & behaviors;
  • Responsibilities related to Conflict of Interest (CoI) management;
  • Responsibilities related to Policies & Procedures;
  • Responsibilities related to Accountability in case of alleged or reported breaches;
  • Responsibilities related to Protection from Sexual Exploitation Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH).

Reporting and Communication Lines

The CCM Ethics Officer reports to both the CCM Executive Secretary and the CCM leadership and liaises and coordinates as needed with the Ethics Office of the Global Fund, and other CCM sub-committees, CCM Secretariat Staff, the Country Team, the CCM Hub, and the Principal Recipients.

Duties and Responsibilities

Objective 1 related to Values Principles driven actions & behaviors:

  • Monitoring CCM activities and deliberations to ensure the respect of the Values and Principles included in the CCM Code of Conduct;
  • Ensuring ethics considerations are embedded in decision-making processes;
  • Providing advice, ongoing guidance, and support to all CCM members, CCM Leadership, Executive Committee, and CCM Secretariat;
  • Ensuring all members are trained and aware of their role and responsibilities with training sessions and regular communications; • Tracking the completion of the CCM Code of Conduct e-learning modules by all CCM members;
  • Acting as custodian and mediator of ethical and governance matters to protect the integrity of the CCM as a whole, and resolving issues as they arise.

Objective 2 related to Conflict of Interest (CoI) management:

  • Ensuring all members have updated CoI Declarations on record;
  • Pre-screening meetings agendas against CoI declarations; identifying perceived, potential or actual CoI and informing the CCM Chair;
  • Supporting the CCM Chair with managing and mitigating identified CoI before, during, and after meetings.
  • Ensuring the appropriate documentation including CoI declarations, meeting minutes, and the management of these documents.

Objective 3 related to Policies & Procedures:

  • Ensuring the adoption and implementation of the Code of Conduct by the CCM as a body, by all CCM members and for new members going forward, and documenting the adoption;
  • Ensuring existing governance documents are periodically reviewed and revised as needed and endorsed by the CCM (by-laws, CoI procedures, and declaration forms) and that they reflect the CCM Code of Conduct.

Objective 4 related to Accountability in case of alleged or reported breaches:

  • Ensuring CCM Code of Conduct breaches are appropriately and timely reported, addressed, and documented;
  • Promoting and supporting compliance with the Whistle-blowing Policy (Duty to Speak Out);
  • Supporting the response to potential ethical misconduct, including advising on investigations;
  • Initiating or supporting actions taken to prevent, manage and sanction CCM Code of Conduct breaches.

Objective 5 related to PSEAH:

  • Supporting the CCM in its shared responsibility for preventing and responding to SEAH, child protection, and related abuse of power in the context of Global Fund programs;
  • Supporting fund recipients in the execution of their PSEAH obligations and overseeing their ongoing adherence to the PSEAH requirements in the Code of Conduct for Recipients;
  • Serving as the in-country point of contact for the Global Fund on matters of PSEAH and coordinating the PSEAH Focal Points at the Principal Recipient level;
  • Acting as a “safe space” for in-person reporting of SEAH allegations and ensuring that the same exists across implementers;
  • Where available, joining and participating actively in any in-country PSEA networks 1 ;
  • Maintaining up-to-date referral pathways for victim/survivor support referrals;
  • Liaising on victim/survivor support with the Global Fund’s Victim Advocate and In-Country Support Coordinator;
  • Providing expertise on PSEAH to the CCM, including support and guidance to the CCM leadership;
  • Organizing an annual PSEAH training for CCM members, with the support of the in-country PSEA network and the Global Fund.

Key Qualifications

A. Qualifications


  • Advanced degree in public health, ethics, Law, Public Administration, Business Administration, or related field.

B. Experience Essential:

  • Solid experience in building and developing partnerships in political environments and in mediating complex issues and deliverables at country, regional and international levels.
  • Experience working in program planning and management, and/or equivalent experience.
  • Experience working in PSEAH or a related field, or in the prevention of/response to issues of misconduct.
  • Solid understanding and experience of strategic, organizational, and management issues.
  • Understanding of Global Fund processes and its funding model.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.


  • At least 5 years of professional experience (international or national) working in planning or management in the humanitarian sector or public health or disease program management.



Working level of English (or French) as well as knowledge of Kinyarwanda language used by key population.

Technical skills:

  • Proficient in Microsoft Office applications, email, internet, and websites.
  • Robust understanding of Governance and Ethics matters.
  • The high degree of organization, initiative, political awareness, and knowledge of public health issues.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and proven ability to communicate and interact diplomatically with high-level officials from the government, NGOs, UN agencies, the private sector, and in-country PSEA network members.
  • Strong writing, presentation, and communication skills.
  • Previous experience and/or background in government or private sector desirable

How to Apply

  • If you believe you meet the above requirements, please submit your updated CV, motivation letter, three professional references, notified degree/equivalent degree, telephone contact, and email address.
  • Please send your application in softy copy to info@ccm.rw
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The deadline for receiving applications is 25/04/2022 at 17:00 PM.


Oversight/Transition Officer at The Global Fund: (Deadline 25 April 2022)



Country Coordinating Mechanisms of the Global Fund in Rwanda, CCM Rwanda

Job Title

Oversight/Transition Officer

Probation period :  3 Months

The period of performance and expected duration of the contract is 2 years.

Duty Station


Job Background

Oversight is a key function of the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM), focusing on the essential financial, programmatic, and management aspects of the grant portfolio. Global Fund-supported interventions contribute to the broader national health response via an enhanced use of strategic information and a risk management approach. The CCM Secretariat (particularly through the oversight officer) plays a key support role for this function, which ranges from facilitating logistical arrangements and coordination with the oversight committee to information synthesis and analysis.  This document can be used when an oversight officer is part of the staff of the CCM Secretariat or in cases where an Executive Secretary is directly supporting the implementation of Oversight activities for the CCM. The document also considers specific tasks for countries currently preparing for or already going through transition-related processes.

Job Position Objectives

  1. Facilitate and support analytical data-driven discussions and decision-making.
  2. Provide support to oversight planning and implementation.
  3. Provide technical and administrative support to the CCM oversight committee.

Duties and Responsibilities

Operational Area 1: Support Oversight Planning and Implementation

  • Update the CCM oversight plan in coordination with the Executive Secretary and the oversight committee and obtain full endorsement for this plan by the CCM. The oversight officer will then ensure the plan details specific activities, tools, and methods for data collection, analysis and reporting, individual and/or constituency responsibilities, relevant elements and indicators related to risk management, issues related to sustainability or transition (where relevant), and realization of co-financing commitments / co-financing tracking (if possible based on country context). The oversight officer then ensures the plan, tailored to the country’s grant objectives and priorities, is implemented.
  • Assist the oversight committee in the implementation of the annual oversight work plan. Ensure the implementation of activities of the oversight process (i.e. collection of information, analysis, and provision of recommendations to the CCM General Assembly, following up on actions decided by the CCM and sharing oversight information with the Global Fund on a frequent basis).
  • Communicate/coordinate with Principal Recipients (PRs) in the preparation and presentation of oversight reports (based on key insights from the CCM dashboard, progress update/disbursement requests (PUDRs), Grant Management Dashboards, and/or other reporting tools available).
  • If dashboards are available, manage and lead their generation, presentation and analysis.
  • If dashboards are not available, develop and provide appropriate templates and liaise with PRs to establish clear procedures and formats for frequent information sharing.
  • In transition preparedness settings:
  • Support the oversight of the implementation of a transition plan.
  • Conduct oversight of agreed actions to strengthen the sustainability of the national response and/or health systems.
  • Support CCMs to identify key sustainability, transition, and co-financing priorities for targeted efforts.
  • Share and disseminate knowledge on sustainability, transition, and co-financing priorities.
  • In countries with transition grants (i.e., that are transitioning from Global Fund financing):
  • Ensure adequate oversight of the implementation of activities detailed in the transition grant and transition plan.

Operational Area 2: Provide Technical and Administrative Support to the CCM Oversight Committee

  • Support the oversight committee in the implementation of oversight activities throughout the Global Fund’s grant life cycle (i.e., funding request preparation, grant-making, implementation, and closure).
  • Support the preparation and implementation of quarterly oversight committee meetings, ensuring all relevant information is adequately synthesized and organized to facilitate discussions.
  • Support the oversight committee in the preparation and implementation of information collection activities, including meetings with PRs, site visits, and consultations with specific groups (e.g., community-based monitoring initiatives, where these exist).
  • Develop and share procedures and templates to conduct site visits and support the oversight committee in their implementation. Whenever possible, leverage other in-country field visits (e.g. field visits organized by the Ministry of Health and other donors, etc.). Specific tasks include:
  • Analysis of issues to be explored during the site visit.
  • Documentation of the site visit team’s findings and recommendations.
  • Submission of the site visit findings and recommendations to the oversight committee.
  • Ensure that all oversight committee members are informed about Global Fund oversight policies, guidelines and tools.
  • Develop minutes of oversight committee meetings, including recommendations provided and actions agreed.
  • Track CCM decisions and actions based on the oversight committee’s recommendations.
  • Carry out additional tasks under this operational area as requested by the CCM chair.

Operational Area 3: Facilitate and support analytical data-driven discussions and decisions

  • Synthesize and analyze relevant information from different sources to support data-driven discussions of the CCM and its committees.
  • Analyze data and triangulate with site visit reports to identify critical implementation and risk mitigation challenges of PRs.
  • Summarize critical grant implementation issues and present them to the oversight committee using the available formats/tools
  • Ensure that all key processes are driven by strategic information drawn from in-country sources and Global Fund-specific-supported interventions.
  • Work with the Global Fund Country Team, PRs, and the oversight committee to hold and maintain ongoing data-driven dialogue for grant performance purposes. The data-driven dialogue includes the identification and analysis of key financial, programmatic, management and risk-related issues/information contained in PR reporting tools and/or available oversight tools. An important aspect of the analysis is the assessment of the consistency of financial and programmatic data as well as the potential effect of identified risks on grant performance and on national program performance.
  • Support the CCM (through the oversight committee) to actively oversee and manage risks, by ensuring that they are adequately identified and mitigated. This includes taking part in the development of risk assurance planning and validation processes.
  • Support the oversight committee in tracking the status of co-financing commitments using available tools or procedures.
  • Oversee timely and accurate updates of reporting tools (e.g. dashboards, where these exist) and support the oversight committee presentations to the CCM.
  • Ensure that information from community-based monitoring initiatives (where these exist in the country) is considered and incorporated in the oversight assessments and reports.

Key Performance Metrics

  1. Quarterly tracking and reporting on the absorption of resources available for oversight within the CCM funding agreement.
  2. Timely submission of analysis/technical summaries/completed oversight tools to support the oversight committee meetings. At least five working days before each meeting is considered best practice.
  3. Timely submission of draft minutes of oversight committee’s quarterly meetings with PRs to the oversight committee. Three working days after each meeting at the latest is considered best practice.
  4. Timely submission of site visit reports to the oversight committee chair. Three working days after each visit is considered best practice. Biannual oversight orientation for all new oversight committee members.

Reporting and Communication Lines

  • The oversight/transition officer reports to the CCM chair and is accountable to the CCM General Assembly. In addition, the oversight officer liaises and coordinates with the CCM Oversight Committee, CCM Secretariat Staff, CCM Executive Committee, the Country Team (when possible and during country visits), and Principal Recipients.

Qualifications, experience

A. Qualifications


  • Bachelor’s degree required, with social science, public health, population studies orientation highly desirable and advanced degree preferred.

B. Experience Essential:

  • Experience in project-level or state/national-level monitoring and evaluation system implementation.
  • Familiarity with the Global Fund CCM Policy and Oversight Function is desirable.
  • In transition preparedness settings: familiarity with Global Fund transition-related processes and the Global Fund’s sustainability, transition, and co-financing guidance (desirable).
  • Familiarity with the country’s health system structures.
  • Familiarity with epidemiologic indicators for HIV, TB, and malaria and financial indicators.
  • Experience working in a multi-stakeholder governance environment.


  • At least 2 years of experience in monitoring & evaluation or oversight of projects/programs.

Competencies and skills


Working level of English (or French) as well as knowledge of the Kinyarwanda language used by the key population.

Technical skills:

  • Proficiency in data collection, triangulation, and information analysis from different sources.
  • Policy decision-support, strategic analysis, and reporting.
  • Proficiency in the synthesis of financial, programmatic, and management information.
  • Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office, particularly Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Project.
  • Ability to work effectively with staff and organizational stakeholders.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and proven ability to communicate and interact with high-level officials from the government, NGOs, UN agencies, and the private sector.
  • Strong writing, presentation, facilitation, and communication skills.
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, set priorities, and work independently as well as part of a team.

How to Apply

  • If you believe you meet the above requirements, please submit your updated CV, motivation letter, three professional references, notified degree/equivalent degree, telephone contact, and email address.
  • Please send your application in softy copy to info@ccm.rw
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The deadline for receiving applications is 25/04/2022 at 17:00 PM.

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