32 JOB POSITIONS at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
Water Engineer/ Network & Maintenance (1) at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
Direct Supervisor: Head of Branch
Key Responsibilities
- Observe and control the meter installations and the customer connections of new customers
- Ensure balance of water supplied ad water demand in the Branch
- Contribute to the NRW reduction in the Branch by managing efficiently water supply from the plant to the end users.
- Ensure quality of materials used in the water distribution and new connections
- Ensure water supply to customers is efficiently executed by Branch
- Reduce time for intervention in case of faulty in water distribution of water leakage
- Support the recovery staff in disconnection of clients who failed to pay water invoices
- Quick restore of water to clients disconnected after payment
- Closely monitor disconnected customers, frequently investigate on non-responsive disconnected customers
Qualification and required experience
- Master’s degree or Bachelor’s Degree in Water Engineering, Water Supply Engineering, Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, Environmental Sciences.
- Having experience of 3 years of professional experience for the Master’s degree or a 5 years of professional experience for Bachelor’s Degree in the above field.
- Basic knowledge in computer (word, excel) for reporting purpose
- Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
How to apply
The interested candidates must submit the following documents to WASAC ltd Head office at Centenary House, Nyarugenge District Kigali City addressed to the Chief Executive officer;
- Application letter;
- Updated and detailed CV with at least three references;
- A copy of Degree;
- Every candidate should submit Service certificate as the proof of the related working experience;
- Copy of Identity card;
The application documents should reach at WASAC Ltd Head Office Central secretariat not later than 06/ 03/2020 at 05:00pm.
- Only selected candidates will be contacted
Works Extension operators at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
Direct Supervisor: Water Distribution Officer
Key Responsibilities
- Controls and ensure the quality and accuracy of water materials (water meters, fittings and accessories, pipes, etc.) used in water projects by making necessary checks and verification
- Ensure quick technical intervention in case of customer/clients complaints
- Execute operations in the network to ensure water distribution is done efficiently
- Respect of standards in water network maintenance and repair as well as for new water projects
- Report on time and any problem which may affect water distribution and intervene quickly
Qualification and required experience
- Bachelor’s Degree or A2 Diploma in Water Engineering, Water Supply Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Hydraulic Engineering, Construction or other related field.
- Having experience of 3 years of professional experience for Degree or a 5 years of professional experience for A2 Diploma in the above field.
- Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines,
How to apply
The interested candidates must submit the following documents to WASAC ltd Head office at Centenary House, Nyarugenge District Kigali City addressed to the Chief Executive officer;
- Application letter;
- Updated and detailed CV with at least three references;
- A copy of Degree;
- Every candidate should submit Service certificate as the proof of the related working experience;
- Copy of Identity card;
The application documents should reach at WASAC Ltd Head Office Central secretariat not later than 06/ 03/2020 at 05:00pm.
- Only selected candidates will be contacted
DESIGN AND STUDIES ENGINEER (2) at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
Direct Supervisor: Head of Design Zoning and Mapping Unit.
Key Responsibilities:
- Carry out field surveys to collect geo-spatial data using handheld global positioning system units (GPS);
- Perform GIS data quality Control, Including reviewing data for completeness and accuracy, identifying and correcting errors or emissions in the data;
- Gather, analyse and integrate spatial data and determine how best the information can be displayed using GIS;
- Perform data reconciliation and validation on large GIS datasets from multiple sources in compliance with GIS standards and specification,
- Manipulate and interpret raster datasets such as digital elevation models, orthophotographs and use the information to produce maps.
- Edit and maintain geospatial data, complete analysis using standard methods and tools and produce cartographic mapping products (layouts, views, maps, graphs, mapping figures and reports);
- Maintain expertise in existing and emerging GIS -related software and technologies and evaluate their applications.
- Producing Bill of Quantity of any new Water project
Qualification and required experience
- Bachelor’s Degree in Water Engineering, Water Supply Engineering, Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering or related field
- At least five (5) years of experience working with GIS/GPS or any other related field .
- Proficiency in GIS and mapping software packages such as ArcGIS, QGIS, Google earth etc.;
- Working knowledge of engineering design software packages such as AutoCAD, Covadis; Water CAD and Sewer CAD or Mike urban
- Experience with Global Positioning System Instruments (GPS, DGPS);
- The ability to convey GIS/spatial information to non-GIS/technical people;
- Ability to work in a team and under minimum supervision,
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills,
- Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines,
- Be bilingual with a strong command in either of the languages (English or French).
- Experience using GIS in the water sector is a plus.
How to apply
The interested candidates must submit the following documents to WASAC ltd Head office at Centenary House, Nyarugenge District Kigali City addressed to the Chief Executive officer;
- Application letter;
- Updated and detailed CV with at least three references;
- A copy of Degree;
- Every candidate should submit Service certificate as the proof of the related working experience;
- Copy of Identity card;
The application documents should reach at WASAC Ltd Head Office Central secretariat not later than 06/ 03/2020 at 05:00pm.
- Only selected candidates will be contacted
Sanitation Central Laboratory Engineer (1) at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
Report to: Head of Sanitation Central laboratory
Key Responsibilities:
Performs a variety of advanced and standard wastewater quality testing procedures which involve the use and operation of advanced and basic analytical instruments in addition to chemistry methodologies;
- Performs field work assignments that are pertinent to wastewater quality monitoring programs;
- Assimilates, writes and submits written analytical reports as per work assignments;
- Participates in the training and cross training of Sanitation Services and Wastewater Quality Analysts;
- Troubleshoots and examines deviations in laboratory data.
- Reviews and recommends changes to test procedures for quality assurance;
- Participates in the preparation of chemical reagents and maintains laboratory supply inventory.
- Conduct inspections and enforce adherence to laws and regulations governing the health and safety of individuals;
- Examines credentials, licenses, or permits to ensure compliance with licensing requirements;
- Investigates complaints concerning violations of public health laws or substandard products or service;
- Collaborates with other personnel in investigations and in establishment of public health programs or testing procedures;
- Prepares reports and documents of investigation data, activities, findings, and recommendations for corrective measures;
- Organizes and conducts training programs in environmental and sanitary practices;
- Perform other duties which may be assigned to him or her by his or her supervisor.
Qualification and required experience
- Bachelor Degree in Chemistry, biotechnology, Biology, Environmental Engineering,
An environmental science or related field - Four (4) years of working experience in laboratory management,
Water testing and analysis or any other related field
How to apply
The interested candidates must submit the following documents to WASAC ltd Head office at Centenary House, Nyarugenge District Kigali City addressed to the Chief Executive officer;
- Application letter;
- Updated and detailed CV with at least three references;
- A copy of Degree;
- Every candidate should submit Service certificate as the proof of the related working experience;
- Copy of Identity card;
The application documents should reach at WASAC Ltd Head Office Central secretariat not later than 06/ 03/2020 at 05:00pm.
- Only selected candidates will be contacted
Water Central Laboratory Engineer (2) at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
Report to: Head of Water Central laboratory
Key Responsibilities:
- Performs a variety of advanced and standard water quality testing procedures which involve the use and operation of advanced and basic analytical instruments in addition to chemistry methodologies;
- Performs field work assignments that are pertinent to water quality monitoring programs;
- Assimilates, writes and submits written analytical reports as per work assignments;
- Participates in the training and cross training of Laboratory Services Water Quality Analysts;
- Assist in the optimization process of the chemicals use within water treatment plants;
- Keeps and maintains all records pert .aining to respective work assignments;
- Troubleshoots and examines deviations in laboratory data.
- Reviews and recommends changes to test procedures for quality assurance;
- Participates in the preparation of chemical reagents and maintains laboratory supply inventory.
- Perform other duties which may be assigned to him or her by his or her supervisor.
Qualification and experience required
- Bachelor Degree in Chemistry, Biotechnology, Biology, Environmental engineering, Environmental science or related field
- Four (4)years of working experience in laboratory management, Water testing and analysis or any other related field
- Knowledge of language (English or French) and computer skills
How to apply
The interested candidates must submit the following documents to WASAC ltd Head office at Centenary House, Nyarugenge District Kigali City addressed to the Chief Executive officer;
- Application letter;
- Updated and detailed CV with at least three references;
- A copy of Degree;
- Every candidate should submit Service certificate as the proof of the related working experience;
- Copy of Identity card;
The application documents should reach at WASAC Ltd Head Office Central secretariat not later than 06/ 03/2020 at 05:00pm.
- Only selected candidates will be contacted
WATER PURIFIERS (6) at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
Direct Supervisor: Head of Water Treatment Plant
Key Responsibilities
- Supervise the whole treatment process (raw water – treated water).
- Assure a good water production in sufficient quantity and quality
- Ensures that the quality of treated water supplied from the treatment plants, complies with both national and international standards
- Supervise and report daily continuous laboratory results
- Control the replenishment of the water reservoirs according to the quantity of treated water
- Prepare and implement water losses reduction strategy to improve performance of water production
- Ensure and maintain the good status of all water Infrastructures
- Report the daily water Production operations
- Assure the supervision of all electric, mechanical and hydraulic works and equipment at the plant, the catchment area, to the sources and in all pumping stations
- Assign the tasks to the mechanics, to the electricians and to the plumbers of the plant
- Ascertain the good state of the water equipment at the plant, the water pumping stations and of the reservoirs of treated water,
- Propose to the Plant Manager the material and spare parts to order, as well as of the possible modifications of equipment for the improvement of works
- Apply the standardization of the security measures.
Qualification and experience required
- Diploma (A1) or A2 level in Laboratory, chemistry, biotechnology or other related field.
- Two (2) years of working experience for Diploma (A1) or four (4) years of working experience for A2 level in the laboratory management, Water testing and
- computer skills and experience in are desirable
How to apply
The interested candidates must submit the following documents to WASAC ltd Head office at Centenary House, Nyarugenge District Kigali City addressed to the Chief Executive officer;
- Application letter;
- Updated and detailed CV with at least three references;
- A copy of Degree;
- Every candidate should submit Service certificate as the proof of the related working experience;
- Copy of Identity card;
The application documents should reach at WASAC Ltd Head Office Central secretariat not later than 06/ 03/2020 at 05:00pm.
- Only selected candidates will be contacted
WATER TREATMENT PLANT ENGINEER (SCIENTIST) (6) at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
Direct Supervisor: Head of Water Treatment Plant
Key Responsibilities
- Assure the supervision of Water Treatment process
- Assign the tasks to the laboratory technicians, “purifiers and Purifier’s Helpers”.
- Program the withdrawals of water samples for the control of the quality of the distributed water in the water network a Follow the physical chemistry and bacteriological quality of the distributed water daily
- Propose to the Plant Manager the reagents for analysis and material of laboratory to purchase
- Prepare and implement water losses reduction strategy to improve performance of water production
- Report to the Head of Water Treatment Plant and/or the Chief of Maintenance all failures and poor working states of machines and equipment for water treatment
- Control the replenishment of the water reservoirs according to the quantity of treated water
- Decide the stop of treatment if the raw water becomes awfully turbid in a joint agreement with Head of WTP
- Report to the Head of WTP of all stopovers of water treatment, of pumping and all anomaly that would hinder the good working order of water production
- Make the daily report of operations
- Apply the standardization of the security measures.
Qualification and required experience
- A Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry, in Water Management, Environment, or any related field with 3 years of professional experience
- Knowledge of computer skills for reporting purpose and experience in laboratory management, Water testing and analysis are desirable
How to apply
The interested candidates must submit the following documents to WASAC ltd Head office at Centenary House, Nyarugenge District Kigali City addressed to the Chief Executive officer;
- Application letter;
- Updated and detailed CV with at least three references;
- A copy of Degree;
- Every candidate should submit Service certificate as the proof of the related working experience;
- Copy of Identity card;
The application documents should reach at WASAC Ltd Head Office Central secretariat not later than 06/ 03/2020 at 05:00pm.
- Only selected candidates will be contacted
WATER MAINTENANCE WORKSHOP OPERATOR (2) at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
WATER MAINTENANCE WORKSHOP OPERATOR (2) at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
Direct Supervisor: General Maintenance Engineers
Key Responsibilities
- Assume the responsibility of all plumbing works and electromechanical at the plant as well as in the pumping stations
- Make the laying and the modification of the water pipes at the plant as well as in related the pumping stations
- Assume the responsibility of the working order of all motor-pump groups, boosters, power generators as well as all other electric and hydraulic facilities
- Keep up regular maintenance of machines equipment and the work shop.
- Manage the tooling at hand and make the weekly inventory
- Keep up good working order of all gate valves on the raw water main as well as in all related pumping stations
- Assure the good working order of the anti-hammer reservoirs and all pressure gauge equipment
- Assure the tidy cleanliness of the waterworks of treatment chain, of catchment area, of the water sources as well as those of the pumping stations.
- Propose to the Head of General maintenance the lists of the material to buy
- Start the motor-pump groups.
- Report all anomalies of the motor-pump groups to the General maintenance Engineer or directly to the Head of General Maintenance for quick interventions
- Conduct any other assigned activity related to WASAC Ltd business
Qualification and experience required
- Diploma (A1) or A2 level in Welding, Mechanic, Electro mechanic, or any other related field
- The candidates should have professional experience of 3 years in the above field;
How to apply
The interested candidates must submit the following documents to WASAC ltd Head office at Centenary House, Nyarugenge District Kigali City addressed to the Chief Executive officer;
- Application letter;
- Updated and detailed CV with at least three references;
- A copy of Degree;
- Every candidate should submit Service certificate as the proof of the related working experience;
- Copy of Identity card;
The application documents should reach at WASAC Ltd Head Office Central secretariat not later than 06/ 03/2020 at 05:00pm.
- Only selected candidates will be contacted
Leak Detection and pressure management Engineer (1) at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
Direct Supervisor: Head of Leak Detection and Pressure Management
Key Responsibilities
- Supervise pressure activities, monitoring and reporting to concerned staffs.
- Chair regular meetings to report services delivery progress against plan.
- Conduct Pressure measurement in distribution network, thus providing a basis for reducing the amount of non-revenue water ratio.
- Coordinate all activities related to pressure management;
- Analysis of the technical reports of operations regarding the water distribution and pressure of branches and to propose solutions for improvement;
- Analyze budget and technical report, interpret and evaluate staff’s reports.
- Prepare bills of quantities regarding pipeline modifications, Pressure regulator Valves and related hydraulic equipment to ensure pressure management.
- Monitoring of new implemented projects in WASAC Ltd to ensure Non-Revenue Water reduction through pressure management.
- Plot, analyze and monitoring on daily basis leakage reported in GIS system
- Regular Reporting of all activities related to Non-Revenue Water carried out in WASAC’S Branches and District Metered Areas.
- Perform any other relevant assigned task.
Qualification and required experience
- A Bachelor’s Degree in Water Engineering, Water Supply Engineering, Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering or equivalent field of study.
- Having at least 3 years’ experience on similar position
- Experience with engineering application (Arc GIS, Auto Card) is a must
- Ability to work in team and under minimum supervision any time (Day or night time), Have strong management and negotiation skills
- Be bilingual with strong communication in either (English or French)
How to apply
The interested candidates must submit the following documents to WASAC ltd Head office at Centenary House, Nyarugenge District Kigali City addressed to the Chief Executive officer;
- Application letter;
- Updated and detailed CV with at least three references;
- A copy of Degree;
- Every candidate should submit Service certificate as the proof of the related working experience;
- Copy of Identity card;
The application documents should reach at WASAC Ltd Head Office Central secretariat not later than 06/ 03/2020 at 05:00pm.
- Only selected candidates will be contacted
Leak Detection and pressure management operator (1) at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
Direct Supervisor: Head of Leak Detection and Pressure Management
Key Responsibilities
- Use leak detection equipment such as pipe locator to find out invisible leakages. or underground pipeline.
- Use Ultrasonic Flow Meter to measure Bulk water meter accuracy
- Conduct Water network survey and leak detection activities any time (day or night time).
- Investigate the status of customer’s meter
- Regular monitoring and reporting of water network situation
- Direct report to the staff in charge of leak detection.
Qualification and required experience
- Diploma (A1) or A2 Level in Water Engineering, Water Supply Engineering, Civil Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering or equivalent field of study with three 3 year experience in the above field.
- Computer literacy and familiar with standard office computer applications.
- Be bilingual with either (English or French)
- To be able to use Leak Detection Equipment
How to apply
The interested candidates must submit the following documents to WASAC ltd Head office at Centenary House, Nyarugenge District Kigali City addressed to the Chief Executive officer;
- Application letter;
- Updated and detailed CV with at least three references;
- A copy of Degree;
- Every candidate should submit Service certificate as the proof of the related working experience;
- Copy of Identity card;
The application documents should reach at WASAC Ltd Head Office Central secretariat not later than 06/ 03/2020 at 05:00pm.
- Only selected candidates will be contacted
HEAD OF SEWER OPERATIONS UNIT (1) at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
Direct Supervisor: Director of Urban Water and Sewerage Services.
Key Responsibilities
- Supervise and coordinate the works of employees under the Sewer Operations Unit to ensure an effective and optimized sewerage operations services for improved
- Investigate complex sewer operations problems to determine reasons and makes recommendations for addressing the problems identified.
- Provide technical expertise to the staff regarding sewer operations activities.
- Raise public relations for smooth dissemination of information to customers regarding mechanisms of sewerage system and schedule of sewer operations activities.
- Consider customer complaints and timely take actions according to customer complaints and make a planned survey to prevent any inconvenience to the human and environmental
- Provide technical expertise to all sewerage and wastewater treatment projects development and implementation to ensure appropriate performance during their
- Propose to the supervisor the required materials/equipment/spare parts required in regards with sewer and wastewater treatment plant operations activities.
- Active collaboration with other stakeholders who are involved in the projects related to sewerage systems and wastewater treatment facilities to ensure proper sewer inspections.
Qualification and required experience
- A Master of Science Degree (MSc) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) Degree (AO in Water and Environmental Engineering, Sanitary Engineering, Master of Water Science (MSc in Water) or any other related field .
- For Master’s Degree should have at least professional experience of 2 years and for those with Bachelor’s Degree should have at least professional experience of 4 years in the above field.
- Background experience in sanitation engineering field works related to waste (solid or liquid waste) treatment works.
- Practical skills with proven authorisations in operation of sewerage systems or related sanitation facilities. Maintenance experience is an added advantage.
- Knowledge skills in policy analysis (water and sanitation related policies) is preferable for the purpose of better planning, development, monitoring and management of sanitation facilities.
How to apply
The interested candidates must submit the following documents to WASAC ltd Head office at Centenary House, Nyarugenge District Kigali City addressed to the Chief Executive officer;
- Application letter;
- Updated and detailed CV with at least three references;
- A copy of Degree;
- Every candidate should submit Service certificate as the proof of the related working experience;
- Copy of Identity card;
The application documents should reach at WASAC Ltd Head Office Central secretariat not later than 06/ 03/2020 at 05:00pm.
- Only selected candidates will be contacted
Sewer maintenance Engineer (1) at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
Direct Supervisor: Head of Sewerage Operations Services
Key Responsibilities
- Assist the head of sewerage operations services ensuring an effective and optimized sewerage operations services while reporting on daily basis.
- Execute and monitor the performance efficiency of all mechanical facilities installed in the sewerage system wastewater and/or faecal sludge treatment operations.
- Ensure that allocated mechanical equipment of the designated sewerage facilities performs to expected capacity.
- Ensure that the detected sewer leakages/shortages identified in the mechanical facilities of the sewerage system facilities are quickly repaired (day or night-time).
- Propose any innovations in optimization of mechanical facilities aiming to energy saving.
- Planning, coordination/monitoring of the activities of sewer maintenance services
- Supervision of installation works for the mechanical equipment in the sewerage system facilities mainly in sewer networks and wastewater and/or faecal sludge treatment plants.
Qualification and required experience;
- A Bachelor of Science Degree in mechanical engineering, electromechanical engineering, Water and Environmental Engineering or any related field.
- The candidate should have at least 3 years of professional experience in the above field .
- Skills in maintenance of water and/or wastewater treatment plants or any other related waste treatment plant are highly desired for better maintenance services in operationalization of wastewater and/or Faecal sludge treatment plants.
- Experience in installation of high voltage equipment and their working mechanisms is highly recommended.
How to apply
The interested candidates must submit the following documents to WASAC ltd Head office at Centenary House, Nyarugenge District Kigali City addressed to the Chief Executive officer;
- Application letter;
- Updated and detailed CV with at least three references;
- A copy of Degree;
- Every candidate should submit Service certificate as the proof of the related working experience;
- Copy of Identity card;
The application documents should reach at WASAC Ltd Head Office Central secretariat not later than 06/ 03/2020 at 05:00pm.
- Only selected candidates will be contacted
Sewer Operation Engineer (1) at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
Direct Supervisor: Head of Sewerage Operations Services
Key Responsibilities
- To assist the head of sewerage operations services ensuring an effective and optimized wastewater and faecal sludge treatment services.
- To execute and monitor the treatment efficiency of all wastewater and/or faecal sludge treatment operations.
- Day-to-Day, Regular and Complete wastewater quality control with consistent data
recording and reporting for better evaluation and improvement of treatment efficiency. - To ensure that allocated wastewater and/or faecal sludge treatment plants performs to expected capacity.
- To ensure that effluent quality complies legal effluent quality standards and perform other necessary monitoring and surveillance of wastewater and faecal sludge treatment
- To recommend any cost-effective improvements in wastewater treatment processes aiming to optimize the quality of effluent and reduction or make good use of the final
- To maintain open communications and support work colleagues to ensure overall strong
Qualification and required experience;
- Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry, or in Environmental Sciences, or any other related field with 3 years of professional experience, Diploma Al in the above-mentioned field or any related field with 4 years’ experience.
- Skills in operations, monitoring and management of laboratory works for better operations and maintenance of liquid waste treatment plants is highly desired.
- Experience in testing and analysis of wastewater/sewage samples.
How to apply
The interested candidates must submit the following documents to WASAC ltd Head office at Centenary House, Nyarugenge District Kigali City addressed to the Chief Executive officer;
- Application letter;
- Updated and detailed CV with at least three references;
- A copy of Degree;
- Every candidate should submit Service certificate as the proof of the related working experience;
- Copy of Identity card;
The application documents should reach at WASAC Ltd Head Office Central secretariat not later than 06/ 03/2020 at 05:00pm.
- Only selected candidates will be contacted
Head water treatment plant (2) at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
Direct Supervisor: Water Production Manager Key Responsibilities
- Supervise all activities of the water treatment plant.
- Control and protect the water treatment plant, pumping station, water catchment area, water storages facilities and other hydraulic infrastructures.
- Prepare and submit water production reports (daily & monthly, annually) to the relevant authorities.
- Assure a good water production in sufficient quantity and quality of treated water
- Collaborate with the relevant parties, ensure that the quality of treated water supplied from the treatment plant, complies with both national and international standards.
- Treat the whole administrative correspondence.
- Set up communication channels between water treatment plant, Branch Manager, distribution unit and urban water and sanitation director and improving information
- Elaborate the periodic operating reports of the plant.
- Program the needs in material of the plant.
- Prepare and implement water losses reduction strategy to improve performance of water production.
- Prepare and make follow-up of the annual budget request for the water production operation and maintenance of all water treatment plant.
- Develop plans and implement goals and objectives for the water production, monitoring and evaluation of performance of all the staff.
- Responsible for the good team spirit for all staff ensure that the conditions of work for the employees, comply with both local and international standards especially in relation to their health.
Qualification and required experience;
- Bachelor’s Degree(A0)/Master’s Degree in Engineering, Procurement, Business Administration, Accounting, Finance, Procurement & Supply Chain Management, Economics or public administration, Science Degree in Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Water and Environmental Engineering ,Sanitary Engineering.
- For Master’s Degree should have at least professional experience of 2 years and for those with Bachelor’s Degree should have at least professional experience of 4 years in the above field.
- Skills in operations, monitoring and management of laboratory works for better operations and maintenance of liquid waste treatment plants is highly desired.
- Experience in leadership is highly desired
How to apply
The interested candidates must submit the following documents to WASAC ltd Head office at Centenary House, Nyarugenge District Kigali City addressed to the Chief Executive officer;
- Application letter;
- Updated and detailed CV with at least three references;
- A copy of Degree;
- Every candidate should submit Service certificate as the proof of the related working experience;
- Copy of Identity card;
The application documents should reach at WASAC Ltd Head Office Central secretariat not later than 06/ 03/2020 at 05:00pm.
- Only selected candidates will be contacted
SEWER MAINTENANCE SERVICES OPERATOR (1) at The Water and Sanitation Corporation (WASAC). Deadline : March 06, 2020
Direct Supervisor: Sewer Maintenance Officer
Key Responsibilities
- Ensuring effective and optimized execution of sewer maintenance works at the field.
- Installation of the new equipment in the sewerage system facilities mainly in sewer networks and wastewater and/or faecal sludge treatment plants.
- Supervise the manpower works at the field and make request of the materials and/or equipment required in daily maintenance works at the field.
- Execute mechanical works survey for sewer leakage detection and ensure quick repairs of the sewer networks (day or night-time).
- Day-to-Day reporting of all activities done at the field and elaborate daily reports of the mechanical issues arisen in the sewerage system.
- Regular report for update maps of sewer network in case of any mechanical modification works done at the field.
Qualification and required experience
- Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry, or in Environmental Sciences, or any other related field with 3 years of professional experience, Diploma Al in the above-mentioned field or any related field with 4 years’ experience.
- Experience in maintenance of electro-mechanical facilities and equipment’s for proper operation and maintenance of sewerage system facilities is necessary.
How to apply
The interested candidates must submit the following documents to WASAC ltd Head office at Centenary House, Nyarugenge District Kigali City addressed to the Chief Executive officer;
- Application letter;
- Updated and detailed CV with at least three references;
- A copy of Degree;
- Every candidate should submit Service certificate as the proof of the related working experience;
- Copy of Identity card;
The application documents should reach at WASAC Ltd Head Office Central secretariat not later than 06/ 03/2020 at 05:00pm.
- Only selected candidates will be contacted
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