3 Job Positions at GIZ Rwanda: (Deadline 27 September 2021)
National Tax Advisor at GIZ Rwanda: (Deadline 27 September 2021)
Vacancy Announcement
National Tax Adviso
Macroeconomic Investment Policies (MIP) Project
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federally owned international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. GIZ has worked in Rwanda for over 30 years. The primary objectives between the Government of Rwanda and the Federal Republic of Germany are poverty reduction and promotion of sustainable development. To achieve these objectives, GIZ Rwanda is active in the sectors of Governance, Climate & Energy, Sustainable Growth, and Digitalisation.
The Macroeconomic Investment Policies (MIP) Project is a joint Rwandan-German Development Cooperation project implemented by GIZ, commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The project aims at strengthening individual and institutional capacities for economic analyses and evidence-based policymaking in three areas: macroeconomic and fiscal projections and policy analysis; public investment planning and appraisal; and national economic research and public dialogue on economic policies in Rwanda. The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN) is MIP’s main counterpart.
Candidate Profile
MIP Project is seeking highly qualified and motivated National Tax Advisor (NA) to help advance capacity development on major tax reforms and tax analysis and contribute to other activities. The candidate should be a university graduate with strong analytical skills, and a self-motivated person with very high ethical standards who strongly believes in the developmental role of domestic revenue mobilization.
Location: Kigali
Fixed Term: One year
Position: (1) one
A. Main Tasks and Responsibilities
- Contribute to activities that build capacity in tax policy preparation and monitoring of revenue performance and tax policy implementation
- Help formulate and monitor operational plan and budget for capacity development in tax policy at MIP.
- Support the follow-up and implementation of Medium-Term Revenue Strategy (MTRS) and roadmap of reforms under MTRS.
- Support international tax policy experts under the MIP project in delivering their activities in training, development of tax analytical tools, and advice to MINECOFIN.
- Participate in various research and modeling activities: revenue forecasting, tax expenditure analysis, and tax incidence analysis using macro and micro data.
- Apply computer skills, especially Excel for data analysis and data management, and STATA for micro (taxpayer, household) data analysis.
- Assist in preparing analytical and monitoring reports.
Reporting and Outputs
- The NA is GIZ staff, supervised by and reporting to the MIP Project Leader.
- The NA will work both at MIP and MINECOFIN and will be supervised for day-to-day operations at MINECOFIN by the Office of Chief Economist.
B. Qualifications and professional experience
- Bachelor’s degree in Economics, and a proven solid understanding of tax policy/administration, tax incentives, and the related legal framework;
- Ability to articulate taxation concepts clearly in oral and written forms; and to document technical work;
- Ability to analyze macro and micro tax- and taxpayer data; and fluency in Excel and STATA;
- Proficiency in English and strong English writing skills;
- Strong interpersonal skills and ability to engage with various stakeholders;
- At least [1] year of relevant work experience; experience in an analytical role in taxation in Rwanda is an asset.
The NA will maintain all work material and information accessed at GIZ, MINECOFIN, and Rwanda Revenue Authority as strictly confidential and discuss any disclosure with his/her supervisors.
Interested candidates should submit their application (motivation letter, updated CV, certificates, and references) until 27th September 2021, by e-mail to [email protected] The email attachment (max. size 2 MB) should be a PDF file. Please quote the job title in the subject
GIZ is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to the full inclusion of all qualified candidates. This includes the provision of reasonable accommodation, if needed, in order to participate in the job application and interview process and to perform essential job functions. Please let us know, if you have any particular requirements should you be invited for assessment/interview or that you wish us to consider, when considering your application. Women and persons with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for test and interview.
GIZ Office Rwanda
KN 41 St. / Nr.17, Kiyovu
P.O. Box 59, Kigali, Rwanda
GIZ Office reserves all rights!
National advisor for the MINICT Directorate of Future Planning at GIZ Rwanda: (Deadline 27 September 2021)
Vacancy Announcement
National advisor for the MINICT Directorate of Future Planning
Rwanda has distinguished itself as a country that is deeply committed to leveraging innovation and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a means to accelerate growth and reduce poverty. The Government of Rwanda has therefore prioritized using digitally enabled solutions, wherever possible, to leapfrog traditional approaches and support innovation in service delivery. Beginning as early as 2000, Rwanda began charting an ambitious course for achieving rapid digitization, through a series of five-year plans – culminating in the SMART Rwanda Master Plan. These policies have resulted in the progressive roll-out of digital infrastructure, impressive public e-services expansion, as well as initiatives to support digital skills and to position Rwanda as a regional ICT hub, underpinned by government institutions and leadership committed to this agenda. Today, Rwanda continues to articulate ambitious strategies in relation to many of these areas.
The Ministry of ICT and Innovation (MINICT) has prioritized positioning Rwanda as a nation where innovative solutions to great socio-economic challenges are translated into a rapid economic growth, employment creation, increased productivity, and competitiveness. To boost these activities, MINICT has established a Future Planning Directorate to effectively facilitate the identification and integration of frontier technologies into systems that will bring solutions to challenges of various sectors. The Directorate will support the development, diffusion, and adoption of these technologies, which would tangibly contribute to the country’s socio-economic development goals and targets.
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federally owned international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. GIZ has worked in Rwanda for over 30 years. The primary objectives between the Government of Rwanda and the Federal Republic of Germany are poverty reduction and promotion of sustainable development. To achieve these objectives, GIZ Rwanda is active in the sectors of Decentralization and Good Governance, Economic Development and Employment Promotion, Energy, and ICT (Information and Communications Technology). The project “Digital Solutions for Sustainable Development”(DSSD) is advising MINICT, RISA, and Rwandan institutions on the digitization of various priority sectors.
In this context, GIZ Rwanda together with the Ministry of ICT and Innovation is recruiting a National Advisor of the Future Planning Directorate General.
Location: Kigali
Fixed Term: 1 year
Position: 1 position
A. Responsibilities
The senior advisor will be responsible for the operationalization of the Future planning Directorate by structuring key projects and building capacities for the Directorate’s new staff members to be recruited. She/he will act as the Senior Expert of Future Planning, at the Ministry of ICT and Innovation.
The national advisor performs the following tasks:
B. Tasks
- Mainstream a radical, digital, and data-first approach to modernize the planning process, and as a result facilitate the Ministry and sector to a planning process driven by data.
- Develop tools, systems data sets, and other resources required to support the Ministry, sector, and all relevant stakeholders to use digital tools to support a new engagement and decision-making process hinged on data;
- Facilitate collaboration between Institutes of Higher Learning, research institutes, and industry in data science R&D, with the aim of driving industry adoption of cutting-edge data science and analytics technologies;
- Coordinate research and analysis to identify and integrate relevant future/frontier policies, strategies, programs, and technologies that may be adopted to ensure the ICT sector and Ministry deliver on their mandate.
- Support the development of a comprehensive resources and skills strategy for future planning for the Ministry and sector at large to support the implementation of policies, strategies, and plans developed by the directorate.
- Continuously monitor technological developments and their conditions, leading to early identification of promising future applications and an assessment of their potential.
- Analyze key areas of expected change where ICT for governance and policy modelling research is likely to have a significant impact on the public sector and on society, in different future scenarios;
- Work in partnership with relevant institutions to engage and attract investors in identified future technologies.
- Support the development, diffusion, and adoption of identified strategies, policies, and technologies identified to contribute to Rwanda’s socio-economic transformation efforts.
- Manage and maintain excellent working relationship with both national and international stakeholders and initiate partnerships that promote, strengthen and drive the mandate of the Future Planning Directorate.
- Support transfer of knowledge and skills within the Directorate of Future Planning and key counterparts in the Ministry and the ICT sector.
- Provide strategic advice and guidance to the Minister of Information Communication Technology and Innovation in designing and implementing relevant future strategies and policies to achieve Vision 2050 and NST1 goals.
- Other policy and strategic tasks as required by the senior leadership of the Ministry.
- Conduct other related activities as required by the Ministry.
C. Required qualifications, competences, and experience
- Master’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering, ICT, Information Management System, Electronics and Telecommunication, a Professional certification in relevant fields a plus.
Professional experience
- 7 years of relevant working experience, with proven experience leading data focused projects.
- Strong understanding of the dynamics of ICT demonstrated by experience in conducting and leading research and programs in that area.
- Substantive overall understanding of economic development trends and ability to present related issues clearly both to a general and a specialist audience.
- Substantive overall understanding in technology trends, innovation, and ability to present related issues clearly both to a general and a specialist audience.
Other knowledge, additional competences
- Preference for individuals with development projects work experience in Africa and/or other developing markets especially in Rwanda.
- Demonstrate previous experience in public policy.
- Strong analytical and research skills.
- Excellent business writing, presentation skills, and verbal communication skills (in English).
- Strong project management skills.
- Effective interpersonal and leadership skills. Team player with an ability to develop and foster relationships with diverse stakeholders.
- Proven ability to mentor, coach, and build capacity, across different capacities.
- Drive, motivation, and ability to consistently achieve results in a fast-paced environment.
- Fluency in English, Kinyarwanda is required French; knowledge is an advantage.
Interested candidates should submit their application (motivation letter, updated CV, certificates, and references) until 27th September 2021, by e-mail to [email protected] The email attachment (max. size 2 MB) should be a PDF file. Please quote the job title in the subject
GIZ is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to the full inclusion of all qualified candidates. This includes the provision of reasonable accommodation, if needed, in order to participate in the job application and interview process and to perform essential job functions. Please let us know, if you have any particular requirements should you be invited for assessment/interview or that you wish us to consider, when considering your application. Women and persons with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for test and interview.
GIZ Office Rwanda
KN 41 St. / Nr.17, Kiyovu
P.O. Box 59, Kigali,
GIZ Office Rwanda reserves all rights!!
Advisor to the Pan-African e-Commerce Initiative at GIZ Rwanda: (Deadline 27 September 2021)
Vacancy Announcement
Advisor to the Pan-African e-Commerce Initiative
The Pan-African e-Commerce Initiative – Sustainable Growth Cluster
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federally owned international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. GIZ has worked in Rwanda for over 30 years. The primary objectives between the Government of Rwanda and the Federal Republic of Germany are poverty reduction and promotion of sustainable development. To achieve these objectives, GIZ Rwanda is active in the sectors of Decentralization and Good Governance, Economic Development and Employment Promotion, Energy and ICT (Information and Communications Technology).
The Pan-African e-Commerce Initiative aims to improve the framework conditions for companies to participate in cross-border digital trade and is being implemented in Rwanda, Kenya, and at the EAC level. Focal aspects of the project are:
Capacity building for companies and other stakeholders looking to utilise e-Commerce to increase sales
Improving the regulatory and business environment for digital trade, including the development of national and regional (EAC) e-Commerce strategies. Particular pillars for the implementation of PeCI in Rwanda include increasing trust in e-Commerce, and developing an e-Payment ecosystem conducive for the facilitation of cross-border e-Commerce
The main project office is in Eschborn, Germany with regional offices in the respective countries.
Location: Kigali
Fixed-term: January 2022 to December 2022
Position: One (1).
A. Responsibilities
The Advisor to the Pan-African e-Commerce Initiative (PeCI) in Rwanda will perform the following responsibilities:
1. Technical:
- Establish and manage collaboration between the PeCI and stakeholders in Rwanda
- Gather and disseminate relevant information to stakeholders in Rwanda, East Africa, and Europe
- Contribute to and lead elements of PeCI’s technical advisory to relevant partners and stakeholders on facilitating cross-border e-Commerce in Rwanda
2. Project Management:
- Ensuring that the activities are closely coordinated with the programmes related to e-Commerce in Rwanda, East Africa, Germany and worldwide
- Support actively the Monitoring & Evaluation efforts of the programme
- Support effective communication of the Initiative and network proactively with relevant stakeholders
- Support financial planning, monitoring, and reporting for the project in Rwanda
- Manage and steer the engagements of short-term experts engaged by PeCI to implement activities in Rwanda
- Contribute actively to reports (regular and ad-hoc), PR materials, requests from GIZ HQ and for the preparation of political and economic delegations
3. Administrative:
- Ensure that logistical and administrative elements of the project run smoothly and aligned to existing processes
The Advisor performs and supports the following tasks:
B. Tasks
1. Technical Advisory
Establish and manage collaboration between PeCI and Stakeholders in Rwanda
- Contribute to technical advisory to relevant partners and stakeholders on facilitating e-Commerce in Rwanda, with a particular focus on building sustainably building the e-Commerce capacities of SMEs, increasing trust in e-Commerce in Rwanda, and improving the e-Payments ecosystem
- Gather and disseminate relevant information on Rwanda-specific aspects of the project
- Align specific needs in Rwanda with the overall/regional goal of the Initiative
- Liaison with relevant e-Commerce platforms and associations
2. Communication and networking
- PR and communication of PeCI in Rwanda
- Event management: identify appropriate events for engagement and manage/assist in the management of events for the Initiative
- Relationship management of established contacts with companies and other stakeholders
- Establishing and maintaining contacts with all other relevant stakeholders
- Representing the Initiative within Rwanda
· Document approaches, implementation, and results and distribute/present them
3. Finance and Accounting
- Assist in preparation of budget planning for the Initiative in Rwanda
- Support reporting to headquarters and the commissioning party, monitor output-related budget allocations and expenses
- Manage and monitor the expenses of any partner organisations supported through a local subsidy agreement
- Manage financial aspects of the Initiative in Rwanda
- Check travel expense statements of staff for approval
- Check requests for funds before release
4. Administration
- Take responsibility for administrative tasks according to GIZ rules and regulations (P+R), including assisting in and autonomously preparing bookings, bidding procedures, contracts of experts / external consultants and ensuring documentation of the procedures
- Be responsible for logistical aspects of project activities (meetings, workshops etc.)
5. Project management, monitoring and evaluation
- Monitoring and evaluation of the achievements of the Initiative indicators
- Support to regular and ad-hoc reporting, PR requests as well as requests from GIZ HQ and for the preparation of political and economic delegations
- Ensure that knowledge generated by the Initiative is captured and disseminated as appropriate
- Actively support the preparation of fact sheets, web pages, presentations, articles for GIZ intranet and other publications for presenting the programme to the public
- Guide, liaise with, and support consultants working for the programme on specific topics; ensure quality management and control of the services and tasks delivered
- Operational Planning and follow up on an ongoing basis with all counterparts
- Cooperate closely with other initiatives (GIZ projects)
- Support and execution of any other tasks assigned by the management
C. Required qualifications
Qualifications and Professional experience
- University degree in Commerce, Economics, Business Administration, Finance, Trade, Information Technology or related field. Post-graduate qualification preferred
- At least six years of professional experience in the field of trade, logistics, private sector development, digitalisation, or sales – ideally in the private sector. Experience with cross-border trade is highly desirable
- Strong knowledge of digital modernization in Africa and of Rwanda’s digital ecosystem
- Excellent organizational and coordination skills. Project management skills and experience would be a strong asset
- Experience in the administration of a project or in an office
- Ability to work independently, remotely, and with minimal supervision, structure tasks, and to become familiar with new topics quickly and comprehensively
- General understanding of financial planning and accounting
- Experience with digital payments and regional payment systems would be an asset
- Excellent writing and communication skills and a great interest in ICT and digitalisation
- Flexible and able to work under time constraints
- Business fluency in English is vital. Knowledge of German and/or French would be an advantage
- Demonstrated cultural sensitivity and high commitment to integrity
- Skills in business planning, financial management, and project management are a strong asset
- Good working fluency with ICT and computer applications (e.g. Microsoft Office Suite and Microsoft Teams)
- Willingness to upskill as required by the tasks to be performed – corresponding measures are agreed with management
Interested candidates should submit their application (motivation letter, updated CV, certificates and references) until 27th September 2021, by e-mail to [email protected] The email attachment (max. size 2 MB) should be a PDF file. Please quote the job title in the subject
GIZ is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to the full inclusion of all qualified candidates. This includes the provision of reasonable accommodation, if needed, in order to participate in the job application and interview process and to perform essential job functions. Please, let us know if you have any particular requirements should you be invited for assessment/interview or that you wish us to take into account when considering your application. Women and persons with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for test and interview.
GIZ Office Rwanda
KN 41 St. / Nr.17, Kiyovu
P.O. Box 59, Kigali,
GIZ Office Rwanda reserves all rights!!
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