28 Job Positions at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

28 Job Positions at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

28 Job Positions at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

Lecturer Social Sciences Department -CASS at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

Job responsibilities

1. Teaching  Prepare subjects to be taught as presented in modules  Teach subjects in his area of specialization  Evaluate students through continual assessment tests and examinations 3. Research & innovation  Prepare research proposals in line with his/her area of specialization and institutional thematic areas  Attract internal and external funding for research  Conduct research activities aiming at solving community problems  Publish research results at national, regional and international levels  Supervise/co-supervise PhD and Masters students and Postdoctoral fellows 3.Community Outreach  Disseminate research findings to relevant stakeholders  Elaborate research-based policy briefs for policy makers  Involvement in organizing national scientific conferences and workshops 4.Consultancy  Conduct consultancy activities in his/her area of specialization  Compete successfully for income generating consultancies and grants 5. Relevant Qualifications and Experience • PhD in Psychology or Sociology. • At least two (02) publications in peer-reviewed journals • Relevant experience of 3 years of teaching experience as Assistant Lecturer in the fields of Sociology is desirable. • Proficiency in Written and Spoken English. • Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply. 6. Required documents • Copy of National Identity Card • Copy of degree certificate and degree equivalence issued by the Higher Education Council in case the degree was obtained from outside Rwanda • Resume/CV • Evidence proving publication(s) with DOI link(s) of Peer-Reviewed Journal Article • Any other evidences to support the applicant’s information related to the position requirements


    • 1

      PhD in Sociology

      2 Years of relevant experience

  • 2

    PhD Degree in Psychology

    2 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Customer care skills
    • 2
      Strong organizational and time management skills
    • 3
      High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy
    • 4
      Efficient, effective and economic use of resources
    • 5
      Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services
    • 6
      Devotion and serving public interest
    • 7
      Accountability for administrative decisions
    • 8
      Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information
    • 9
      Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment.
  • 10
    Decency and integrity.



Lecturer -Political Science and International Relations Department -CASS at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

Job responsibilities

1. Teaching  Prepare subjects to be taught as presented in modules  Teach subjects in his area of specialization  Evaluate students through continual assessment tests and examinations 2. Research & innovation  Prepare research proposals in line with his/her area of specialization and institutional thematic areas  Attract internal and external funding for research  Conduct research activities aiming at solving community problems  Publish research results at national, regional and international levels  Supervise/co-supervise PhD and Masters students and Postdoctoral fellows 3.Community Outreach  Disseminate research findings to relevant stakeholders  Elaborate research-based policy briefs for policy makers  Involvement in organizing national scientific conferences and workshops 4.Consultancy  Conduct consultancy activities in his/her area of specialization  Compete successfully for income generating consultancies and grants 5. Relevant Qualifications and experience 1. PhD in Political Science. 2. At least two (02) publications in peer-reviewed journals 3. Relevant experience 3 years of teaching experience as assistant lecturer in the fields of Public Administration is desirable. 4. Proficiency in Written and Spoken English. 5. Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply. 6. Required documents • Copy of National Identity Card • Copy of degree certificate and degree equivalence issued by the Higher Education Council in case the degree was obtained from outside Rwanda • Resume/CV • • Evidence proving publication(s) with DOI link(s) of Peer-Reviewed Journal Article • Any other evidences to support the applicant’s information related to the position requirements


  • 1

    PhD in Political Sciences

    2 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Customer care skills
    • 2
      Strong organizational and time management skills
    • 3
      High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy
    • 4
      Efficient, effective and economic use of resources
    • 5
      Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services
    • 6
      Devotion and serving public interest
    • 7
      Accountability for administrative decisions
    • 8
      Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information
    • 9
      Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment.
  • 10
    Decency and integrity.



Lecturer Governance and Public Administration Department -CASS at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

Job responsibilities

1. Teaching  Prepare subjects to be taught as presented in modules  Teach subjects in his area of specialization  Evaluate students through continual assessment tests and examinations 2. Research & innovation  Prepare research proposals in line with his/her area of specialization and institutional thematic areas  Attract internal and external funding for research  Conduct research activities aiming at solving community problems  Publish research results at national, regional and international levels  Supervise/co-supervise PhD and Masters students and Postdoctoral fellows 3.Community Outreach  Disseminate research findings to relevant stakeholders  Elaborate research-based policy briefs for policy makers  Involvement in organizing national scientific conferences and workshops 4.Consultancy  Conduct consultancy activities in his/her area of specialization  Compete successfully for income generating consultancies and grants 5. Relevant Qualifications and experience 1. PhD in Governance or Public Administration or Public Policy. 2. At least two (02) publications in peer-reviewed journals 3. Relevant experience 3 years of teaching experience as assistant lecturer in the fields of Public Administration or Governance or Public policy is desirable. 4. Proficiency in Written and Spoken English. 5. Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply. 6. Required documents • Copy of National Identity Card • Copy of degree certificate and degree equivalence issued by the Higher Education Council in case the degree was obtained from outside Rwanda • Resume/CV • Evidence proving publication(s) with DOI link(s) of Peer-Reviewed Journal Article • Any other evidences to support the applicant’s information related to the position requirements


    • 1

      PhD in Governance Studies

      2 Years of relevant experience

    • 2

      PhD in Public Administration

      2 Years of relevant experience

  • 3

    PhD in Public Policy

    2 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Customer care skills
    • 2
      Strong organizational and time management skills
    • 3
      High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy
    • 4
      Efficient, effective and economic use of resources
    • 5
      Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services
    • 6
      Devotion and serving public interest
    • 7
      Accountability for administrative decisions
    • 8
      Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information
    • 9
      Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment.
  • 10
    Decency and integrity.




3 Job Positions of Assistant Lecturer Social Sciences Department at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

Job responsibilities

1. Teaching  Assist in preparation of subjects to be taught as presented in modules  Assist in teaching subjects in his/her area of specialization  Participate in the assessment and evaluation of students through continual assessment tests and examinations  Participate in organization of practical’s in classrooms, library and laboratories an d exams’ invigilation. 2. Research  Assist in preparation of research proposals in line with his area of specialization and institutional thematic areas  Participate in research activities aiming at solving community problems  Publish research results at national, regional and international levels 3.Community Outreach  Participate in dissemination of research findings to relevant stakeholders  Conduct research projects which may lead to PhD studies  Participate in organizing national scientific conferences 4.Consultancy  Conduct consultancy activities in his area of specialization  Compete successfully for income generating consultancies 5. Relevant Qualifications and Experience • Master’s degree in Sociology, or Social and Cultural Anthropology. • At least One (01) publications in peer-reviewed journals. • Candidates who have a PhD in Sociology, or Social and Cultural Anthropology or who are nearly finishing their PhD are highly encouraged to apply. • Relevant experience in the specific field: 1 year of teaching experience as a Tutorial Assistant is desirable. • Proficiency in Written and Spoken English. • Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply. 6. Required documents • Copy of National Identity Card • Copy of degree certificate and degree equivalence issued by the Higher Education Council in case the degree was obtained from outside Rwanda • Resume/CV • Evidence proving publication(s) with DOI link(s) of Peer-Reviewed Journal Article • Any other evidences to support the applicant’s information related to the position requirements


    • 1

      Master’s Degree in Sociology

      0 Year of relevant experience

  • 2

    Masters Degree in Social Anthropology

    0 Year of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Customer care skills
    • 2
      Strong organizational and time management skills
    • 3
      High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy
    • 4
      Efficient, effective and economic use of resources
    • 5
      Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services
    • 6
      Devotion and serving public interest
    • 7
      Accountability for administrative decisions
    • 8
      Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information
    • 9
      Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment.
  • 10
    Decency and integrity.



Tutorial Assistant history and Heritage Department -CASS at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

Job responsibilities

1. Teaching  Assist lecturers in preparation field work and practical’s  Assist lecturers in invigilation and marking of courses in his/her area of specialization  Participate in the assessment and evaluation of students through continual assessment tests and examinations  Participate in organization of practical’s in classrooms, library and laboratories. 2. Research  Participate in research proposals implementation trough data collection and entry for analysis,  Participate in the elaboration of research protocols.  Participate in research activities aiming at solving community problems  Participate in publishing research results at national, regional and international levels 3. Community Outreach  Participate in dissemination of research findings to relevant stakeholders  Conduct research projects which may lead to PhD studies  Participate in organizing national scientific conferences 4. Consultancy  Conduct consultancy activities in his area of specialization  Compete successfully for income generating consultancies 5. Relevant Qualifications 1. Recent graduates within the last three (3) years with a Bachelor’s degree with honors in History and Heritage Studies (First Class, Upper Second Division, or 70% marks and above) 2. Proficiency in written and spoken English 2. Not older than 30 years of age 6. Required documents • Copy of National Identity Card • Copy of degree certificate and degree equivalence in case the degree was obtained from outside Rwanda • Resume/CV • Any other evidences to support the applicant’s information related to the position requirements


  • 1

    Bachelor’s Degree in History and Heritage studies

    0 Year of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Customer care skills
    • 2
      Strong organizational and time management skills
    • 3
      High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy
    • 4
      Efficient, effective and economic use of resources
    • 5
      Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services
    • 6
      Devotion and serving public interest
    • 7
      Accountability for administrative decisions
    • 8
      Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information
    • 9
      Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment.
  • 10
    Decency and integrity.




Tutorial Assistant -Political Science and International Relations Department -CASS at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

Job responsibilities

1. Teaching  Assist lecturers in preparation field work and practical’s  Assist lecturers in invigilation and marking of courses in his/her area of specialization  Participate in the assessment and evaluation of students through continual assessment tests and examinations  Participate in organization of practical’s in classrooms, library and laboratories. 2. Research  Participate in research proposals implementation trough data collection and entry for analysis,  Participate in the elaboration of research protocols.  Participate in research activities aiming at solving community problems  Participate in publishing research results at national, regional and international levels 3. Community Outreach  Participate in dissemination of research findings to relevant stakeholders  Conduct research projects which may lead to PhD studies  Participate in organizing national scientific conferences 4. Consultancy  Conduct consultancy activities in his area of specialization  Compete successfully for income generating consultancies 5. Relevant Qualifications 1. Recent graduates within the last three (3) years with a Bachelor’s degree with honors in Political Science or International Relations (First Class, Upper Second Division, or 70% marks and above) 2. Proficiency in written and spoken English 3. Not older than 30 years of age 6. Required documents • Copy of National Identity Card • Copy of degree certificate and degree equivalence in case the degree was obtained from outside Rwanda • Resume/CV • Any other evidences to support the applicant’s information related to the position requirements


    • 1

      Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations

      0 Year of relevant experience

  • 2

    Bachelor’s Degree in Political Sciences

    0 Year of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Customer care skills
    • 2
      Strong organizational and time management skills
    • 3
      High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy
    • 4
      Efficient, effective and economic use of resources
    • 5
      Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services
    • 6
      Devotion and serving public interest
    • 7
      Accountability for administrative decisions
    • 8
      Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information
    • 9
      Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment.
  • 10
    Decency and integrity.



Tutorial Assistant Social Sciences Department -CASS at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

Job responsibilities

1. Teaching  Assist lecturers in preparation field work and practical’s  Assist lecturers in invigilation and marking of courses in his/her area of specialization  Participate in the assessment and evaluation of students through continual assessment tests and examinations  Participate in organization of practical’s in classrooms, library and laboratories. 2. Research  Participate in research proposals implementation trough data collection and entry for analysis,  Participate in the elaboration of research protocols.  Participate in research activities aiming at solving community problems  Participate in publishing research results at national, regional and international levels 3. Community Outreach  Participate in dissemination of research findings to relevant stakeholders  Conduct research projects which may lead to PhD studies  Participate in organizing national scientific conferences 4. Consultancy  Conduct consultancy activities in his area of specialization  Compete successfully for income generating consultancies 5. Relevant Qualifications 1. Recent graduates within the last three (3) years with a Bachelor’s degree with honors in Social work or Development studies (First Class, Upper Second Division, or 70% marks and above) 2. Proficiency in written and Spoken English 3. Not older than 30 years of age 6. Required documents • Copy of National Identity Card • Copy of degree certificate and degree equivalence in case the degree was obtained from outside Rwanda • Resume/CV • Any other evidences to support the applicant’s information related to the position requirements


    • 1

      Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies

      0 Year of relevant experience

  • 2

    Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work

    0 Year of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Customer care skills
    • 2
      Strong organizational and time management skills
    • 3
      High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy
    • 4
      Efficient, effective and economic use of resources
    • 5
      Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services
    • 6
      Devotion and serving public interest
    • 7
      Accountability for administrative decisions
    • 8
      Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information
    • 9
      Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment.
  • 10
    Decency and integrity.



3 Job Positions of Assistant Lecturer Center for Conflict Management -CASS/Contract at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

Job responsibilities

1. Teaching  Assist in preparation of subjects to be taught as presented in modules  Assist in teaching subjects in his/her area of specialization  Participate in the assessment and evaluation of students through continual assessment tests and examinations  Participate in organization of practical’s in classrooms, library and laboratories an d exams’ invigilation. 2. Research  Assist in preparation of research proposals in line with his area of specialization and institutional thematic areas  Participate in research activities aiming at solving community problems  Publish research results at national, regional and international levels 3.Community Outreach  Participate in dissemination of research findings to relevant stakeholders  Conduct research projects which may lead to PhD studies  Participate in organizing national scientific conferences 4.Consultancy  Conduct consultancy activities in his area of specialization  Compete successfully for income generating consultancies 5. Relevant Qualifications and Experience • Master’s degree in Sociology, or Social and Cultural Anthropology. • At least One (01) publications in peer-reviewed journals. • Candidates who have a PhD in Sociology, or Social and Cultural Anthropology or who are nearly finishing their PhD are highly encouraged to apply. • Relevant experience in the specific field: 1 year of teaching experience as a Tutorial Assistant is desirable. • Proficiency in Written and Spoken English. • Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply. 6. Required documents • Copy of National Identity Card • Copy of degree certificate and degree equivalence issued by the Higher Education Council in case the degree was obtained from outside Rwanda • Resume/CV • Evidence proving publication(s) with DOI link(s) of Peer-Reviewed Journal Article • Any other evidences to support the applicant’s information related to the position requirements


    • 1

      Master’s Degree in Sociology

      0 Year of relevant experience

  • 2

    Masters Degree in Social Anthropology

    0 Year of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Customer care skills
    • 2
      Strong organizational and time management skills
    • 3
      High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy
    • 4
      Efficient, effective and economic use of resources
    • 5
      Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services
    • 6
      Devotion and serving public interest
    • 7
      Accountability for administrative decisions
    • 8
      Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information
    • 9
      Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment.
  • 10
    Decency and integrity.




2 Job Positions of Tutorial Assistant Center for Conflict Management -CASS at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

Job responsibilities

1. Teaching  Assist lecturers in preparation field work and practical’s  Assist lecturers in invigilation and marking of courses in his/her area of specialization  Participate in the assessment and evaluation of students through continual assessment tests and examinations  Participate in organization of practical’s in classrooms, library and laboratories. 2. Research  Participate in research proposals implementation trough data collection and entry for analysis,  Participate in the elaboration of research protocols.  Participate in research activities aiming at solving community problems  Participate in publishing research results at national, regional and international levels 3. Community Outreach  Participate in dissemination of research findings to relevant stakeholders  Conduct research projects which may lead to PhD studies  Participate in organizing national scientific conferences 4. Consultancy  Conduct consultancy activities in his area of specialization  Compete successfully for income generating consultancies 5. Relevant Qualifications 5. Relevant Qualifications 1. Recent graduates within the last three (3) years with a Bachelor’s degree with honors in any field of Social Sciences (First Class, Upper Second Division, or 70% marks and above) from a well known University 2. Proficiency in written and spoken English 6. Other requirements • Aged 30 years or below • Be Rwandan 7. Required documents • Copy of National Identity Card • Copy of degree certificate and degree equivalence in case the degree was obtained from outside Rwanda • Resume/CV • Any other evidences to support the applicant’s information related to the position requirements


  • 1

    Bachelor’s Degree in Social Science

    0 Year of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Customer care skills
    • 2
      Strong organizational and time management skills
    • 3
      High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy
    • 4
      Efficient, effective and economic use of resources
    • 5
      Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services
    • 6
      Devotion and serving public interest
    • 7
      Accountability for administrative decisions
    • 8
      Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information
    • 9
      Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment.
  • 10
    Decency and integrity.



2 Job Positions of Associate Professor center for Gender Studies -CASS at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

Job responsibilities

1. Teaching  Prepare materials to be taught as presented in modules  Teach subjects in his/her area of specialization  Evaluate students through continual assessment tests and examinations 2. Research  Prepare research proposals in line with his/her area of specialization and institutional thematic areas  Attract internal and external funding for research  Conduct research activities aiming at solving community problems  Publish research results at national, regional and international levels  Supervise PhD and Masters students 3.Community Outreach  Disseminate research findings to relevant stakeholders  Elaborate research-based policy briefs for policy makers  Involvement in organizing national scientific conferences 4.Consultancy  Conduct consultancy activities in his/her area of specialization  Compete successfully for income generating consultancies 5. Relevant Qualifications and Experience • PhD degree in Social Sciences and Humanities • At least three (3) years of teaching experience as a senior lecturer in a recognized institution of higher education • Nine (9) publications in peer-reviewed journals, four (4) of which are at the senior lecturer level • Successfully supervising at least five (5) PhD students • Participation in or writing grant applications is an advantage 6. Required documents • Copy of National Identity Card • Copy of degree certificate and degree equivalence issued by the Higher Education Council in case the degree was obtained from outside Rwanda • Resume/CV • Evidence proving publication(s) with DOI link(s) of Peer-Reviewed Journal Article • Evidence of successfully supervising at least five PhD students (proof of graduation should be provided) • A statement on your teaching philosophy • Any other evidences to support the applicant’s information related to the position requirements


  • 1

    PhD in Social Sciences

    5 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Customer care skills
    • 2
      Strong organizational and time management skills
    • 3
      High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy
    • 4
      Efficient, effective and economic use of resources
    • 5
      Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services
    • 6
      Devotion and serving public interest
    • 7
      Accountability for administrative decisions
    • 8
      Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information
    • 9
      Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment.
  • 10
    Decency and integrity.




Senior lecturer Center for Gender Studies -CASSU at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

Job responsibilities

1. Teaching  Prepare subjects to be taught as presented in modules  Teach subjects in his area of specialization  Evaluate students through continual assessment tests and examinations 2. Research & innovation  Prepare research proposals in line with his/her area of specialization and institutional thematic areas  Attract internal and external funding for research  Conduct research activities aiming at solving community problems  Publish research results at national, regional and international levels  Supervise/co-supervise PhD and Masters students and Postdoctoral fellows 3.Community Outreach  Disseminate research findings to relevant stakeholders  Elaborate research-based policy briefs for policy makers  Involvement in organizing national scientific conferences and workshops 4,Consultancy  Conduct consultancy activities in his/her area of specialization  Compete successfully for income generating consultancies and grants 5. Relevant Qualifications and experience • PhD degree in in a field related to Gender studies, Social Sciences, from an accredited higher learning institution • At least three years of teaching experience as a Lecturer in a recognized institution of higher education • Five (5) publications in peer-reviewed journals • Successfully supervising at least two (2) Masters students • Participation in or writing grant applications is an advantage 6. Required documents • Copy of National Identity Card • Copy of degree certificate and degree equivalence issued by the Higher Education Council in case the degree was obtained from outside Rwanda • Resume/CV • Evidence proving publication(s) with DOI link(s) of Peer-Reviewed Journal Article • Evidence of successfully supervising at least two (2) Masters students (proof of graduation should be provided) • A statement on your teaching philosophy • Any other evidences to support the applicant’s information related to the position requirements


    • 1

      PhD in Social Sciences

      3 Years of relevant experience

  • 2

    PhD in Gender Studies

    3 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Customer care skills
    • 2
      Strong organizational and time management skills
    • 3
      High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy
    • 4
      Efficient, effective and economic use of resources
    • 5
      Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services
    • 6
      Devotion and serving public interest
    • 7
      Accountability for administrative decisions
    • 8
      Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information
    • 9
      Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment.
  • 10
    Decency and integrity.



2 Job Positions of Lecturer Center for Gender Studies -CASS at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

Job responsibilities

1. Teaching  Prepare subjects to be taught as presented in modules  Teach subjects in his area of specialization  Evaluate students through continual assessment tests and examinations 3. Research & innovation  Prepare research proposals in line with his/her area of specialization and institutional thematic areas  Attract internal and external funding for research  Conduct research activities aiming at solving community problems  Publish research results at national, regional and international levels  Supervise/co-supervise PhD and Masters students and Postdoctoral fellows 3.Community Outreach  Disseminate research findings to relevant stakeholders  Elaborate research-based policy briefs for policy makers  Involvement in organizing national scientific conferences and workshops 4.Consultancy  Conduct consultancy activities in his/her area of specialization  Compete successfully for income generating consultancies and grants 5. Relevant Qualifications and experience • PhD in health, laws and political sciences related fields with an experience in gender research • At least two (02) publications in peer-reviewed journals • Relevant experience 3 years of teaching experience as assistant lecturer in the fields of Public Administration is desirable. • Proficiency in Written and Spoken English. • Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply. 6. Required documents • Copy of National Identity Card • Copy of degree certificate and degree equivalence issued by the Higher Education Council in case the degree was obtained from outside Rwanda • Resume/CV • Evidence proving publication(s) with DOI link(s) of Peer-Reviewed Journal Article • Any other evidences to support the applicant’s information related to the position requirements


    • 1

      PhD in Political Sciences

      3 Years of relevant experience

  • 2

    PhD in Law

    3 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Customer care skills
    • 2
      Strong organizational and time management skills
    • 3
      High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy
    • 4
      Efficient, effective and economic use of resources
    • 5
      Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services
    • 6
      Devotion and serving public interest
    • 7
      Accountability for administrative decisions
    • 8
      Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information
    • 9
      Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment.
  • 10
    Decency and integrity.



2 Job Positions of Lecturer Center for Conflict Management -CASS at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

Job responsibilities

1. Teaching  Prepare subjects to be taught as presented in modules  Teach subjects in his area of specialization  Evaluate students through continual assessment tests and examinations 2. Research & innovation  Prepare research proposals in line with his/her area of specialization and institutional thematic areas  Attract internal and external funding for research  Conduct research activities aiming at solving community problems  Publish research results at national, regional and international levels  Supervise/co-supervise PhD and Masters students and Postdoctoral fellows 3.Community Outreach  Disseminate research findings to relevant stakeholders  Elaborate research-based policy briefs for policy makers  Involvement in organizing national scientific conferences and workshops 4.Consultancy  Conduct consultancy activities in his/her area of specialization  Compete successfully for income generating consultancies and grants 5. Relevant Qualifications and Experience • PhD in Genocide Studies, International Law, History, Peace studies, Security studies or or political sciences • Relevant experience of 3 years of teaching experience in Genocide Studies, International Law, History, Peace studies, Security studies or or political sciences as Assistant Lecturer is desirable • At least two (02) publications in peer-reviewed journals • Proficiency in written and spoken English 6. Other requirement 1. Aged 50 years or below 2. Preferably of Rwandan Nationality 7. Required documents • Copy of National Identity Card • Copy of degree certificate and degree equivalence issued by the Higher Education Council in case the degree was obtained from outside Rwanda • Resume/CV • Evidence proving publication(s) with DOI link(s) of Peer-Reviewed Journal Article • Any other evidences to support the applicant’s information related to the position requirements


    • 1

      PhD in Peace Studies

      3 Years of relevant experience

    • 2

      PhD in Conflict Management and Conflict Transformation

      3 Years of relevant experience

    • 3

      PhD in Political Sciences

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 4

      PhD in Law

      3 Years of relevant experience

    • 5

      PhD in Sociology

      3 Years of relevant experience

    • 6

      PhD in History

      0 Year of relevant experience

  • 7

    PhD Degree in Genocide Studies

    3 Years of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Customer care skills
    • 2
      Strong organizational and time management skills
    • 3
      High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy
    • 4
      Efficient, effective and economic use of resources
    • 5
      Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services
    • 6
      Devotion and serving public interest
    • 7
      Accountability for administrative decisions
    • 8
      Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information
    • 9
      Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment.
  • 10
    Decency and integrity.



2 Job Positions of Senior Lecturer Center for Conflict Management -CASS at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

Job responsibilities

1. Teaching  Prepare subjects to be taught as presented in modules  Teach subjects in his area of specialization  Evaluate students through continual assessment tests and examinations 2. Research & innovation  Prepare research proposals in line with his/her area of specialization and institutional thematic areas  Attract internal and external funding for research  Conduct research activities aiming at solving community problems  Publish research results at national, regional and international levels  Supervise/co-supervise PhD and Masters students and Postdoctoral fellows 3.Community Outreach  Disseminate research findings to relevant stakeholders  Elaborate research-based policy briefs for policy makers  Involvement in organizing national scientific conferences and workshops 4,Consultancy  Conduct consultancy activities in his/her area of specialization  Compete successfully for income generating consultancies and grants 5. Relevant Qualifications and experience • PhD degree in Genocide or Peace or Conflict or Political Science or Law or Sociology or History • At least three years of teaching experience as a Lecturer in a recognized institution of higher education • Five (5) publications in peer-reviewed journals • Successfully supervising at least two (2) Masters students • Participation in or writing grant applications is an advantage 6. Required documents • Copy of National Identity Card • Copy of degree certificate and degree equivalence issued by the Higher Education Council in case the degree was obtained from outside Rwanda • Resume/CV • Evidence proving publication(s) with DOI link(s) of Peer-Reviewed Journal Article • Evidence of successfully supervising at least two (2) Masters students (proof of graduation should be provided) • A statement on your teaching philosophy • Any other evidences to support the applicant’s information related to the position requirements


    • 1

      PhD in Peace Studies

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 2

      PhD in Political Sciences

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 3

      PhD in Law

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 4

      PhD in Sociology

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 5

      PhD in History

      0 Year of relevant experience

    • 6

      PhD Degree in Genocide Studies

      0 Year of relevant experience

  • 7

    PhD Degree in Conflict Management

    0 Year of relevant experience

Required competencies and key technical skills

    • 1
      Customer care skills
    • 2
      Strong organizational and time management skills
    • 3
      High standards of professional ethics and Secrecy
    • 4
      Efficient, effective and economic use of resources
    • 5
      Responsive, prompt, effective, impartial and equitable provision of services
    • 6
      Devotion and serving public interest
    • 7
      Accountability for administrative decisions
    • 8
      Transparency and provision to the public of timely and accurate information
    • 9
      Zero tolerance to corruption, rape and sexual harassment.
  • 10
    Decency and integrity.



2 Job Positions of Assistant Lecturer History and Heritage Studies Department -CASS/Under Contract at University of Rwanda (UR): (Deadline 17 February 2025)

Job responsibilities

1. Teaching  Assist in preparation of subjects to be taught as presented in modules  Assist in teaching subjects in his/her area of specialization  Participate in the assessment and evaluation of students through continual assessment tests and examinations  Participate in organization of practical’s in classrooms, library and laboratories an d exams’ invigilation. 2. Research  Assist in preparation of research proposals in line with his area of specialization and institutional thematic areas  Participate in research activities aiming at solving community problems  Publish research results at national, regional and international levels 3.Community Outreach  Participate in dissemination of research findings to relevant stakeholders  Conduct research projects which may lead to PhD studies  Participate in organizing national scientific conferences 4.Consultancy  Conduct consultancy activities in his area of specialization  Compete successfully for income generating consultancies 5. Relevant Qualifications and Experience • Masters in History, Heritage, Archaeology or Genocide Studies and Prevention. • At least One (01) publications in peer-reviewed journals. • Candidates who have a PhD in History or Heritage Studies or Archaeology or who are nearly finishing their PhD are highly encouraged to apply. • Relevant experience in the specific field: 1 year of teaching experience as a Tutorial Assistant is desirable. • Proficiency in Written and Spoken English. • Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply. 6. Required documents • Copy of National Identity Card • Copy of degree certificate and degree equivalence issued by the Higher Education Council in case the degree was obtained from outside Rwanda • Resume/CV • Evidence proving publication(s) with DOI link(s) of Peer-Reviewed Journal Article • Any other evidences to support the applicant’s information related to the position requirements


    • 1

      Master’s Degree in History

      2 Years of relevant experience

    • 2

      Master’s Degree in Genocide Studies

      2 Years of relevant experience

    • 3

      Master’s Degree in Heritage Studies

      2 Years of relevant experience

  • 4

    Master’s Degree in Archeology

    2 Years of relevant experience



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