33 JOB POSITIONS at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
ORGANIZATIONALCONTEXTUnder theoverall supervision of the Head of Office, the ICT Associate provides reliableand timely ICT services on the application and infrastructure of UNHCR standardICT services in the Area of Responsibility (AoR). S/he receives technicalguidance from Senior Regional ICT Officer or Regional ICT Officer responsiblefor the Telecom/IT infrastructure in the region in which the field or emergencyoperation exists. In offices where there is no (Regional) ICT Officer, directsupervision may be exercised by the (Snr) Admin Officer as applicable in theduty station. | |||||
· UNHCR Country offices in the AoR have modern andcost-effective ICT systems. · UNHCR ICT equipment and data are protected. Responsibility · Assist in on-site needs assessment and installationand maintenance of UNHCR Telecommunications and IT equipment. · In consultation with the Senior Regional ICTofficer, establish the ICT requirements in field operations, taking intoaccount the overall IT and Telecom strategy of the region, the operationalneeds and the security constraints. · Install and configure the most appropriate type ofUNHCR IT and Telecommunications systems (HF, VHF, UHF, Microwave Links,Telephony, and satellite systems) to meet the field and emergency operationsimmediate ICT needs. · Ensure that the equipment under his/herresponsibility is in good working condition, by inspecting regularly the hardwareand installations. If required, arrange promptly repairs or replacement asnecessary according to established procedures. · Maintain records of the installations andrepairs/replacements done and keep the Regional ICT officer fully informed onthe status of the equipment. · Provide each office, where equipment is installed,with full information for their asset management records. · If applicable, keep a proper inventory level of allsites spares and return spare parts for repair/replacement. · Monitor and maintain the LAN,Network Servers, Printers, LANpoints, Hubs, Patch pane, etc. to prevent faults occurring. · Add or remove users from the Network. · Assist in the maintenance of accurate records ofusers and usage of the Network. · Carry out minor hardware maintenance. · Provide Technical Briefing/Training on theequipment to local ICT resources and users, including IPs, ensuring that theyare able to maintain/use the equipment. · Assist in the development and configuration of ITand Telecom Equipment/Kits used in field operations and emergencies. · Perform other related duties as required. Authority
· Decide on appropriate resolution to incidents /problems. · Escalate issues to supervisor if incident / problemcannot be resolved with scope of responsibility. |
ESSENTIAL MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONSAND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE REQUIRED· Completion of Secondary School or equivalenttechnical school with formal training and certification on relevant ICT relatedfields.
· Minimum 6 years of job experience relevant to the functionor particularly on HF/VHF radio or IT systems, PAMA satellite systems, PABX,Cisco routers and satellite modems. · Knowledge of computer application packages such asMS Office. · Fluency in English and working knowledge of anotherrelevant UN language and/or local language. |
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· Hands-on experience with wireless and VoIP systems,electricity, generators, lightning protection an asset. · Previous experience in Emergencies is an advantage. |
2)Education Associate at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
Organizational Setting and Work Relationships
The Education Associate willsupport the roll-out of Refugee Education 2030, the Refugee Education Strategy,in line with the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR), which calls on States andrelevant Stakeholders to contribute resources and expertise to expand andenhance the quality and inclusiveness of national education systems tofacilitate access by refugee and host community children and youth to primary,secondary and tertiary education. Providing inclusive and equitable qualityeducation is central to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda’s SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDG) and the incumbent will assist the supervisor inensuring UNHCR’s programming is in line with the SDGs. Leveraging the growing globalmomentum, UNHCR is working to translate the objectives of the GCR intoimpactful results, including through follow-up on pledges made through the 2019Global Refugee Forum. Contributing to this global roll-out of the GCR, theEducation Associate, in collaboration with the Education Section in the Divisionof Resilience and Solutions (DRS), will assist the supervisor in providingtechnical support to UNHCR countries and partners to advocate for and implementthe objectives of Refugee Education 2030:
1. Promoteequitable and sustainable inclusion in national education systems for refugees,asylum seekers, returnees, stateless and internally displaced persons 2. Fostersafe enabling environments that support learning 3. Enablelearners to use their education toward sustainable futures
The incumbent supports UNHCR’swork regarding education and advocacy on all issues related to UNHCR educationprogrammes and strategic directions. S/he normally works under the direct supervision of the Education orProtection Officer. The Education Associate participates in liaising withpartners to assess the education context, to develop an implementation plan andto monitor the programme and assess impact. S/he also works in collaborationwith in-country education partners to improve access to, and quality of,refugee education at all levels, both formal and non-formal, and may liaisewith partners for joint support for education access for refugee and hostcommunity children. The Education Associate supports the implementation ofeducation approaches for emerging needs in refugee education, includingattention to special needs, minorities, girls, pre-school education, andnon-formal activities. The incumbent supports inter-sectoral linkages withchild protection, SGBV, gender, community services, livelihoods and health,among others. S/he prepares relevant documentation and follows-up onadministrative requirements of education projects. All UNHCR staff members are accountable toperform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so withintheir delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCRwhich includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCRPolicies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountabilityframeworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge theirresponsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functionaland managerial competencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism,integrity and respect for diversity. |
· Assistthe supervisor in managing and coordination of the education sector. · Assistin monitoring of implementation of the education strategy and activities at alllevels in formal and non-formal education sectors. · Assistin providing regular reports on educational activities, achievements and challenges. · Conductregular visits to community schools, carry out assessments and writerecommendation. · Assistin identification of persons with special educational needs and supportimplementation of inclusive and special needs education. · Supportand promote quality education data collection, analysis and reporting byassisting the implementation of Education Management Information System (EMIS). · Ensureeducation level of refugee children are updated in the UNHCR database fortracking of education achievement of refugee children. · Assessneeds for services of persons of concern, as related to education responses. · Systematicallypromote and comply with the Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) policy and otherpriorities such as the HIV/AIDS policy. · Liaiseon behalf of UNHCR with external partners like Education Ministry on educationmatters. · Asrequested participate in local humanitarian and development sector workinggroups to support and ensure all refugee education support programming atcountry level is extended, amplified and reported against sector developmentgoals and humanitarian partners and funding serve system strengthening. · Fosterinter-sectoral linkages and coordination with child protection, SGBV, gender,community services, livelihoods/economic inclusion and health, among others,and provide specialist advice for other sectors, to ensure that they fullyintegrate education related concerns in their planning. · Monitorimplementation of education programmes and provide guidance on orientation. · Assistin the planning and coordination of UNHCR’s role concerning education. · Identifytraining needs and train UNHCR staff, sister UN agency staff, NGOs, andMinistry of Education officials on refugee education priorities and identifiedtopics. · Developand disseminate relevant tools to support UNHCR staff and partners in Country Office(s). · Joinjoint assessment missions in emergencies to minimise the time refugee childrenand youth spend out of education (ideally a maximum of three months afterarrival). · Assistin preparing and drafting of education input in key internal and externaldocuments and reports. · Monitorand support all existing formal and informal education programs, includingimplementing partner and community-based schools, and informal classes. · Regularlyupdate and share information related to education, utilizing data collection toidentify gaps, assess trends, and design interventions. · Monitorand suggest necessary adjustments to the annual Education Workplan and budget. · Revieweducation proposals and monitor existing agreements with partners; in addition,work closely with the community to enhance quality and ownership acrosscommunity-run education programs. · Liaiseand support partners in organizing teacher training. · Performspecific administrative operational/control tasks for project/programmeactivities. · Provideinputs for funding submissions, appeals and reports. · RepresentUNHCR in monitoring of education projects. · Issuedocuments and reports for clearance by the supervisor. · Performother related duties as required. |
Minimum Qualifications
Education &Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / DegreeLevel
6 years relevantexperience with High school diploma
Certificates and/or Licenses
Education; Social Sciences; BusinessAdministration;
Relevant Job Experience
Essential: Demonstratedwork experience in education programmes. Field experience in educationprogramme implementation and coordination in humanitarian and/or developmentcontexts. Experience working with Governments, Ministry of Education and otherline Ministries. Strong inter-personal skills in collaboration andcoordination. Demonstrated capacity to work with minimum supervision. |
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Desirable:Demonstratedwork experience in refugee education programmes. Knowledge and experience ofUNHCR policies and standards. Experience in the area of child protection. Experience with educationalresearch, teaching or education administration.
Functional Skills
*PR-Refugee ProtectionPrinciples and Framework PR-Refugee Educationprogrammes *IT-Computer Literacy MS-Drafting, Documentation,Data Presentation CO-Cross-culturalcommunication TR-Training/Coaching/Facilitation PR-INEE (International Network for Education inEmergencies) standards and implementation |
3)Cash-Based interventions Associate at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
Theposition is supervised by a professional staff member who provides theincumbent with general guidance and workplans. The incumbent works quiteindependently with an oversight from the supervisor. The position may directlysupervise some support staff.
Contactsare mainly with the colleagues in the same duty station to exchange informationand to discuss the work plans. External contacts are with the national andlocal authorities for gathering and exchange of data. |
· The Office hasreliable and up-to-date data on persons of concern. · Standard and ad-hocreports are produced. Trends and patterns of data are analysed and interpreted.
· Completion of secondary educationwith certificate/training in Information Technology & Database Management. · Minimum 6 years ofprevious data management experience, preferable in CBI context. · Excellent knowledge ofcomputer software and database applications. · Experience in MicrosoftSQL Server (2005 or later). · Fluency in Englishand working knowledge of another relevant UN language or local language.
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· Knowledge of UNHCRprogrammes and activities. · Experience in Cash-Basedinterventions, particularly in a refugee response context. · Working experience in C#and ASP.net. · University level coursein Computer Science or related fields with components related directly to datamanagement. · Working experience withstatistical software such as R, Python, Stata etc. |
4) Assistant Human Resources Officer at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
Assistant Human Resources Officer will function under direct supervisionof the (Senior) Administrative or Human Resources Officer. Incumbent will handleHR related activities within the country/ operation, and he/she may directlysupervise, coach and guide locally recruited staff responsible for thepersonnel administration and other HR related matters. He/she will assist the (Senior) Officerresponsible for Administration/ Human Resources in the process of staffing andbudget reviews, recruitment and appointment of staff, and in the performancemanagement and staff welfare issues. Incumbent will have close workingrelationship with the staff-related services in UNHCR, such as the PersonnelAdministration & Payroll Section (PAPS), Talent Outreach & AcquisitionSection (TOAS), Assignments & Promotion Section (APS), PerformanceManagement Unit (PMU), Career Management Section (CMS), Staff Health &Welfare Service (SHWS) and Global Learning Centre (GLC). He/she will alsomaintain contact and close cooperation with other UN agencies in the country. |
· UNHCR recruits,contracts and deploys staff in the country to meet its current and futureoperational needs, adhering to the principles of the UNHCR People Strategy. · The workforce in thecountry is well-informed of and understands the organisation’s human resourcespolicies and practices. · UNHCR provides ahealthy, safe and respectful working environment for its workforce in thecountry.
Responsibility · Provide input in thepreparation of the annual operations programme review submissions, and in thereview of the training needs of the staff, making appropriate proposals to meetidentified needs. · Advise and counselstaff members on their rights, obligations, benefits and entitlements in linewith UN/UNHCR staff rules and regulations. · Assist in timelyadvertising and filling of General Service and National Officer vacancies.Prepare submissions for the review by the local Assignments Committee (AC).Process recruitment, assignment and reassignment of local staff for the countryoperation, in accordance with UN/UNHCR rules and procedures. · Conduct regular auditand verification of personnel records in the office, including audit of MSRPentries into HR module, as well as of the attendance, overtime and leaverecords. Monitor maintenance of the daily tracking system to ensure accurateinformation is provided on staff and families in case of emergency. Providesupport, guidance and training to all staff performing personnel administrationand other HR related functions. · Brief newly-arrivedinternational staff on related administrative formalities; process and followup on their accreditations and other related documents, and arrange for theironward travel to the field office, if applicable. · Superviseadministration of UNHCR medical insurance plan for locally recruited staff. Assiststaff and dependants in case of medical evacuation. · Assist in HR relatedactivities of the security evacuation plan, ensuring relocations/evacuationsare managed and administered in line with the provisions of the UN SecurityManagement System Policy. · Maintain liaison withthe support sections and divisions at headquarters, specifically with DHRM, onmatters related to the recruitment and personnel administration support,medical and other issues of staff welfare and safety. · Perform other relatedduties as required.
· Undergraduate degree(equivalent of a BA/BS) in Human Resources Management/Administration, Law orsimilar disciplines plus minimum 1 year of previous relevant professionalexperience. Graduate degree (equivalent of a Master’s) or Doctorate degree(equivalent of a PhD) may also be accepted. · Good knowledge ofUNHCR administrative procedures and processes and exposure to provision ofsupport services in an international organization. · Knowledge of Englishand UN working language of the duty station if not English. Very good knowledgeof local language and local institutions.
· Analytical Thinking · Managing Resources · Planning and Organizing · Change Capability andAdaptability |
Autres informations | ||||||
· Knowledge of UN/UNHCRfield operational realities, especially in hardship duty stations. · Field experience withUNHCR and/or with other humanitarian organizations is an asset. · High IT affinity andworking experience of PeopleSoft/MSRP HR module, as well as with MSRPFinancials and Focus. · Knowledge of additionalUN languages. |
5) Associate Protection Officer at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
The Associate ProtectionOfficer reports to the Protection Officer or the Senior Protection Officer.Depending on the size and structure of the Office, the incumbent may havesupervisory responsibility for protection staff including community-based protectionregistration, resettlement and education. S/he provides functional protectionguidance to information management and programme staff on all protection/legalmatters and accountabilities. These include: statelessness (in line with thecampaign to End Statelessness by 2024), Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) commitments, age, gender, diversity(AGD) and accountability to affected populations (AAP) through community-basedprotection, Child protection, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) preventionand response, gender equality, disability inclusion, youth empowerment,psycho-social support and PSEA,registration, asylum/refugee status determination, resettlement, localintegration, voluntary repatriation, human rights standards integration, nationallegislation, judicial engagement, predictable and decisive engagement insituations of internal displacement and engagement in wider mixed movement andclimate change/disaster-related displacement responses. S/he supervisesprotection standards, operational procedures and practices in protectiondelivery in line with international standards.
The Associate ProtectionOfficer is expected to coordinate quality, timely and effective protectionresponses to the needs of populations of concern, ensuring that operationalresponses in all sectors mainstream protection methodologies and integrateprotection safeguards. The incumbent contributes to the design of acomprehensive protection strategy and represents the organization externally onprotection doctrine and policy as guided by the supervisor. S/he also ensuresthat persons of concern are meaningfully engaged in the decisions that affectthem and support programme design and adaptations that are influenced by theconcerns, priorities and capacities of persons of concern. To achieve this, theincumbent will need to build and maintain effective interfaces with communitiesof concern, authorities, protection and assistance partners as well as abroader network of stakeholders who can contribute to enhancing protection. All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform theirduties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegatedauthorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes theUN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies andAdministrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. Inaddition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in amanner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerialcompetencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respectfor diversity. |
· Stayabreast of political, social, economic and cultural developments that have animpact on the protection environment. · PromoteInternational and National Law and applicable UN/UNHCR and IASC policy,standards and codes of conduct. · Fostertheir consistent and coherent interpretation and application throughmainstreaming in all sectors and /or in clusters in applicable operations. · Assistin providing comments on existing and draft legislation related to persons ofconcern. · Providelegal advice and guidance on protection issues to persons of concern; liaisewith competent authorities to ensure the issuance of personal and other relevantdocumentation. · Conducteligibility and status determination for persons of concern in compliance withUNHCR procedural standards and international protection principles. · Promoteand contribute to measures to identify, prevent and reduce statelessness. · Contributeto a country-level child protection plan as part of the protection strategy toensure programmes use a child protection systems approach. · Contributeto a country-level education plan. · Implementand oversee Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for all protection/solutionsactivities which integrate AGD sensitive procedures. · Overseeand manage individual protection cases, including those on SGBV and childprotection. Monitor, and intervene in cases of refoulement, expulsion and otherprotection incidents through working relations with governments and otherpartners. · Recommenddurable solutions for the largest possible number of persons of concern throughvoluntary repatriation, local integration and where appropriate, resettlement. · Assessresettlement needs and apply priorities for the resettlement of individuals andgroups of refugees and other persons of concern. · Participatein the organisation and implementation of participatory assessments andmethodologies throughout the operations management cycle and promote AGDsensitive programming with implementing and operational partners. · Contributeto and facilitate a programme of results-based advocacy through a consultativeprocess with sectorial and/or cluster partners. · Facilitateeffective information management through the provision of disaggregated data onpopulations of concern and their problems. · Promoteand integrate community-based approaches to protection and contribute tocapacity-building initiatives for communities and individuals to assert theirrights. · Supportactivities in the area of risk management related to Sexual Exploitation andAbuse, fraud, case-processing, data protection, and human rights due diligenceat country level. · Participatein initiatives to capacitate national authorities, relevant institutions andNGOs to strengthen national protection related legislation and procedures. · Intervenewith authorities on protection issues. · Negotiatelocally on behalf of UNHCR. · Decidepriorities for reception, interviewing and counselling for groups orindividuals. · Enforcecompliance of staff and implementing partners with global protection policiesand standards of professional integrity in the delivery of protection services. · Enforcecompliance with, and integrity of, all protection standard operatingprocedures. · Performother related duties as required.
Education& Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / DegreeLevel · 3 years relevantexperience with Undergraduate degree; or 2 years relevant experience withGraduate degree; or 1-year relevant experience with Doctorate degree.
Field(s) of Education
· Law, International Law, PoliticalSciences or other relevant field
Certificates and/or Licenses
· Protection Learning Programme RelevantJob Experience
Essential: · Professional experience in the area of refugeeprotection, internal displacement, human rights or international humanitarianlaw. Good knowledge of International Refugee and Human Rights Law and abilityto apply the relevant legal principles. Experience in counsellingasylum-seekers and individual case management. Experience and demonstratedskills in refugee law training. |
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· Field experience, including in working directly withcommunities. Good IT skills including database management skills.
Functional Skills
· PR-Protection-related guidelines,standards and indicators · LE-International Refugee Law · PR-Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD) · PR-Sexual and Gender Based Violence(SGBV) Coordination · MG-Projects management · PR-PR-Human Rights Doctrine/Standards · PR-International Humanitarian Law · PR-Protection and mixed-movements · PR-Internally Displaced Persons(IDP) Operations & IDPs Status/Rights/Obligation · PR-Climate change and disaster relateddisplacement · PR-Community-based Protection · MS-Drafting, Documentation, DataPresentation
Language Requirements
COMPETENCY REQUIREMENTS · Core Competencies: · Accountability · Communication · Organizational Awareness · Teamwork & Collaboration · Commitment to Continuous Learning · Client & Result Orientation
· Managerial Competencies: · Empowering and Building Trust · Judgement and Decision Making · Managing Performance
· Cross-FunctionalCompetencies: · Analytical Thinking · Planning and Organizing · Policy Development and Research |
6) Senior Human Resources Assistant at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline :February 12, 2020.
Senior Human Resources Assistant will function underdirect supervision of the Administrative or Human Resources Officer, assistinghim/her in personnel administration and other HR related matters, including theprocess of recruitment and appointment of staff, and in the performance managementand welfare issues of staff under area of responsibility (AOR). |
· The workforce in the AOR is well-informed of theorganisation’s human resources policies and practices.
· Provide input in thepreparation of the annual operations programme review submissions, and in thereview of the training needs of the staff, making appropriate proposals to meetidentified needs. · Advise and counselstaff members on their rights, obligations, benefits and entitlements in linewith UN/UNHCR staff rules and regulations. · Assist in timelyadvertising and filling of General Service and National Officer vacancies.Prepare submissions for the review by the local Assignments Committee (AC).Process recruitment, assignment and reassignment of local staff for the countryoperation, in accordance with UN/UNHCR rules and procedures. · Conduct regular auditand verification of personnel records in the office, including audit of MSRPentries into HR module, as well as of the attendance, overtime and leaverecords. Monitor maintenance of the daily tracking system to ensure accurateinformation is provided on staff and families in case of emergency. Providesupport, guidance and training to all staff performing personnel administrationand other HR related functions. · Brief newly-arrivedinternational staff on related administrative formalities; process and followup on their accreditations and other related documents, and arrange for theironward travel to the field office, if applicable. · Superviseadministration of UNHCR medical insurance plan for locally recruited staff. Assiststaff and dependants in case of medical evacuation. · Assist in HR relatedactivities of the security evacuation plan, ensuring relocations/evacuationsare managed and administered in line with the provisions of the UN SecurityManagement System Policy. · Maintain liaison withthe support sections and divisions at headquarters, specifically with DHRM, onmatters related to the recruitment and personnel administration support,medical and other issues of staff welfare and safety. · Perform other relatedduties as required.
· Completion ofsecondary education with certificates in secretarial and administrativetraining. · Minimum 5 years of previousrelevant work experience. · Good knowledge ofUNHCR administrative procedures and processes and exposure to provision ofsupport services in an international organization. · Fluency in Englishand working knowledge of another relevant UN language or local language. |
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· Working knowledgeof other UN language(s). · Field experience withUNHCR and/or with other humanitarian organizations is an asset. · High IT affinity and workingexperience of PeopleSoft/MSRP. |
7) Assistant Programme CBI Officer at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
The Assistant Programme CBIOfficer is an active member of the bureau/field operation/division and isnormally supervised by a professional member who manages and oversees the UNHCRcash assistance programmes. The incumbent supports to ensure that operationsare compliant with the technical guidance and administrative instructions onCBI, and adequately monitored. S/he normally receivesguidance and direction from the Senior Programme CBI Officer or Programme CBIOfficer or Programme Officer or other more senior staff. S/he may maintainclose links with CBI staff in UNHCR HQ. Internally the AssistantProgramme CBI Officer will also liaise with UNCHR field offices and countryoffices. Externally s/he will liaise with Implementing and OperationalPartners, National Governments, line ministries and UN agencies.
The incumbent is expected towork in line with the multi-functional team (MFT) approach as defined withinthe Program Manual, ensuring the participation of relevant stakeholders in allphases of the Program Management Cycle.
All UNHCR staff members are accountable to performtheir duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within theirdelegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includesthe UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies andAdministrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. Inaddition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in amanner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerialcompetencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respectfor diversity. |
· Supportthe strategic and coherent use of CBI’s in the operations, assisting to ensurethat CBI is maximised in assistance and service provision, strongly linking itto CRRF, MYMP and development, including linkages with Social Protection andFinancial Inclusion. · Supportthe review of and assist in coordinating the final clearance with DFAM of theCBI Standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the operations, with support frommore senior staff. · Supportthe development of cash assistance programmes and support the senior managementto ensure that CBI is fully, effectively integrated into the country operationsplan for protection and solutions and Annual Program Planning and COP. · Assistin ensuring compliance to HALEP and that CBI is included in the preparednessand response planning and be a first responder to new emergencies/ and returnssituations to ensure operations are using CBI as a modality, in collaborationwith more senior staff. · Supportthe effective and coordinated procurement and contracting of Financial ServiceProviders by procurement/supply and finance. · Providetechnical support on planning and assist in policy making on activities withinthe area of CBIs as an integral part of UNHCR programmes including assessments,planning and budgeting, technical choices, legal and regulatory aspects,implementation modalities and coordination. · Supportand collaborate with sectors to increase the use of CBI in education, shelter,livelihoods and where applicable in health and WASH programmes. · Supportthe adequate inter-agency coordination mechanisms on CBIs and assist inbuilding and maintaining strong relations with partners, regional entities andrepresent UNHCR in CBI coordination, with support from more senior staff. · Supportthe establishment of a sound monitoring process for cash assistance, withproper collection, use and monitoring of baselines, standards and indicatorsneeded to measure and analyse CBI’s performance. Assist the supervisor inanalysing trends and target interventions including CBI expenditure, upstreamand downstream activities. · Assistthe supervisor in assessing the technical soundness of the operations andgenerate data for evidence-based decisions. · Assistthe supervisor in fulfilling CBI related reporting requirements. · Supportthe use of UNHCR corporate tools and systems. · Performother related duties as required. |
Minimum Qualifications
Education &Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / DegreeLevel
1 year relevant experience with Undergraduate degree;or no experience with Graduate degree; or no experience with Doctorate degree
Field(s) of Education
Economics; Social or PoliticalScience; Business Administration; Social Economics; or other relevant field.
Relevant Job Experience Essential: Experience in cash-basedassistance programmes, humanitarian programming or other relevant workexperience. Knowledge and technical skillsin set up, design, implementation and monitoring of CBIs. |
Autres informations | |||||
Functional Skills
PG-UNHCR’s Programmes; PG-Cash-basedProgramming/Managing/Planning; Language Requirements
Knowledge of English and UN working languageof the duty station if not English and local language
Competency Requirements
Core Competencies: Accountability Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to ContinuousLearning Client & ResultOrientation Managerial Competencies: Empowering and Building Trust Judgement and Decision Making Managing Resources Cross-FunctionalCompetencies: Analytical Thinking Political Awareness Stakeholder Management |
Organizational Setting and Work Relationships
Access to clean, affordable and reliable energy services is integralpart of the humanitarian response and an essential factor in creatingsustainable economic development. Sustainable energy services are essential forbasic human protection and aim to enable refugees, IDPs, host communities andother persons of concern to meet their energy needs in a safe, sustainable andaffordable way, recognizing the critical importance of access to sustainableenergy to ensure basic needs, improve human protection and well-being, andfoster communities´ inclusiveness. Energy services provide cooking, lighting, heating and clean water, andunderpin all but the most rudimentary income-earning activities. Energy povertyleads to insecurity, increased risk of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV),reduced development opportunities, health problems and environmentaldegradation. In line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),access to clean energy could vastly improve the health and well-being of millionsof persons. The Associate Energy Officer will provide technical support onsustainable energy in the Operation. The incumbent will work very closely withthe technical sectors, Programme and Protection colleagues. S/he will typicallyreport to the Deputy Representative (Operations).
The incumbent will supportthe UNHCR Office on all issues related to energy and will make sure that UNHCRpolicies are in line with global and national strategies. S/he should becapable of working with minimum supervision in project submissions, revisionsand reallocations throughout the project lifecycle in the environmentalprogramme. S/he will be instrumental in contributing to the development ofspecific inputs related to the sector and must meet reporting requirements.
Regular and frequentdiscussions between the incumbent and his/her supervisor(s), including atheadquarters, are necessary to ensure that the latest best practices andprocedures are shared and applied consistently on issues related to environment.The incumbent will undertake missions to the camps and liaise with (Sub-)Officeson the implementation of environment. In addition, the staff member willmaintain regular contact with UN technical agencies and partners as needed.
All UNHCR staff members are accountable to performtheir duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within theirdelegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR whichincludes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policiesand Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks.In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities ina manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerialcompetencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respectfor diversity. |
· Assistthe implementation of the sustainable energy programme · Assistin the assessment and identification of cost effective and appropriate sourcesof alternative energy for cooking, lighting and electricity in collaborationwith all actors, including private sector, development agencies andgovernmental institutions. · Assistthe supervisor in the design of specific projects and pilot energy for cooking,lighting and powering, including renewable energy, with a view towardsenhancing self-reliance, education and protection. · Workin close collaboration and emphasize the multi-sectoral links of Energy withEnvironment, Protection, Shelter and Settlement, Public Health and Water,Sanitation and Hygiene. · Supportand assist to work, inform and coordinate with government, line ministries andNGO partners to implement a robust and appropriate renewable energy strategyand technologies that promote sustainable patterns of consumption andproduction, make efficient use of natural resources and ensure safety · Assistin the monitoring and coordination of all sustainable energy activities. · Assistin the identification, establishment and linkage with relevant organizations toensure access to sustainable energy for both refugees and the surrounding areas · Workin multi-functional team approach and work in close collaboration withprogramme and other technical experts, to ensure energy based interventions areapproached from a cross-sectoral perspective. · Assistthe Operation to ensure that minimum best practices are met to assure health andsafety standards across all sustainable energy and energy efficienttechnologies. · Assistin the documentation of the project development including monitoring, testing,trouble shooting, lessons learned and solutions applied to assure institutionalknowledge development. · Assistin the development of effective communication channels between all keystakeholders and promote the sharing of information on energy relatedactivities. · Performother related duties as required.
Minimum Qualifications
Education &Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / DegreeLevel
3 years relevant experiencewith Undergraduate degree; or 2 years relevant experience with Graduate degree;or 1 year relevant experience with Doctorate degree
Field(s) of Education
Energy; Energy Engineering; Environment; Environmental Engineering; Environmental Sciences or other relevant field |
Autres informations | |||||
Relevant Job ExperienceEssential:
Knowledge of sustainable energy in humanitarian/development settings,Familiarity with emerging environmentally sustainable and appropriatetechnologies, and renewable energy
Desirable: Demonstrated ability ofplanning, implementation and monitoring of energy-related projects.
Functional Skills
SP-NaturalResources Management;
Language Requirements
Knowledge of English and UN working languageof the duty station if not English and local language.
Competency Requirements
Core Competencies: Accountability Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to ContinuousLearning Client & ResultOrientation
Managerial Competencies: Empowering and Building Trust Judgement and Decision Making
Cross-FunctionalCompetencies: Innovation and Creativity Technological Awareness Analytical Thinking |
9) Driver at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
TheDriver in the UNHCR Office is normally supervised directly by theAdministrative Officer/Associate/Assistant or another staff member when thescale of the Operation so require it. Besides driving, the incumbent isresponsible for up keep and maintenance of the assigned UNHCR vehicle(s) as pertechnical guidance and specifications established by the Organisation. S/he isrequired to follow strict instructions and security guidance provided by thesupervisor. While the basic function of a driver is to drive the officialvehicles of UNHCR, s/he may be called upon to perform minor maintenance andrepair of UNHCR vehicles.
TheDriver has regular contacts with staff within the UNHCR Office and with others(including Partners, government authorities, etc.) outside UNHCR involving alimited exchange of information.
AllUNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected intheir job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in linewith the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter,UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and AdministrativeInstructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staffmembers are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistentwith the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies andUNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.
· DriveUNHCR vehicles for the transport of authorized passengers, deliver, and collectdocuments and other items. · Meetofficial personnel at airports or other locations and facilitate immigrationand customs formalities as required. · Performday-to-day maintenance of the assigned vehicles; check oil, water, battery,brakes, tires, etc. and ensure that the assigned UNHCR vehicles are road orwaterway worthy and maintained up to the established security standards. · Performminor repairs, arrange for other repairs, and ensure that the vehicle is keptclean. · Ensurethat the steps required by rules and regulations, or other local procedures,are taken in case of involvement in an accident. · Logofficial trips, daily mileage, gas consumption, oil changes, greasing, etc. · Ensurethat instructions and security guidance provided by the supervisor and securityfocal point are strictly followed. · Ensuresvalid documentation for passengers, items or cargo in vehicle. · Performother related duties as required. |
Minimum Qualifications
Education &Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / DegreeLevel
2 years relevant experience with completion of Primary School education
Certificates and/or Licenses
Driving Licences; |
Autres informations | |||||
Relevant Job Experience
Essential: Driving licence, knowledge ofdriving rules and regulations.
Functional Skills
DV-Driving Rules and Regulations DV-Basic Vehicle Mechanical Skills;
Language Requirements
Knowledgeof English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.
Competency Requirements
Core Competencies: Accountability Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to Continuous Learning Client & Result Orientation
Managerial Competencies: not applicable
Cross-FunctionalCompetencies: TechnologicalAwareness Analytical Thinking Planning andOrganizing |
10) Associate Administrative Officer at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline: February 14, 2020.
The Associate Administrative Officer is responsiblefor supporting the Office in Rwanda in the implementation of generaladministrative and resource management tasks. S/he will work quiteindependently on regular assignments with an oversight from the supervisor, whowill provide general guidance and work plans for identifying work prioritiesand appropriate approaches; work is controlled for meeting expected results. S/he will establish and maintain efficientadministrative control mechanisms to ensure compliance with UN administrative,financial and human resources rules and procedures. Contacts onadministrative/budgetary related issues are mainly with Sections/Units/Officeswithin the organization both at HQ and in the Field and with localsuppliers/services to ensure provision of services and resolution of difficultproblems.
Frequent external contacts with counterparts in otherorganizations or at working level in national Governments on issues ofimportance to Organization’s programmes. He/she acts as adviser orrepresentative of the Organization with authority to discuss problems and seekcommon ground on which to recommend solutions based on predetermined guidelinesprovided by higher authority. The incumbent will be also responsible forco-ordinating, guiding, monitoring, advising on, and supporting the financialoperations in the area of responsibility (AoR). With the objective to safeguardand optimize the utilization of UNHCR’s monetary and physical resources, the incumbentcontributes to the establishment of efficient and reliable mechanisms and processesto ensure compliance with UN financial regulations and UNHCR’s rules, policiesand procedures including, and not limited to, accounts payable and treasuryprocesses, accounting, and implementation of internal control mechanisms,including support to oversight and audit functions. The incumbent may support the supervisor with theidentification and management of risks under their responsibility in closecoordination with the Risk Management and Compliance Advisor. In the RegionalBureaux, the incumbent supports the work of the Regional Controller withauthority to discuss problems and seek common ground on which to recommendsolutions based on predetermined guidelines provided by higher authority. The incumbent directly supervises general service staff. All UNHCR staff members are accountable toperform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so withintheir delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR whichincludes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policiesand Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks.In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities ina manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerialcompetencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respectfor diversity |
Contribute to the provision of resources (human,material and services) necessary to support the day-to-day activities of thestaff in the office.· Monitor the day-to-day personnel and administrativeoperations of the office.
· Provide advice on personnel and administrativepolicies and procedures. · Assist with the implementation of processes andprocedures to improve and strengthen internal controls in line with UNHCR rulesand regulations. · Participate in the recruitment and appointment processand assist with administrative formalities concerning local General Service staff. · Coordinate training and capacity-buildingactivities to staff in administrative related areas. · Assist with the preparation of staffing andadministrative budget requirements for the office. · Assist in the competitive procurement process forselecting, awarding and issuing local contracts, in line with UNHCR regulations,rules and procedures. · Facilitate the mission travel of staff, includingfollowing up on travel authorizations, bookings, tickets. · Monitor the quality and timeliness of goods andservices delivered to the office. · Manage contracts and relations with suppliers. · In coordination with Human Resources and FieldSecurity, undertake periodic reviews to ensure that the Office premises are setup and staff accommodation are managed in line with the organizational policiesand any related issues are brought to the attention of DHR. · Perform other related duties as required. |
For NOB – 3 years relevant experience withUndergraduate degree; or 2 years relevant experience with Graduate degree; or 1year relevant experience with Doctorate degree Field(s) of Education Public or Business Administration; Economics; or otherrelevant field Relevant Job Experience Essential: Work experience in at least one of the followingfields: Human Resources, Administration, Budget, Finance, and Procurement. Excellentcompute Competency Requirements Core Competencies: Accountability Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to Continuous Learning Client & Result Orientation Autres informations |
Working experience of at least one year in anintergovernmental organization (United Nations or similar). Good knowledge ofUNHCR’s administrative rules and procedures. Working experience withPeopleSoft/Oracle Financial and/or HR modules. Functional Skills AD-Administration FI-Financial Management FI-Funds Monitoring/Identifying Cash Flow Problems MG-Office Management RM-Resource Management UN-UNHCR Financial Rules and Regulations andProcedures Languages Knowledge of English and UN working language of theduty station and local language |
11) Senior Driver at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
The Senior Driver mainlydrives for the Head of Office and other high-ranking officials. The incumbentis normally supervised directly by the AdministrativeOfficer/Associate/Assistant or other staff member when the scale of theOperation so requires it. Besides driving, s/he is responsible for upkeep andmaintenance of the assigned UNHCR vehicle(s) as per technical guidance andspecifications established by the Organisation. S/he is required to followstrict instructions and security guidance provided by the supervisor. Whilebasic function of a Senior Driver is to drive the official vehicles of UNHCR,s/he may be called upon to perform minor maintenance and repair of UNHCRvehicles and may perform clerical, maintenance and other support services thatdeem necessary for office administration. S/he may as well provideinterpretation services.
The Senior Driver has regularcontacts with staff within the UNHCR Office and with others (includingPartners, government authorities, etc.) outside UNHCR involving limited exchangeof information.
All UNHCR staff members areaccountable to perform their duties as reflected in their job description. Theydo so within their delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory frameworkof UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules,UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevantaccountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are required to dischargetheir responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional,cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR’s core values ofprofessionalism, integrity and respect for diversity.
· DriveUNHCR vehicle mainly for the Head of Office and other high-ranking officials. · DriveUNHCR vehicles for the transport of authorized passengers, deliver and collect documents,and other items. · Meetofficial personnel at airports or other locations and facilitate immigrationand customs formalities as required. · Performday-to-day maintenance of the assigned vehicles; check oil, water, battery,brakes, tires, etc. and ensure that the assigned UNHCR vehicles are road orwaterway worthy and maintained up to the established security standards. · Performminor repairs and arrange for other repairs and ensure that the vehicle is keptclean. · Ensurethat the steps required by rules and regulations, or other local requirements,are taken in case of involvement in an accident. · Logofficial trips, daily mileage, gas consumption, oil changes, greasing, etc. andprepare reports on usage as required. · Ensuresvalid documentation for passengers, items or cargo in vehicle. · Inthe absence of an interpreter, assist with basic interpretation services. · Performother related duties as required. |
Minimum Qualifications
Education &Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / DegreeLevel
3 years relevantexperience with High school diploma
Certificates and/or Licenses
Driving License; Auto Mechanics Certificate; |
Autres informations | |||||
Relevant Job Experience
Essential: Driving licence, knowledge ofdriving rules and regulations.
Functional Skills
DV-Driving Rules and Regulations DV – Basic Vehicle Mechanical Skills;
Language Requirements
Knowledgeof English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.
Competency Requirements
Core Competencies: Accountability Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to Continuous Learning Client & Result Orientation
Managerial Competencies: not applicable
Cross-FunctionalCompetencies: Technological Awareness Analytical Thinking Planning andOrganizing |
12) Senior Supply Assistant at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
TheSenior Supply Assistant provides supply support to all activities pertaining tothe supply chain function including planning, sourcing & procurement,transport, shipping, customs clearance, warehousing, assets & fleetmanagement and monitoring within the area of responsibility (AoR). Theincumbent is supervised by a higher-level supply position and receives regularguidance and instructions from the supervisor on successive steps. S/he worksindependently on routine tasks while follows instructions of the supervisor onmore complex issues. The incumbent may have contacts on a working level on specificissues with other UNHCR offices, UN agencies, NGOs, government partners andcommercial contractors in the area to facilitate performing the supply function.The duty of the incumbent is to support the management of material resourceswithin the geographical area covered while exercising efficiency in the use ofthose resources.
All UNHCR staff members are accountable toperform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so withintheir delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCRwhich includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCRPolicies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountabilityframeworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilitiesin a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional andmanagerial competencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity andrespect for diversity. ****************** Shortlistedcandidates may be required to sit for a test. Only shortlisted candidates willbe notified. No late applications will be accepted. UNHCR is committedto diversity and welcomes applications from qualified candidates regardless ofdisability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, coloror ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not chargea fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting,processing, training or any other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, please visitthe portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· In compliance with supply chain rules and procedures, supportthe related supply activities to facilitate UNHCR end to end processesresulting in a timely and quality delivery of goods and services to persons ofconcern. · Apply UNHCR’s sourcing & procurement strategy whenplanning for purchase of important commodities and services. · Initiate custom clearance of consignments, draft exemptionrequests, and liaise with local agents. · Support warehouse management, and assist with planning ofgoods & services deliveries, and provide information on the status of requestsand the availability of items in the supply chain. · Maintain accurate and comprehensive records on supplyactivities and provide reports and updates periodically, and on request. · Examine purchase requests to ensure conformity and liaisewith requesters. · Prepare quotation requests and tenders, producebid-tabulations from tenders and prepare Purchase Orders for approval. · Dispatch approved Purchase Orders, and follow-up with thedelivery of ordered commodities and services. · Provide information on all procurement activities within theAoR. · Produce standard asset management reports and other assetinformation, periodically and when requested. · Maintain accurate data in all relevant business systems.Compile statistical information on supply chain related matters that willassist in decision making. · Ensure local liaison to effectivelysupport the supply activities. · Assist in the management of thestorage of goods according to “best practices” and UNHCR rules andregulations; · Assist in managing Property, Plantand Equipment (PPE) effectively according to UNHCR rules and regulation,including registration and marking of new PPE, physical verification of PPE, preparation of agreements and disposal forms(including submissions to LAMB/AMB), and assistance with disposal of PPE. · Perform other related duties asrequired.
Minimum Qualifications
Education &Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / DegreeLevel
5 years relevant experience with High school diploma |
Autres informations | |||||
IT-Computer literacy SC-PeopleSoft Supply Chain Management; SC-Supply Planning SC-Customs clearance SC-Logistics SC-Warehouse Management SC-Asset Management SC-Fleet Management
Knowledge of English and/or UN working language ofthe duty station if not English.
Competency Requirements
CoreCompetencies: Accountability Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to Continuous Learning Client & Result Orientation
ManagerialCompetencies: not specified
Cross-FunctionalCompetencies: Analytical Thinking Planning and Organizing Technological Awareness |
13) Driver at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
TheDriver in the UNHCR Office is normally supervised directly by theAdministrative Officer/Associate/Assistant or another staff member when thescale of the Operation so require it. Besides driving, the incumbent isresponsible for up keep and maintenance of the assigned UNHCR vehicle(s) as pertechnical guidance and specifications established by the Organisation. S/he isrequired to follow strict instructions and security guidance provided by thesupervisor. While the basic function of a driver is to drive the officialvehicles of UNHCR, s/he may be called upon to perform minor maintenance andrepair of UNHCR vehicles.
TheDriver has regular contacts with staff within the UNHCR Office and with others(including Partners, government authorities, etc.) outside UNHCR involving alimited exchange of information. AllUNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected intheir job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in linewith the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter,UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and AdministrativeInstructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staffmembers are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistentwith the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies andUNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity. *************************************************************** Shortlistedcandidates may be required to sit for a test. Only shortlisted candidates willbe notified. No late applications will be accepted. UNHCR is committedto diversity and welcomes applications from qualified candidates regardless ofdisability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, coloror ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not chargea fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting,processing, training or any other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, please visitthe portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· DriveUNHCR vehicles for the transport of authorized passengers, deliver, and collectdocuments and other items.· Meetofficial personnel at airports or other locations and facilitate immigrationand customs formalities as required.
· Performday-to-day maintenance of the assigned vehicles; check oil, water, battery,brakes, tires, etc. and ensure that the assigned UNHCR vehicles are road orwaterway worthy and maintained up to the established security standards. · Performminor repairs, arrange for other repairs, and ensure that the vehicle is keptclean. · Ensurethat the steps required by rules and regulations, or other local procedures,are taken in case of involvement in an accident. · Logofficial trips, daily mileage, gas consumption, oil changes, greasing, etc. · Ensurethat instructions and security guidance provided by the supervisor and securityfocal point are strictly followed. · Ensuresvalid documentation for passengers, items or cargo in vehicle. · Performother related duties as required. |
2 years relevantexperience with completion of Primary School education
Certificates and/or Licenses
Driving Licences;
Relevant Job Experience
Essential: Driving licence, knowledge ofdriving rules and regulations. Functional Skills DV-Driving Rules and Regulations DV-Basic Vehicle Mechanical Skills; Language Requirements Knowledgeof English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English. Competency Requirements Core Competencies: Accountability Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to Continuous Learning Client & Result Orientation
Managerial Competencies: not applicable
Cross-FunctionalCompetencies: TechnologicalAwareness Analytical Thinking Planning andOrganizing |
Autres informations | |||||
Core Competencies:Accountability
Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to Continuous Learning Client & Result Orientation Cross-FunctionalCompetencies: TechnologicalAwareness Analytical Thinking Planning andOrganizing |
14) Senior Registration Assistant at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020
The Senior Registration Assistantis a member of the Registration team. The Senior Registration Assistant isresponsible for supporting all activities related to registration, which mayalso include functions related to reception, filing and data management. Theincumbent provides counselling to, and responds to queries from, asylum seekersand refugees regarding UNHCR’s registration procedures and their rights andentitlements. S/he liaises closely with protection staff and partners to ensuretimely identification and referral of persons of concern for protection followup. The Senior Registration Assistant may assist in compiling and analysinginformation related to registration activities in the operation. The SeniorRegistration Assistant may provide interpretation and/or translation servicesin cases for which s/he has the required language competencies.**************************************************************************
Shortlistedcandidates may be required to sit for a test. Only shortlisted candidates willbe notified. No late applications will be accepted. UNHCRis committed to diversity and welcomes applications from qualified candidatesregardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status,race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexualorientation. UNHCRdoes not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interviewmeeting, processing, training or any other fees). REMUNERATION A competitivecompensation and benefits package is offered. For information on UN salaries,allowances and benefits, please visit the portal of the International CivilService Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· UNHCR’s Registration StandardOperating Procedures (SOPs) are implemented in accordance with relevant UNHCRstandards and policies. · Personsof concern have fair and transparent access to registration procedures.
Responsibility · Assist in theimplementation of registration strategies and methodologies for populations ofconcern. · Conduct registrationinterviews when required in accordance with registration standards andguidance. · Provide counsellingto, and responds to queries from, asylum seekers and refugees regarding UNHCR’sregistration procedures and their rights and entitlements. · Maintain accurate andup-to date records and data related to all individual registration cases. · Identify persons withspecific needs and ensure timely referral to protection follow-up as required. · Collaborate withprotection staff and/or partners in the delivery of assistance and programming,including provision of identity and entitlement documentation. · Draft correspondenceand reports relating to registration activities in the operation, when required · Provide statisticsand draft reports related to registration data, as requested. · Act as interpreterand translator when needed. · Performother related duties as required.
· Refer cases to otherunits within the office and to implementing partners as necessary. · Draft and submitreports and statistics related to registration.
· AnalyticalThinking · Planningand Organizing · TechnologicalAwareness
· Completion of theSecondary Education with post-secondary training/certificate in Social science,Statistics, Mathematics, Information Technology, or related fields. · Minimum 5 years ofrelevant job experience. · Good computer skills,particularly in data management. · Excellent knowledgeof English and local language. |
Autres informations | |||||
· Training in basicprinciples of international protection. · Experience in workingwith UNHCR proGres software. · Knowledgeof another relevant UN language |
15) Associate Field Officer at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
The Associate Field Officeris normally supervised by the Snr Field Coordinator or Field Officer or Head ofSub-Office/Field Office depending on the structure of the Office. S/he mayreceive indirect guidance from other sections and units relevant to the country/regionalprogramme(s). UNHCR Manual, programme and protection objectives, OperationsPlans, UN and UNHCR financial/budgetary rules and regulations will guide thework of the incumbent. The incumbent maysupervise some support staff. S/he has daily contacts with staff in the variousfield offices and with the functional units at the Country/Regional Office.S/he also has close liaison with a range of local civilian and militaryauthorities and counterparts in NGOs and UN agencies to discuss matters ofcommon interest.
********************************************* Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, pleasevisit the portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· Identifyvulnerable groups or individuals who may need special attention or specialarrangements and make recommendations on the needs of different groups ofrefugees.· Assessprotection and assistance needs of refugees and asylum-seekers in the regionand monitor implementation of refugee assistance programmes.
· Inco-ordination with implementing partners, handle the reception, registrationand provision of assistance to persons of concern to UNHCR. · Provideinputs for project submissions and periodic narrative and financial reports forthe annual programme. · Developand maintain relations with local authorities ensuring smooth negotiations inall aspects of UNHCR’s mandate for the benefit of refugees. · Monitorthe security situation in the area and intervene as appropriate with the localauthorities.
Undergraduatedegree (equivalent of a BA/BS) in Law, Political Sciences or related fieldsplus minimum 3 years of previous work experience relevant to the function.Graduate degree (equivalent of a Master’s) plus 2 years or Doctorate degree(equivalent of a PhD) plus 1 year of previous relevant work experience may alsobe accepted.· Fieldexperience.
· ExcellentKnowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if not English. · verygood knowledge of local language and local institutions is essential Judgementand Decision Making · AnalyticalThinking · PoliticalAwareness Stakeholder Management |
Autres informations | |||||
· Computerskills.· Knowledgeof refugee law.
· Goodknowledge of UNHCR’s programmes. · UNHCRProtection Learning Programme. · UNHCROperations Management Learning Programme.
16) Senior RSD Assistant at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
The Senior RSD Assistant is a member of the Refugee Status Determination(RSD) team. S/he is responsible forsupporting all activities related to the processing of refugee claims in theOperation. The Senior RSD Assistant provides counselling to, and responds to queriesfrom, asylum seekers and refugees regarding UNHCR’s RSD procedures, theirrights and obligations, including towards the host authorities, and the statusof the processing of their claims. Indischarging these responsibilities, the Senior RSD Assistant liaises closely with Registration, CommunityServices, Resettlement, and other Protection staff. The Senior RSD Assistant is responsible for conducting COI and otherresearch related to RSD and maintaining the Operation’s local repository ofrelevant information, guidelines and standards. S/he may also assist in drafting RSD Assessments. The Senior RSD Assistant assists in compiling and analysing information related to the RSDactivities of the Operation, and in drafting related correspondence andreports. The Senior RSD Assistant may provide interpretation and/or translationservices in cases for which s/he has the required language competencies. *****************************************************
Shortlisted candidates may be required to sit fora test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applications willbe accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, please visitthe portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· UNHCR’s RSDprocedures are implemented in accordance with relevant UNHCR standards andpolicies, including policies related to age, gender, and diversitymainstreaming (AGDM). · Persons of concernhave fair and transparent access to the RSD procedures. · Fraudin the RSD process is identified and appropriately addressed.
Responsibility · Stay abreast oflegal, political, security and other developments which impact on theprotection environment, and in particular, on protection delivery through RSD. · Assist in thedevelopment of the RSD strategy of the operation and in the annual planning exercise. · Provide counsellingto, and respond to queries from, asylum seekers and refugees, including in thecontext of the notification of negative RSD decisions. · Maintain accurate andup-to date records and data related to all work on individual cases. · Assist in preventingand identifying fraud in RSD through oversight, advice and guidance to UNHCRstaff, partners and persons of concern. · Systematically applyan age, gender and diversity (AGD) perspective in the performance of assignedfunctions. · Conduct research oncountry of origin information (COI) and other issues related to RSD and maintainthe Operation’s local repository of relevant information, guidelines andstandards accessible to RSD staff in the operation. · Assist in monitoringRSD trends and in compiling and analysing RSD statistics related to RSD caseprocessing. · Assist in developingand maintaining processes to ensure that persons of concern, Governmentauthorities and partners have accurate information on the RSD procedures, includingUNHCR standards, policies and practice. · Assist in initiativesto advocate with and support Government authorities and legal partners toestablish and strengthen fair and efficient RSD procedures and RSDdecision-making. · Draft correspondence and reportsrelating to the RSD activities of the Operation.
· Refer individualcases to other functional units in the Operation and/or external partners forappropriate follow-up, in accordance with established criteria. · Counsel individualasylum-seekers on the reasons for negative RSD decisions, in accordance withthe RSD SOPs. |
REQUIREDCOMPETENCIES· Judgement and DecisionMaking
· Analytical Thinking · Planning and Organizing · Political Awareness ESSENTIAL MINIMUMQUALIFICATIONS AND PROFESSIONALEXPERIENCE REQUIRED · Completion ofSecondary School and advanced training/certification in social work or arelated field. · Minimum 6 years ofrelevant professional job experience. · Research andanalytical skills. · Excellent oral andwritten communication skills. · Fluency in Englishand working knowledge of another relevant UN language or local language. |
Autres informations | |||||
Working experiencewith procedures and principles related to RSD. · Knowledge ofInternational Refugee Law and Human Rights Law and ability to apply therelevant legal principles. · Experience in counsellingasylum seekers or refugees. · Experience in workingwith vulnerable or traumatized individuals. · Completion of UNHCR’s RSDLearning Programme, COI Learning Programme, or Protection Learning Programme. |
17) Assistant Durable Solutions Officer at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020
The Assistant Durable SolutionsOfficer can serve as a focal point for solutions related issues in a region,and reports to the Protection, Resettlement or Durable Solutions staff at theP2 or, where appropriate at the P3 level. The incumbent may have supervisory responsibility for durable solutionsstaff. The AssistantDurable Solutions Officer is relied upon to ensure the implementation of adurable solutions strategy, and to contribute to ensuring a conduciveenvironment leading towards finding durable solutions. She / He works closelywith protection and programme staff. Fostering an environment to enhance partnerships is a critical elementof the work, as are activities designed to strength the involvement of refugeecommunities and their hosts in the design and implementation of solutionsstrategies.
************************************************* Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, pleasevisit the portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· Providecounselling to refugees and other persons of concern to identify the mostappropriate durable solution and to enable the refugee or person of concern tomake a well-informed decision.· Interviewcandidates for voluntary repatriation and prepare documentation for theirreturn.
· Interviewand prepare Resettlement Referral Forms (RRF), in line with Resettlement SOPs. · Interviewcandidates for local integration and prepare the appropriate documentation foronward submission to local authorities or partners. · Providecounselling to refugees and other persons of concern to identify the mostappropriate durable solution and to enable the refugee or person of concern tomake a well-informed decision. · Interviewcandidates for voluntary repatriation and prepare documentation for theirreturn. · Interviewand prepare Resettlement Referral Forms (RRF), in line with Resettlement SOPs. · Interviewcandidates for local integration and prepare the appropriate documentation foronward submission to local authorities or partners. · Assistin updating the electronic databases for resettlement, voluntary repatriationand local integration, in line with Standard Operating Procedures. · Processdocumentation to ensure that persons of concern receive the documents requiredfor their durable solutions in a timely manner.
· Undergraduatedegree (equivalent of a BA/BS) in Political Science, Social Science, Law,International Relations or related fields with good knowledge of Refugee issuesand Human Rights doctrine plus minimum 1 year of previous work experiencerelevant to the function. Graduate degree (equivalent of a Master’s) orDoctorate degree (equivalent of a PhD) may also be accepted.· Verygood reporting and writing ability.
· Demonstrablecomputer skills. · Verygood Knowledge of English and UN working language of the duty station if notEnglish · verygood knowledge of local language and local institutions is essential Competencies required · Judgementand Decision Making · AnalyticalThinking · Planningand Organizing PoliticalAwareness |
Autres informations | |||||
· Diversefield experience.· Knowledgeof MS office and ProGress database software.
· Knowledgeof additional UN languages. |
18) Senior Protection Assistant (BID/Child) at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
TheSenior Protection Assistant (BID/Child) is part of the Protection Section.He/she is supervised by a Child Protection Expert Deployee (ICMC, IUNV orRefugee Point) and in their absence, by the Senior Protection Officer/Associate.
Theprimary responsibility of the incumbent is to conduct Best InterestDetermination (BID) Reports for unaccompanied and separated children in linewith agreed upon objectives with his/her supervisor. S/he will receive regularsupervision in the form of review of his or her BID reports and structured,supervision sessions. Theincumbent works in a team with between one and four other child protection/BIDcaseworkers with a similar job description however, he/she will, when required,take on additional responsibilities such as mentoring of new caseworkers,preparing and facilitating BID Panel and case management meetings with externalpartners and conducting initial reviews of other caseworkers’ BID reports. The incumbentwill be required to take on some of the functions of the Child ProtectionExpert Deployee in his or her absence. ***************************************************************************** Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, please visitthe portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
false | |||||
· Planning and Organizing
ESSENTIAL MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONSAND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE REQUIRED · Education: completionof secondary education with training/certificate in law, social sciences,public administration or a related field. · 4 years of relevantexperience, including record-keeping and processing of information related tosocial protection of children. · Direct experience ofconducting best interest assessments and determinations desirable. · Knowledge of work inPC, applications, spreadsheets, word processing and use of progress (UNHCRsoftware). · Ability to conductinterviews, to analyze and report on the situation of the beneficiaries. · Ability to acquireknowledge of the organization’s protection policies. · Ability to work inthe field. · Fluency in Englishand working knowledge of another relevant UN language or local language |
Autres informations | |||||
· Reporting/draftingskills · First aid training onPEP kit handling, Mines, UXO andaccident, snake bite, etc Exposure to UN rules,regulations and guidelines on security management |
19) Programme Associate at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
TheProgramme Associate would normally receive guidance from more senior programmestaff in the operation/bureau/division. S/he reports to the Head of Office and mayreceive indirect guidance from other sections and units relevant to the country/regionprogramme(s). UNHCR Manual, Operations Plans, UN and UNHCR financial/budgetaryrules and regulations will guide the work of the Programme Associate. S/he isexpected to stay abreast of the challenges posed by the operational context,the UN and humanitarian reform and institutional developments.
Theincumbent is expected to have contacts within the organization and outside theduty station, as well as with partners and other stakeholders to collectinformation, monitor programme activities and implement administrativerequirements. The incumbent will have to establish good working relationshipswith their peers at country level to facilitate the collection of informationand other programme management related activities.
Theincumbent is expected to work in line with the multi-functional team (MFT)approach as defined within the Program Manual, ensuring the participation ofrelevant stakeholders in all phases of the Program Management Cycle. All UNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflectedin their job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, inline with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter,UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and AdministrativeInstructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staffmembers are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistentwith the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies andUNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity. **************************************************************** Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, please visitthe portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· Supportthe assessment and analysis of the needs of persons of concern in the country/regionin a participatory manner and using an Age, Gender and Diversity (AGD)perspective as basis for planning.· Assistin managing the development of a broad network of partners, good coordinationpractices and the development of partner capacities related to programmemanagement if applicable.
· Assistin organizing and documenting the selection of partners in accordance with the policyon selection and retention of partners, ensuring due diligence to meet therequirements of projects. · Providesupport to the field with technical advice to ensure partnership agreements areestablished in a timely manner, regularly monitored and reported on incompliance with established guidelines and procedures included in the frameworkfor implementing with partners. · Supportthe implementation and performance of partnership agreements through fieldvisits and appropriate physical monitoring if applicable, reviewing performanceand financial reports. · Supportthe development and implementation of MFT monitoring plans for activitiesimplemented through partnerships and those under direct implementation in linewith Programme Manual and programming instructions. · Contributeto the review and analysis of operations plans, mid-year and year-end reports ofthe different UNHCR offices, ensuring quality assurance and compliance withestablished policies, guidelines, procedures and standards. Generate and maintainrecords of implementation rate (performance progress and expenditures) on aregular basis. · Followup on any change in regard to alignment of results chain, verifying indicators,budget, prioritization, apportioning needed to measure programme performance,trends and target interventions, contributing to soundness of Operations Planand enhancement of data quality. · Followup with UNHCR offices the compliance with issuance of audit certificates for partnersin line with the Policy on Risk-Based Project Audits. · Providesupport to the field through technical advice and training on resource allocationprocesses and other programmatic issues. · UseUNHCR’s corporate tools (e.g. Focus Client, Global Focus Insight and FOCUSReader, MSRP) for core activities related to planning, budgeting, implementationand reporting, generating data for evidence-based programmatic decisions andanalysis. · SupportUNHCRs programming of community of practice and continuously contributing toimprovements of programming tools and processes. Perform other dutiesas required. |
6 years relevant experience with High school diploma plus AdvancedTraining/CertificateRelevantJob Experience
Essential: Demonstrated experience in programme management, Operation ManagementCycle and related processes. Knowledge of Results Based-Management. Computerskills (in MS office COMPETENCY REQUIREMENTS Accountability Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to Continuous Learning Client & Result Orientation ManagerialCompetencies: Empowering and Building Trust Managing Resources Cross-FunctionalCompetencies: Analytical Thinking Planning and Organizing StakeholderManagement ( including advanced Excel skills (pivot tables, datamanagement, etc.) |
Autres informations | |||||
Desirable:Completion of UNHCR Learning Programmes or specific training relevant tofunction of the position including Programme Management – Level 1. E-tutoringof PM1, Framework for Implementing with Partners Learning Programme. Experiencein programme management training and capacity building activities.
FunctionalSkills · IT-Computer Literacy · PG-Programme Management(project formulation, programme cycles and reporting standards) · PG-Results-BasedManagement · DM-Database Management · PG-Programme Analysis · PG-Assessments andSurveys |
20) RSD Associate at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
The RSD Associate is a member ofthe Refugee Status Determination (RSD) team. S/he is responsible for supporting all activities related to theprocessing of refugee claims in the Operation. The RSD Associate provides counselling to, and responds to queries from,asylum seekers and refugees regarding UNHCR’s RSD procedures, their rights andobligations, including towards the host authorities, and the status of theprocessing of their claims. Indischarging these responsibilities, the RSD Associate liaises closely withRegistration, Community Services, Resettlement, and other Protectionstaff. The RSD Associate is responsiblefor conducting COI and other research related to RSD and maintaining theOperation’s local repository of relevant information, guidelines andstandards. S/he may also assist indrafting RSD Assessments. The RSDAssociate assists in compiling and analysing information related to the RSDactivities of the Operation, and in drafting related correspondence andreports. The RSD Associate may provideinterpretation and/or translation services in cases for which s/he has therequired language competencies.**********************************************
Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, please visitthe portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· UNHCR’s RSDprocedures are implemented in accordance with relevant UNHCR standards andpolicies, including policies related to age, gender, and diversitymainstreaming (AGDM). · Persons of concernhave fair and transparent access to the RSD procedures. · Fraudin the RSD process is identified and appropriately addressed. Responsibility · Stay abreast oflegal, political, security and other developments which impact on theprotection environment, and in particular, on protection delivery through RSD. · Assist in thedevelopment of the RSD strategy of the operation and in the annual planningexercise. · Provide counsellingto, and respond to queries from, asylum seekers and refugees, including in thecontext of the notification of negative RSD decisions. · Maintain accurate andup-to date records and data related to all work on individual cases. · Assist in preventingand identifying fraud in RSD through oversight, advice and guidance to UNHCRstaff, partners and persons of concern. · Systematically applyan age, gender and diversity (AGD) perspective in the performance of assignedfunctions. · Conduct research oncountry of origin information (COI) and other issues related to RSD and maintainthe Operation’s local repository of relevant information, guidelines andstandards accessible to RSD staff in the operation. · Assist in monitoringRSD trends and in compiling and analysing RSD statistics related to RSD caseprocessing. · Assist in developingand maintaining processes to ensure that persons of concern, Governmentauthorities and partners have accurate information on the RSD procedures,including UNHCR standards, policies and practice. · Assist in initiativesto advocate with and support Government authorities and legal partners toestablish and strengthen fair and efficient RSD procedures and RSDdecision-making. · Draft correspondence andreports relating to the RSD activities of the Operation.
· Refer individualcases to other functional units in the Operation and/or external partners forappropriate follow-up, in accordance with established criteria. · Counsel individualasylum-seekers on the reasons for negative RSD decisions, in accordance withthe RSD SOPs. |
ESSENTIAL MINIMUMQUALIFICATIONS AND PROFESSIONALEXPERIENCE REQUIRED· Completion ofSecondary School and advanced training/certification in social work or arelated field.
· Minimum 6 years ofrelevant professional job experience. · Research andanalytical skills. · Excellent oral andwritten communication skills. · Fluency in Englishand working knowledge of another relevant UN language or local language. REQUIREDCOMPETENCIES · Judgement and DecisionMaking · Analytical Thinking · Planning and Organizing · Political Awareness |
Autres informations | |||||
Working experiencewith procedures and principles related to RSD.· Knowledge ofInternational Refugee Law and Human Rights Law and ability to apply therelevant legal principles.
· Experience in counsellingasylum seekers or refugees. · Experience in workingwith vulnerable or traumatized individuals. · Completion of UNHCR’s RSDLearning Programme, COI Learning Programme, or Protection Learning Programme. |
21) Protection Associate (Community-Based) at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 14, 2020.
The Protection Associate (Community-Based)is a member of the Protection Unit in a Country Operation and may report to theHead of Office or another more senior staff member in the Protection Unit. Underthe overall direction of the Protection Unit, and in coordination with otherUNHCR staff, government, NGO partners and other stakeholders, the ProtectionAssociate (Community-Based) works directly with communities of concern toidentify the risks they face and to leverage their capacities to protect themselves,their families and communities. The incumbent may have direct supervisoryresponsibility for part of the protection and/or support staff and supports theapplication of community-based protection standards, operational procedures andpractices in community-based protection delivery at the field level. To fulfilthis role the Protection Associate (Community-Based) is required to spend asubstantial percentage of her/his time working outside the office, building andmaintaining networks within communities of persons of concern. The developmentand maintenance of constructive relationships with persons of concern thatmeasurably impact and enhance protection planning, programming and resultsforms the core of the work of the Protection Associate (Community-Based). Theincumbent also supports the designing of a community-based protection strategyby ensuring that it is based on consultation with persons of concern.************************************************************
Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, please visitthe portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· Assist functionalunits, the Multi-Functional Team (MFT) and senior management to integrate participatoryand community-based approaches in the overall protection delivery strategy andoperational procedures.· Through relationshipswith persons of concern and network of partners stay abreast of political,social, economic and cultural developments that have an impact on theprotection environment and provide advice to the protection team. Understandthe perspectives, capacities, needs and resources of the persons of concern andadvise the protection team accordingly, highlighting the specific protectionneeds of women and men, children, youth and older persons, persons withdisabilities, marginalized groups.
· Work with hostcommunities to identify opportunities for national civil society involvement inimproving the protection of persons of concern. · Work with implementingand operational partners as well as with displaced and local communities todevelop community-owned activities to address, where applicable, the social,educational, psycho-social, cultural,health, organisational and livelihood concerns as well as child protection andprevention and response to SGBV. · Assist in theanalysis that identifies the capacities of communities of concern and risksthey face. · Support participatoryassessments by multifunctional teams and ongoing consultation with persons ofconcern. · Assistin planning and monitoring of programmes and budgets, with an AGD perspective · Build office capacityfor community-based protection through training and establishing systems forcommunity mobilization and participation of persons of concern. · Support communitiesin establishing representation and coordination structures. · Ensure communityunderstanding of UNHCR’s commitment to deliver on accountability and qualityassurance in its response. · Act as interpreter inexchange of routine information, contribute to related liaison activities andrespond directly to routine queries. · Performother relevant duties as required. |
· Completion of theSecondary education; Training/certificate in International Development,Cultural Studies, Human Rights, International Social Work, Social Science,Political Science, Anthropology, International Law or other clearly relateddisciplines is required.· Minimum of 6 yearsprevious relevant job experience.
· Computer skills (MSOffice, including Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access). · Knowledge of English,French and local language. REQUIREDCOMPETENCIES · Judgement and DecisionMaking · Analytical Thinking · Planning and Organizing · Political Awareness |
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· Knowledge ofAdministrative/financial rules, procedures, processes in the context of UNHCRoffices and Field operations.· UNHCR learningprogrammes (PLP).
· Knowledge of MSRP. |
22) Registration Associate at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
The Registration Associate is a member of the Registration team and is normallysupervised by the Registration Officer. The Registration Associate is responsiblefor supporting all activities related to registration, and with ensuring thatregistration is effectively used for the identification of specific protectionneeds, for the management of operations, and for the achievement of durablesolutions.Depending on the size and structure of the Office,the Registration Associate may provide day-to-day supervision, direction andsupport to UNHCR staff engaged in registration and related activities(including Reception, Filing and Data Management staff), and monitors theefficiency and quality of registration processes, identity and entitlementdocumentation activities and population data management. The RegistrationAssociate collaborates closely with Protection, Programme, Operational DataManagement and Information Management colleagues as well as with Governmentauthorities and partners on the provision of quality population data for thedelivery of registration activities.
*********************************************************************************** Shortlistedcandidates may be required to sit for a test. Only shortlisted candidates willbe notified. No late applications will be accepted. UNHCRis committed to diversity and welcomes applications from qualified candidatesregardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status,race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexualorientation. UNHCRdoes not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interviewmeeting, processing, training or any other fees). REMUNERATION A competitivecompensation and benefits package is offered. For information on UN salaries,allowances and benefits, please visit the portal of the International CivilService Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
Accountability · UNHCR’s RegistrationStandard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are implemented in accordance withrelevant UNHCR standards and policies.
· Personsof concern have fair and transparent access to registration procedures.
· Assist in theimplementation of registration strategies and methodologies for populations ofconcern. · Assist in thesupervision and daily running of registration team activities, where required. · Conduct registration interviewswhen required in accordance with registration standards and guidance. · Provide counsellingto, and responds to queries from, asylum seekers and refugees regarding UNHCR’sregistration procedures and their rights and entitlements. · Maintain accurate andup-to date records and data related to all registration cases. · Identify persons withspecific needs and ensure timely referral to protection follow-up as required. · Collaborate withprotection staff and/or partners in the delivery of assistance and programming,including provision of identity and entitlement documentation. · Draft correspondenceand reports relating to registration activities in the operation, when required · Provide statisticsand draft reports related to registration data, as requested. · Performother related duties as required. Authority
· In consultation withthe supervisor, make decisions related to the day-to-day operations of theregistration unit and devise registration procedures which are efficient and effective. · Draftand submit reports and statistics related to registration. |
· Completion of SecondarySchool with post-secondary training/certificate in social sciences, statistics,mathematics, information technology, or related fields. · Minimum 6 years ofrelevant professional job experience. · Good computer skills,particularly in data management. · Excellentknowledge of English and the local language REQUIRED COMPETENCIES
· AnalyticalThinking · Planningand Organizing · TechnologicalAwareness |
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· Training in basicprinciples of international protection. · Experience in workingwith UNHCR proGres software. · Knowledgeof another relevant UN language. |
23) Field Security Associate at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
The Field Security Associate providessupport to all security related aspects of field operations including Staff,premises and asset security. The incumbent is supervisedby a Senior Officer (FSA or Head of Office) who defines general work objectivesand provides necessary advice and guidance. The incumbent maintains regularcontact on a working level on routine issues with other UNHCR staff members, UNagencies, NGOs, implementing partners and Host Government Security authorities(HGS) in the area to facilitate the operation.
The duty of the incumbent isto support and monitor the management of security issues. All UNHCR staff members are accountable toperform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so withintheir delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCRwhich includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCRPolicies and Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountabilityframeworks. In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilitiesin a manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional andmanagerial competencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrityand respect for diversity. ************************************************************************ Shortlistedcandidates may be required to sit for a test. Only shortlisted candidates willbe notified. No late applications will be accepted. UNHCRis committed to diversity and welcomes applications from qualified candidatesregardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status,race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexualorientation. UNHCRdoes not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interviewmeeting, processing, training or any other fees). REMUNERATION A competitivecompensation and benefits package is offered. For information on UN salaries,allowances and benefits, please visit the portal of the International CivilService Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· Provide assistance to the supervisorin evaluating the level of risk and assessing the existing security measuresfor the UNHCR staff, operations, premises, partners and persons of concern. · Conduct regular security assessmentmissions to the field as required in coordination with UNDSS/other agencies;gather and analyse information about the security situation during fieldmissions. · Be aware of security protocols andprocedures in place in accordance with the UNSMS policies, UNHCR Policies andthe, Security Risk Management process for the designated area ; · Conduct checks for compliance andadvise management on any deficiencies. · Monitor the physical security ofUNHCR premises and reports on deficiencies. · Monitor and supervise the guardforce In accordance with relevant UNSMS policies and guidance. · Assist UNHCR Protection Colleaguesin efforts to ensure the physical protection and security of refugees and otherpersons of concern. · Provide support duringimplementation of security-related projects. · Assist in the monitoring, updatingand reporting of security-related events. · Assist in the processing ofadministrative security issues. · Maintainrelations and cooperation with UN security management system actors, local lawenforcement agencies, civil authorities and other relevant agencies. · Provide security briefings andtraining to UNHCR staff, and as appropriate partner staff, on relevant securityrisk management processes and measuresfor the country concerned to include security situation updates, , the wardensystem, communication notification and reporting procedures, travel planning procedures road air and fire safety. · Respond to staff queries onsecurity issues and provide immediate assistance as required. · Provide security-related advice tothe manager and other staff. · Maintain liaison and buildrelationships with Host Government Security Forces and security counterparts. · Performother related duties as required.
Minimum Qualifications
Education &Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / DegreeLevel
6 years relevant experience with High school diploma
Certificates and/or Licenses
Security and Safety |
Autres informations | |||||
Desirable:High levelof knowledge in the security field.
Functional Skills
IT-Computer Literacy FS-Security ApparatusKnowledge FS-Field Security Operations FS-Security Analysis CO-Cross-culturalcommunication
Language Requirements
Knowledge of English and/or UN workinglanguage of the duty station if not English. |
24) Protection Associate (CP/SGBV) at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
The Protection Associate (CP/SGBV) (Child Protection/Sexual andGender-Based Violence) normally reports to Associate Protection Officer(CP/SGBV) or the Protection Officer. He/she monitors protection standards, operational procedures andpractices in protection delivery in line with international standards andprovides functional protection support to information management and programmestaff.
TheProtection Associate (CP/SGBV) is expected to coordinate quality, timely andeffective protection responses to the needs of populations of concern(children, women, survivors of SGBV, including men and boys) and identifyopportunities to mainstream CP/SGBV protection methodologies and integrateprotection safeguards in operational responses in all sectors. He/she contributes to designing acomprehensive protection strategy and liaises externally with authorities andpartners on protection doctrine and policy as guided by the supervisor. The Protection Associate(CP/SGBV) also ensures that persons of concern under area of responsibility areinvolved with the Office in making decisions that affect them, whether inaccessing their rights or in identifying appropriate solutions to theirproblems. To achieve this, the incumbent will need to build and maintaineffective interfaces with communities of concern, local authorities andprotection and assistance partners. ************************************************************************************************** Shortlistedcandidates may be required to sit for a test. Only shortlisted candidates willbe notified. No late applications will be accepted. UNHCRis committed to diversity and welcomes applications from qualified candidatesregardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status,race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexualorientation. UNHCRdoes not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interviewmeeting, processing, training or any other fees). REMUNERATION A competitivecompensation and benefits package is offered. For information on UN salaries,allowances and benefits, please visit the portal of the International CivilService Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· The protection ofpopulations of concern is met through the application of International andNational Law, relevant UN/UNHCR protection standards and IASC principles. · CP/SGBV activitiesare guided by the UNHCR country protection strategy. · The participation ofpersons of concern is facilitated through continuous assessment and evaluationusing participatory, rights and community-based approaches. · CP/SGBVincidents are immediately identified and reported.
· Stay abreast ofpolitical, social, economic and cultural developments that have an impact onthe protection environment. · Consistently applyInternational and National Law and applicable UN/UNHCR and IASC policy,standards and codes of conduct. · Provide advice on CP/SGBVissues to persons of concern; liaise with competent authorities to ensure theissuance of personal and other relevant documentation. · Monitor Standard OperatingProcedures (SOPs) for all CP/SGBV activities. · Manage individualSGBV and child protection cases. · Assist in identifyingdurable solutions for the largest possible number of persons of concern throughvoluntary repatriation, local integration and where appropriate, resettlement. · Contribute toeffective information management through the provision of disaggregated data onpopulations of concern and their problems. · Participatein initiatives to capacitate authorities, relevant institutions and NGOs tostrengthen national protection related legislation and procedures. Regular CP/SGBV activities that need tobe followed up may include: · Assist in familyreunification requests. · Monitor movement fromcamps to urban areas, particularly for UASC (Unaccompanied and SeparatedChildren) and cases of family reunification. · Monitor issues ofchild recruitment, and identification of potential MRMcases for referral to UNICEF MRMmonitors. · Improve access todocumentation, including civil registry matters. · Ensure protectionmonitoring. · Establish protectionmonitoring network, including through development of protection incidentmonitoring. · Follow-up oneducation and development of self-reliance opportunities. · Follow-up on childProtection cases, including family reunification cases, alternative carearrangements, BIA/BID processes, including referrals (in accordance with SOPs). · Monitorof CP/SGBV UNHCR partners. Authority · Prioritize persons ofconcern for interview, counselling and propose protection support for individualcases. · Enforce compliance oflocal implementing partners with global protection policies and standards ofprofessional integrity in the delivery of protection services. · Enforcecompliance with, and integrity of, all protection standard operating proceduresfor CP/SGBV. |
· Education: completionof secondary school. Additional certificate/training in International Law,Political Science or related field is required. · Job experience relevantto the function: 6 years. · Fluency in Englishand working knowledge of another relevant UN language or local language.
Autres informations | |||||
· CompletedProtection Learning Programme. |
25) Resettlement Associate at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
A Resettlement Associateposition is typically located at Multi-Country Office, Branch Office or FieldOffice. Under supervision, the incumbent’s primary role is to assist inproviding, in close coordination with concerned sections within UNHCR as wellas external parties such as resettlement countries, IOM and NGOs, a continuoussupport to resettlement operations by ensuring that resettlement polices arecorrectly implemented and operations are supported in establishingcomprehensive protection and solutions strategies. The incumbent takes part inassessing cases for resettlement and conducting interviews as well asmonitoring procedural compliance and quality of case submissions. The role ofthe Resettlement Associate may involve managerial responsibilities insupervising, coaching and training junior staff, and assisting in implementingorganisational objectives and priorities.All UNHCR staff members are accountable to performtheir duties as reflected in their job description. They do so within their delegatedauthorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes theUN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies andAdministrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. Inaddition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities in amanner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerialcompetencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respectfor diversity
************************************************************************************ Shortlistedcandidates may be required to sit for a test. Only shortlisted candidates willbe notified. No late applications will be accepted. UNHCRis committed to diversity and welcomes applications from qualified candidatesregardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status,race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexualorientation. UNHCRdoes not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interviewmeeting, processing, training or any other fees). REMUNERATION A competitivecompensation and benefits package is offered. For information on UN salaries,allowances and benefits, please visit the portal of the International CivilService Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· Interview, assess resettlementneeds, and process persons identified for resettlement, following establishedprocedures; undertake field missions as required. · Where applicable, review and assessspecial resettlement cases and prepares individual submissions for presentationto resettlement countries; keep offices informed on the status of specialresettlement cases; liaise with offices on case processing and provide adviceas required. · Comply with UNHCR’s standardoperating procedures on resettlement, ensuring timely action on cases. · Follow up on status of cases fromsubmission to departure; ensure effective in-country communication on thestatus and follow-up on persons of concern (PoC) being considered forresettlement; ensure that records on individual cases are kept up-to-date. · Provide PoC and partners withup-to-date and accurate information on UNHCR’s resettlement policies andprocedures. · Assist in monitoring the quality ofsubmissions, providing the concerned staff with basic guidance and advice. · Manage, maintain and update proGresor Consolidated Online Resettlement Tracking System (CORTS) database andprovide technical support. · Coordinate travel and departurearrangements for refugees accepted for resettlement. · Organize logistical support forgovernments undertaking resettlement missions. · Organizelogistical support for governments undertaking resettlement missions. · Maintain accurate resettlementstatistics as well as up-to-date records on individual cases; assist in thepreparation of reports. · Assist with preparing a strategyand budget for resettlement activities and monitoring expenditures. · Provide administrative support forresettlement-related training activities. · Systematicallyapply an Age, Gender and Diversity perspective in all aspects of theresettlement process; comply with UNHCR policy and guidelines on HIV/AIDS. · Assistin mitigating resettlement fraud through oversight (including in-countrytravel), advice and guidance). · Recommend cases that are eligiblefor resettlement consideration. · Provide counselling to PoC. · Performother related duties as required.
Minimum Qualifications
Education &Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / DegreeLevel
For G6 – 6 years relevant experience with High schooldiploma
Certificates and/or Licenses International Law; International Relations;
Autres informations | |||||
DesirableGood knowledge of UNHCRResettlement policies and operational applications in different resettlementcountries and situations. Completion of UNHCR specific learning/trainingactivities (e.g., PLP and RSD/Resettlement Learning Programme, resettlementanti-fraud workshop).
Functional Skills
CM-Cross-culturalcommunication; PR-Resettlement/Repatriation/VoluntaryRepatriation; UN-UNHCR Operations, mandate,principles and policies; PR-Resettlement Anti-FraudPolicy and Procedures;
Language Requirements
Knowledge of English and/or UN workinglanguage of the duty station. |
26) Senior Resettlement Assistant at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
A Senior Resettlement Assistantposition is located at Nyamata Field Office. Under supervision of the AssociateResettlement Officer, the incumbent’s primary role is to assist the supervisorin effective resettlement delivery of a given UNHCR Office in accordance withthe UNHCR Resettlement Handbook, UNHCR Manual and relevant policy papers andpublications. The Senior Resettlement Assistant provides important clerical andadministrative support to resettlement operations and may as required take partin assessing cases for resettlement and conducting interviews. The incumbentmaintains frequent contacts with his/her supervisor, relevant colleagues withinthe same Office or Offices under purview to exchange information and discussissues on resettlement cases. Some contacts and communication at a workinglevel are required with Embassy / Immigration Officials of resettlementcountries, IOM as well as withother operating partners regarding resettlement issues. ********************************************************************
Shortlistedcandidates may be required to sit for a test. Only shortlisted candidates willbe notified. No late applications will be accepted. UNHCRis committed to diversity and welcomes applications from qualified candidatesregardless of disability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status,race, color or ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexualorientation. UNHCRdoes not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interviewmeeting, processing, training or any other fees). REMUNERATION A competitivecompensation and benefits package is offered. For information on UN salaries,allowances and benefits, please visit the portal of the International CivilService Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· UNHCR’sresettlement policies and standards are correctly and coherently applied. · Personsof concern are made aware of UNHCR’s resettlement procedures and have fair andtransparent access to and participation in the resettlement process. · Suspectedfraud in the resettlement process is promptly reported
· Carryout preliminary interviews and initial assessments, to process refugees forresettlement following established procedures. · Preparewritten documentation for resettlement submission; ensure that records / filesof individual cases are updated in a systematic and timely manner. · Assessand review individual resettlement cases and prepare individual / groupsubmission for scrutiny by the supervisor. · Providepersons of concern with up-to-date and accurate information on UNHCR’sresettlement policies and procedures. · Complywith UNHCR’s standard operating procedures on resettlement, ensuring timelyaction on cases. · Followup on cases from time of submission to final decision and departure; ensureeffective in-country communication on the status and follow-up on persons ofconcern being considered for resettlement. · Assistin maintaining and updating proGres or Consolidated Online ResettlementTracking System (CORTS) database and provide technical support. · Coordinatetravel and departure arrangements for refugees accepted for resettlement. · Organizelogistical support for governments undertaking resettlement missions. · Provideadministrative support for resettlement-related training activities, includingorganization of resettlement workshops and meetings as required. · Maintainaccurate resettlement statistics as well as up-to-date records on individualcases; assist in the preparation of reports. · Draft/ type routine correspondence to Field Offices / Regional Offices / Headquarters. · Systematicallyapply an Age, Gender and Diversity perspective in all aspects of theresettlement process; comply with UNHCR policy and guidelines on HIV/AIDS. · Assistin mitigating resettlement fraud by reporting suspected fraud. Authority
· Recommendeligible cases for resettlement consideration. · Providecounselling to persons of concern.
· Education:Completion of secondary education with certificate/training in InternationalLaw, International Relations or related fields required. · JobExperience: 4 years of job experiencerelevant to the functions · GoodKnowledge of English, French and local language. REQUIRED COMPETENCIES · AnalyticalThinking · Planningand Organizing · StakeholderManagement |
Autres informations | |||||
· Goodknowledge of resettlement issues and UNHCR resettlement policies andoperational applications. · Completionof UNHCR specific learning/training activities (e.g., PLPand RSD/Resettlement Learning Programme, resettlement anti-fraud workshop). |
27) Administrative Associate at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
The Administrative Associate is responsible for the officemanagement in assisting the concerned manager in the implementation of generaladministrative and resource management tasks.The Administrative Associate will besupervised by Head of Office and may receive guidance from the AdministrativeOfficer or a National Administrative Officer who defines general work objectivesand provides necessary advice and guidance. The incumbent may supervise somesupport staff. S/he keeps frequent contacts with staff at various levels in theoffice and occasionally with staff at the same level in other duty stationsand/or Headquarters; with local suppliers and/or officials and/or ImplementingPartners (IPs) on subject matters which may be of importance to the Organization.
All UNHCR staff members are accountable toperform their duties as reflected in their job description. They do so withintheir delegated authorities, in line with the regulatory framework of UNHCRwhich includes the UN Charter, UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policiesand Administrative Instructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks.In addition, staff members are required to discharge their responsibilities ina manner consistent with the core, functional, cross-functional and managerialcompetencies and UNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respectfor diversity. ************************************************************************ Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, please visitthe portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· Assist the supervisor in the provision of resources(human, material and services) necessary to support the day-to-day activitiesof the staff in the office. · Assist the supervisor in ensuring the UNHCR Officepremises provide a healthy, safe and respectful working environment. · Provide administrative support in the areas offinance, administrative and human resources as well as up to date and accuratedata and records in MSRP and other systems. · Provide interpretation of administrative rules,regulations and procedures. Perform personnel work including processing ofentitlement, issuance of contracts maintenance of various personnel records andfiles. · Assist in the recruitment of General Service stafffor non-specialized work including evaluating candidate applications,administering recruitment exams if applicable, conducting preliminaryinterviews of candidates; assign General Service staff to meet workrequirements. · Collect information and assist in conduct ofsurveys on local cost of living, daily subsistence allowance criteria, localsalaries for office and servicing staff, house rentals. · Brief international personnel on general administrativematters relating to visas, licences, security; provide advice and ensureadministrative support as required. · Arrange for and/or attend meetings on day-to-dayadministrative matters, participate in discussions of new or revised proceduresand practices, interpret and assess the impact of changes and make recommendationsfor follow-up action. · Prepare, on own initiative, correspondence,reports, evaluations and justifications, as required, on general administrativeor specialized tasks which may be of a confidential nature within the assignedarea of responsibility. · Assist in the preparation of office budgetsapplicable to staff and servicing costs and maintain necessary budgetarycontrol records. · In addition to general administrationresponsibilities, may also supervise directly or indirectly, activities concernedwith office and grounds maintenance, security, transport and similar services. · Arrange for requisition of office supplies andequipment and arrange for control of distribution and maintenance of appropriateinventory records. · Perform other related duties as required. |
Education& Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / Degree Level
Certificates and/or Licenses
Autres informations | |||||
Functional Skills
Language Requirements
28) ICT Associate at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
Under the overallsupervision of the Head of Office, the ICT Associate provides reliable andtimely ICT services on the application and infrastructure of UNHCR standard ICTservices in the Area of Responsibility (AoR). S/he receives technical guidancefrom Senior Regional ICT Officer or Regional ICT Officer responsible for theTelecom/IT infrastructure in the region in which the field or emergencyoperation exists. In offices where there is no (Regional) ICT Officer, directsupervision may be exercised by the (Snr) Admin Officer as applicable in theduty station.
Shortlisted candidates may be required to sitfor a test. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No late applicationswill be accepted. UNHCR is committed to diversity and welcomesapplications from qualified candidates regardless of disability, genderidentity, marital or civil partnership status, race, color or ethnic andnational origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not charge a fee at any stage of therecruitment process (application, interview meeting, processing, training orany other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, please visitthe portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· Assist in on-site needs assessment and installationand maintenance of UNHCR Telecommunications and IT equipment.· In consultation with the Senior Regional ICTofficer, establish the ICT requirements in field operations, taking intoaccount the overall IT and Telecom strategy of the region, the operationalneeds and the security constraints.
· Install and configure the most appropriate type ofUNHCR IT and Telecommunications systems (HF, VHF, UHF, Microwave Links,Telephony, and satellite systems) to meet the field and emergency operationsimmediate ICT needs. · Ensure that the equipment under his/herresponsibility is in good working condition, by inspecting regularly the hardwareand installations. If required, arrange promptly repairs or replacement asnecessary according to established procedures. · Maintain records of the installations andrepairs/replacements done and keep the Regional ICT officer fully informed onthe status of the equipment. · Provide each office, where equipment is installed,with full information for their asset management records. · If applicable, keep a proper inventory level of allsites spares and return spare parts for repair/replacement. · Monitor and maintain the LAN,Network Servers, Printers, LANpoints, Hubs, Patch pane, etc. to prevent faults occurring. · Add or remove users from the Network. · Assist in the maintenance of accurate records ofusers and usage of the Network. · Carry out minor hardware maintenance. · Provide Technical Briefing/Training on theequipment to local ICT resources and users, including IPs, ensuring that theyare able to maintain/use the equipment. · Assist in the development and configuration of ITand Telecom Equipment/Kits used in field operations and emergencies. · Perform other related duties as required. |
· Completion of Secondary School or equivalenttechnical school with formal training and certification on relevant ICT relatedfields.· Minimum 6 years of job experience relevant to the functionor particularly on HF/VHF radio or IT systems, PAMA satellite systems, PABX,Cisco routers and satellite modems.
· Knowledge of computer application packages such asMS Office. · Fluency in English and working knowledge of anotherrelevant UN language and/or local language. · Empoweringand Building Trust · AnalyticalThinking
Autres informations | |||||||
· Knowledge of other UN languages.· Hands-on experience with wireless and VoIP systems,electricity, generators, lightning protection an asset.
· Previous experience in Emergencies is an advantage.
29) Driver at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
TheDriver in the UNHCR Office is normally supervised directly by theAdministrative Officer/Associate/Assistant or another staff member when thescale of the Operation so require it. Besides driving, the incumbent isresponsible for upkeep and maintenance of the assigned UNHCR vehicle(s) as pertechnical guidance and specifications established by the Organisation. S/he isrequired to follow strict instructions and security guidance provided by thesupervisor. While the basic function of a driver is to drive the official vehiclesof UNHCR, s/he may be called upon to perform minor maintenance and repair ofUNHCR vehicles.
TheDriver has regular contacts with staff within the UNHCR Office and with others(including Partners, government authorities, etc.) outside UNHCR involving alimited exchange of information.
AllUNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected intheir job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in linewith the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter,UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and AdministrativeInstructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staffmembers are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistentwith the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies andUNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity. ******************************************************************************************** Shortlistedcandidates may be required to sit for a test. Only shortlisted candidates willbe notified. No late applications will be accepted. UNHCR is committedto diversity and welcomes applications from qualified candidates regardless ofdisability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, coloror ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not chargea fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting,processing, training or any other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, please visitthe portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· DriveUNHCR vehicles for the transport of authorized passengers, deliver, and collectdocuments and other items. · Meetofficial personnel at airports or other locations and facilitate immigrationand customs formalities as required. · Performday-to-day maintenance of the assigned vehicles; check oil, water, battery,brakes, tires, etc. and ensure that the assigned UNHCR vehicles are road orwaterway worthy and maintained up to the established security standards. · Performminor repairs, arrange for other repairs, and ensure that the vehicle is keptclean. · Ensurethat the steps required by rules and regulations, or other local procedures,are taken in case of involvement in an accident. · Logofficial trips, daily mileage, gas consumption, oil changes, greasing, etc. · Ensurethat instructions and security guidance provided by the supervisor and securityfocal point are strictly followed. · Ensuresvalid documentation for passengers, items or cargo in vehicle. · Performother related duties as required. |
Minimum Qualifications
Education &Professional Work Experience
Years of Experience / DegreeLevel
2 years relevantexperience with completion of Primary School education
Certificates and/or Licenses
Driving Licences; |
Autres informations | |||||
Relevant Job Experience
Essential: Driving licence, knowledge ofdriving rules and regulations.
Functional Skills
DV-Driving Rules and Regulations DV-Basic Vehicle Mechanical Skills;
Language Requirements
Knowledgeof English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English.
Competency Requirements
Core Competencies: Accountability Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to Continuous Learning Client & Result Orientation
Managerial Competencies: not applicable
Cross-FunctionalCompetencies: TechnologicalAwareness Analytical Thinking Planning andOrganizing |
30) Driver at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
TheDriver in the UNHCR Office is normally supervised directly by theAdministrative Officer/Associate/Assistant or another staff member when thescale of the Operation so require it. Besides driving, the incumbent isresponsible for upkeep and maintenance of the assigned UNHCR vehicle(s) as pertechnical guidance and specifications established by the Organisation. S/he isrequired to follow strict instructions and security guidance provided by thesupervisor. While the basic function of a driver is to drive the official vehiclesof UNHCR, s/he may be called upon to perform minor maintenance and repair ofUNHCR vehicles. TheDriver has regular contacts with staff within the UNHCR Office and with others(including Partners, government authorities, etc.) outside UNHCR involving alimited exchange of information.
AllUNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected intheir job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in linewith the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter,UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and AdministrativeInstructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staffmembers are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistentwith the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies andUNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity. ********************************************** Shortlistedcandidates may be required to sit for a test. Only shortlisted candidates willbe notified. No late applications will be accepted. UNHCR is committedto diversity and welcomes applications from qualified candidates regardless ofdisability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, coloror ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not chargea fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting,processing, training or any other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, please visitthe portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· DriveUNHCR vehicles for the transport of authorized passengers, deliver, and collectdocuments and other items.· Meetofficial personnel at airports or other locations and facilitate immigrationand customs formalities as required.
· Performday-to-day maintenance of the assigned vehicles; check oil, water, battery,brakes, tires, etc. and ensure that the assigned UNHCR vehicles are road orwaterway worthy and maintained up to the established security standards. · Performminor repairs, arrange for other repairs, and ensure that the vehicle is keptclean. · Ensurethat the steps required by rules and regulations, or other local procedures,are taken in case of involvement in an accident. · Logofficial trips, daily mileage, gas consumption, oil changes, greasing, etc. · Ensurethat instructions and security guidance provided by the supervisor and securityfocal point are strictly followed. · Ensuresvalid documentation for passengers, items or cargo in vehicle. · Performother related duties as required. |
2 years relevantexperience with completion of Primary School educationDriving Licences;
Relevant Job Experience
Essential: Driving licence, knowledge ofdriving rules and regulations.
Functional Skills
DV-Driving Rules and Regulations DV-Basic Vehicle Mechanical Skills; Language Requirements Knowledgeof English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English. |
Autres informations | |||||
Core Competencies:Accountability
Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to Continuous Learning Client & Result Orientation Cross-FunctionalCompetencies: TechnologicalAwareness Analytical Thinking Planning andOrganizing |
31) Driver at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
TheDriver in the UNHCR Office is normally supervised directly by theAdministrative Officer/Associate/Assistant or another staff member when thescale of the Operation so require it. Besides driving, the incumbent isresponsible for upkeep and maintenance of the assigned UNHCR vehicle(s) as pertechnical guidance and specifications established by the Organisation. S/he isrequired to follow strict instructions and security guidance provided by thesupervisor. While the basic function of a driver is to drive the official vehiclesof UNHCR, s/he may be called upon to perform minor maintenance and repair ofUNHCR vehicles.
TheDriver has regular contacts with staff within the UNHCR Office and with others(including Partners, government authorities, etc.) outside UNHCR involving alimited exchange of information.
AllUNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected intheir job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in linewith the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter,UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and AdministrativeInstructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staffmembers are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistentwith the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies andUNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity. ************************************************************ Shortlistedcandidates may be required to sit for a test. Only shortlisted candidates willbe notified. No late applications will be accepted. UNHCR is committedto diversity and welcomes applications from qualified candidates regardless ofdisability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, coloror ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not chargea fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting,processing, training or any other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, please visitthe portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· DriveUNHCR vehicles for the transport of authorized passengers, deliver, and collectdocuments and other items.· Meetofficial personnel at airports or other locations and facilitate immigrationand customs formalities as required.
· Performday-to-day maintenance of the assigned vehicles; check oil, water, battery,brakes, tires, etc. and ensure that the assigned UNHCR vehicles are road orwaterway worthy and maintained up to the established security standards. · Performminor repairs, arrange for other repairs, and ensure that the vehicle is keptclean. · Ensurethat the steps required by rules and regulations, or other local procedures,are taken in case of involvement in an accident. · Logofficial trips, daily mileage, gas consumption, oil changes, greasing, etc. · Ensurethat instructions and security guidance provided by the supervisor and securityfocal point are strictly followed. · Ensuresvalid documentation for passengers, items or cargo in vehicle. · Performother related duties as required. |
2 years relevantexperience with completion of Primary School education Certificates and/or Licenses
Driving Licences;
Relevant Job Experience
Essential: Driving licence, knowledge ofdriving rules and regulations.
Functional Skills
DV-Driving Rules and Regulations DV-Basic Vehicle Mechanical Skills;
Language Requirements Knowledgeof English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English. |
Autres informations | |||||
Core Competencies:Accountability
Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to Continuous Learning Client & Result Orientation
Managerial Competencies: not applicable
Cross-FunctionalCompetencies: TechnologicalAwareness Analytical Thinking Planning andOrganizing |
32) Driver at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
TheDriver in the UNHCR Office is normally supervised directly by theAdministrative Officer/Associate/Assistant or another staff member when thescale of the Operation so require it. Besides driving, the incumbent isresponsible for upkeep and maintenance of the assigned UNHCR vehicle(s) as pertechnical guidance and specifications established by the Organisation. S/he isrequired to follow strict instructions and security guidance provided by thesupervisor. While the basic function of a driver is to drive the official vehiclesof UNHCR, s/he may be called upon to perform minor maintenance and repair ofUNHCR vehicles. TheDriver has regular contacts with staff within the UNHCR Office and with others(including Partners, government authorities, etc.) outside UNHCR involving alimited exchange of information.
AllUNHCR staff members are accountable to perform their duties as reflected intheir job description. They do so within their delegated authorities, in linewith the regulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter,UN Staff Regulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and AdministrativeInstructions as well as relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staffmembers are required to discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistentwith the core, functional, cross-functional and managerial competencies andUNHCR’s core values of professionalism, integrity and respect for diversity. ********************************************************** Shortlistedcandidates may be required to sit for a test. Only shortlisted candidates willbe notified. No late applications will be accepted. UNHCR is committedto diversity and welcomes applications from qualified candidates regardless ofdisability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, coloror ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not chargea fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting,processing, training or any other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, please visitthe portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org |
· DriveUNHCR vehicles for the transport of authorized passengers, deliver, and collectdocuments and other items.· Meetofficial personnel at airports or other locations and facilitate immigrationand customs formalities as required.
· Performday-to-day maintenance of the assigned vehicles; check oil, water, battery,brakes, tires, etc. and ensure that the assigned UNHCR vehicles are road orwaterway worthy and maintained up to the established security standards. · Performminor repairs, arrange for other repairs, and ensure that the vehicle is keptclean. · Ensurethat the steps required by rules and regulations, or other local procedures,are taken in case of involvement in an accident. · Logofficial trips, daily mileage, gas consumption, oil changes, greasing, etc. · Ensurethat instructions and security guidance provided by the supervisor and securityfocal point are strictly followed. · Ensuresvalid documentation for passengers, items or cargo in vehicle. · Performother related duties as required. |
2 years relevantexperience with completion of Primary School educationDriving Licences;
Relevant Job Experience
Essential: Driving licence, knowledge ofdriving rules and regulations.
Functional Skills
DV-Driving Rules and Regulations DV-Basic Vehicle Mechanical Skills; Language Requirements Knowledgeof English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English. |
Autres informations | |||||
Core Competencies:Accountability
Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to Continuous Learning Client & Result Orientation
Managerial Competencies: not applicable
Cross-FunctionalCompetencies: TechnologicalAwareness Analytical Thinking Planning andOrganizing |
33) Driver at United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) – Rwanda. Deadline : February 12, 2020.
TheDriver in the UNHCR Office is normally supervised directly by theAdministrative Officer/Associate/Assistant or another staff member when thescale of the Operation so require it. Besides driving, the incumbent isresponsible for upkeep and maintenance of the assigned UNHCR vehicle(s) as pertechnical guidance and specifications established by the Organisation. S/he isrequired to follow strict instructions and security guidance provided by thesupervisor. While the basic function of a driver is to drive the official vehiclesof UNHCR, s/he may be called upon to perform minor maintenance and repair ofUNHCR vehicles.
TheDriver has regular contacts with staff within the UNHCR Office and with others(including Partners, government authorities, etc.) outside UNHCR involving alimited exchange of information.
All UNHCR staffmembers are accountable to perform their duties as reflected in their jobdescription. They do so within their delegated authorities, in line with theregulatory framework of UNHCR which includes the UN Charter, UN StaffRegulations and Rules, UNHCR Policies and Administrative Instructions as wellas relevant accountability frameworks. In addition, staff members are requiredto discharge their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the core, functional,cross-functional and managerial competencies and UNHCR’s core values ofprofessionalism, integrity and respect for diversity
Shortlistedcandidates may be required to sit for a test. Only shortlisted candidates willbe notified. No late applications will be accepted. UNHCR is committedto diversity and welcomes applications from qualified candidates regardless ofdisability, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, race, coloror ethnic and national origins, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. UNHCR does not chargea fee at any stage of the recruitment process (application, interview meeting,processing, training or any other fees). REMUNERATION A competitive compensation and benefits packageis offered. For information on UN salaries, allowances and benefits, please visitthe portal of the International Civil Service Commission at: http://icsc.un.org
· DriveUNHCR vehicles for the transport of authorized passengers, deliver, and collectdocuments and other items.· Meetofficial personnel at airports or other locations and facilitate immigrationand customs formalities as required.
· Performday-to-day maintenance of the assigned vehicles; check oil, water, battery,brakes, tires, etc. and ensure that the assigned UNHCR vehicles are road orwaterway worthy and maintained up to the established security standards. · Performminor repairs, arrange for other repairs, and ensure that the vehicle is keptclean. · Ensurethat the steps required by rules and regulations, or other local procedures,are taken in case of involvement in an accident. · Logofficial trips, daily mileage, gas consumption, oil changes, greasing, etc. · Ensurethat instructions and security guidance provided by the supervisor and securityfocal point are strictly followed. · Ensuresvalid documentation for passengers, items or cargo in vehicle. · Performother related duties as required.
2 years relevantexperience with completion of Primary School education
Certificates and/or Licenses
Driving Licences;
Relevant Job Experience
Essential: Driving licence, knowledge ofdriving rules and regulations.
Functional Skills
DV-Driving Rules and Regulations DV-Basic Vehicle Mechanical Skills;
Language Requirements
Knowledgeof English and/or UN working language of the duty station if not English. |
Autres informations | |||||
Core Competencies:Accountability
Communication Organizational Awareness Teamwork & Collaboration Commitment to Continuous Learning Client & Result Orientation
Managerial Competencies: not applicable
Cross-FunctionalCompetencies: TechnologicalAwareness Analytical Thinking Planning andOrganizing |
Kindly Note
All Jobs and Opportunities Published on mucuruzi.com are completely free to apply. A candidate should never pay any fee during the recruitment Process. Even if mucuruzi.com does its best to avoid any scam job or opportunity offer, a job seeker or an opportunity seeker is 100% responsible of applying at his own risk.
Check well before applying, if you doubt about the eligibility of any offer do not apply and notifie to mucuruzi.com via this email: [email protected] and remember to never pay any fee to have a job or get any opportunity, if you do so, do it at your own risk.