2 JOB POSITIONS AT MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING : LG Planning and Budgeting Specialist : ( Deadline : 17 October 2019 )
Job Description
• Undertake stocktaking of capacity gaps in planning and budgeting fields and develop remedial actions in collaboration with the Districts, Project Coordinator and counterparts in the National Development Planning and Research and National Budget Departments;
• Initiate capacity development reforms in collaboration with the Districts, Project Coordinator and counterparts in the National Development Planning and Research and National Budget Departments;
• Actively participate in delivering on PFM capacity building initiatives approved in the fiscal decentralization Joint Action Plan and others as assigned by the hierarchy;
• Prepare an action plan in consultation with Districts and subsidiary entities on how to strengthen capacities of the PFM Staff in Districts and their subsidiary entities in areas of planning and budgeting;
• Provide coaching to PFM staff at District and their subsidiary entities in planning and budgeting;
• Collaborate with other Specialists to ensure the sustainable transfer of capacities to PF stall in districts and their subsidiary entities;
• Participate in delivery of training workshop to PFM Staff and other stakeholders from MINECOFIN and other Institutions involved in building capacities for the PFM staff in districts and their subsidiary entities;
• Engage with the Monitoring and Evaluation team including contributing data to help analyze the capacity building interventions;
• Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual reports on implementation of the action plan specified in a) above;
– Attend and participate in the following coordination meetings
– Bi
– monthly coordination meetings for each team based at province
– Joint meetings between the PFM specialists, the Programme Coordinator, FDD, MINECOFIN technical departments and MINALOC every six months
• Stock
– taking meetings between each PFM specialists’ team and the district technical teams, Corporate Services Division Manager, Sector Executive Secretaries, and Vice Mayor for Finance every four months;
• Meetings every two months with District PFM counterparts for coordination and updates
Job Profile
• At least a Master’s degree level in Economics, Finance, Public Policy Management, Public Administration, Management, Development Studies, Project Management with at least 3years relevant working experience in Rwanda’s planning and budgeting processes Or a Bachelor’s degree in the same areas with 5 years relevant working experience as above;
• Prior experience in planning, budgeting, project management, project monitoring, log frames and M&E in a developing country;
• Prior knowledge of the planning and budgeting capacity gaps in districts and their subsidiary entities;
• Demonstrable knowledge of Rwanda’s fiscal decentralization policy and strategy;
• Demonstrable knowledge and experience in staff training and capacity building in the field of planning and budgeting;
• Strong and confident communication skills, particularly in high level discussions as well as strong relationship building and management skills;
• Demonstrable ability to find solutions to complex challenges.
• Very good writing skills;
• Fluent in Kinyarwanda and English or French, the fluency in both in English and French being an added advantage.
IPSAS Program Manager AT MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING : ( Deadline : 17 October 2019 )
Job Description
Ensure effective coordination of resources and activities pertaining to the IPSAS implementation program;
• Developing the IPSAS project plans and budget and obtain approval of same;
• Monitoring and reporting on the IPSAS project progress;
• Follow
– up and ensure resolution of IPSAS implementation and support issues;
• Establishing priorities for critical project tasks;
• Monitoring and supervising day to day IPSAS project operations, including contract management;
• Identifying risks and implementing strategies to manage them;
• Ensuring timely escalation and resolution of issues;
• Preparing for and coordinating regular team status meetings; and reviews;
• Providing appropriate documentation and information to assist the Business Owner (the Accountant General) and the Head of the IPSAS technical working group (Deputy Accountant General – Public Accounting and Reporting), to make timely and informed decisions concerning the IPSAS Project.
• Assist the Business Owner and Head of the IPSAS technical working group in the preparation of IPSAS implementation Progress and other Reports as the need may be;
• Report appropriately to the IPSAS governance structures;
• Ensuring that the IPSAS project utilizes ‘best practice’ in large
– scale project management, including quality management principles;
• Ensure the proper alignment of the IPSAS implementation with other PFM reforms (e.g. IFMIS) under implementation;
• Create a culture of ownership of the IPSAS implementation initiatives by the respective public entities;
• Provide advice and support to the Office of the Accountant General and the IFMIS Project Team manage the development and implementation of the IFMIS in order to facilitate the effective implementation of the accrual IPSAS requirements;
• Provide technical support to the departments/units under the Office of the Accountant General (IFMIS Unit, Treasury Unit, Public Accounts Unit, and the Government Business Portfolio Unit) to the implementation of the various PFM reforms and in particular those reforms within the context of the IPSAS implementation;
• Advise and assist in the development of appropriate Accounting Policies, bases and procedures and regulations for this process and other training material as required in view of the transition to accrual IPSAS; This shall involve providing technical support in conducting a gap analysis between GOR accounting policies and practices and the accrual IPSAS with recommended actions and their implementation timelines;
• Assist in implementing appropriate financial information reporting systems and formats which are consistent with the accrual basis IPSAS requirements;
• Assist in implementing improvements to the budget preparation including updated formats for the budget preparation in the context of achieving full compliance with the accrual basis IPSAS requirements;
• Provide technical support in the design and implementation of a framework for supervising, monitoring and evaluating extensive training programs for accountants and auditors throughout Government in order to cope with the demands and challenges of implementing the accrual basis IPSAS requirements;
• Advise and assist in development of appropriate legal and regulatory framework (financial procedures and regulations) required as a result of implementing the IPSAS program’
• Providing briefing to and documenting outcomes of routine IPSAS project monitoring missions and assist in mobilizing support of the development partners for the IPSAS Project;
• Carry out any such other duties as may be assigned by the Accountant General in line with the improvement of the financial management for the Government of Rwanda.
Job Profile
• At least a Masters degree in Accounting, Finance, Business administration or Economics with 8 years’ experience in the area of public financial management, including experience with PFM reform processes at a senior level either with Government or large public sector organizations Or Bachelors degree in the same areas with 10 years experience as above
• Expertise in public financial management;
• Membership to a professional accountancy body, which is a full member of the International Federation of Accountants [IFAC]. Having a Public Sector qualification such as CIPFA will provide further advantage.
• A proven track record of successful management of implementation of systems and standards in Public sector will be highly regarded.
• At least 10 years’ experience in the area of public financial management, including experience with PFM reform processes at a senior level either with Government or large public sector organizations.
• Dynamic and proactive individual with the ability to produce technical work plans and monitor performance against them
• Strong track record in performance management is vital (setting targets, monitoring delivery, planning)
• Strong track record in the preparation of government accounts
• Must be familiar with effective project management arrangements.
• Proven capacity to provide technical advice to and able to win confidence/trust of senior government officials, development partners, and stakeholders in PFM.
• Sound knowledge of relevant ICT applications for PFM is required.
• Excellent fluency in English. Working knowledge in French will be an added advantage.
4 JOB POSITIONS AT MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING : LG Accounting and Reporting Specialist : ( DEADLINE : 17 October 2019 )
Job Description
• Undertake stocktaking of capacity gaps in accounting and financial reporting matters in collaboration with Districts, the Project Coordinator and the Accountant General or his/her delegate
• Initiate capacity development reforms in collaboration with District, the Project Coordinator and the Accountant General or his/her delegate;
• Actively participate in delivering on PFM capacity building initiatives approved in the fiscal decentralization Joint Action Plan and others as assigned by the hierarchy;
• Prepare an action plan in consultation with Districts and subsidiary entities on how to strengthen capacities of the PFM Staff in Districts and their subsidiary entities in accounting and financial reporting matters;
• Provide coaching to PFM staff at District and their subsidiary entities having under their responsibilities accounting and financial reporting matters;
• Participate in delivery of training workshop to PFM Staff and other stakeholders from MINECOFIN and other Institutions involved in building capacities for the PFM staff in districts and their subsidiary entities;
• Engage with the Monitoring and Evaluation team including contributing data to help analyze the capacity building interventions;
• Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual reports on implementation of the action plan specified in a) above;
– Attend and participate in the following coordination meetings
– Bi
– monthly coordination meetings for each team based at province
– Joint meetings between the PFM specialists, the Programme Coordinator, FDD, MINECOFIN technical departments and MINALOC every six months;
• Stock
– taking meetings between each PFM specialists’ team and the district technical teams, Corporate Services Division Manager, Sector Executive Secretaries, and Vice Mayor for Finance every four months;
• Meetings every two months with District PFM counterparts for coordination and updates
Job Profile
• At least a Master’s degree level in Finance, Accounting; professional qualification as ACCA, CPA will be an added advantage with 3 years relevant working experience in a public institution or Government/donor funded project Or a Bachelors degree in the same areas with 5years relevant working experience as above
• Prior knowledge of the public financial management capacity gaps in districts and their subsidiary entities;
• Demonstrable knowledge of Rwanda’s fiscal decentralization policy and strategy;
• Excellent understanding of the PFM Learning Strategy would be an added advantage;
• Demonstrable knowledge and experience in staff training and capacity building in the field of accounting and financial reporting;
• Strong and confident communication skills, particularly in high level discussions, as well as relation building and management skills;
• Ability to understand, interpret and apply compliance obligations, in a complex environmental of overlapping and sometimes contradictory requirements;
• Fluent in Kinyarwanda and English or French, the fluency in both in English and French being an added advantage
• Demonstrable ability to find solutions to complex challenges
• Experience in providing training and advisory in area of Public financial management is a must.
IPSAS Financial Management Specialist Asset Management AT MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING : ( Deadline : 17 October 2019 )
Job Description
• Providing advice on the overall reform issues as they relate to the Government of Rwanda public financial management (PFM) in general and in particular those reforms under the IPSAS project;
• Assessing the accuracy and completeness of existing asset information including inventories;
• Support technical working groups to conduct analysis for designated work streams and come up with proposed conclusions/ solutions/ decisions on the way forward;
• Assist in the preparation of data collection instructions and in the monitoring of the data collection process;
• Determining the categories of assets that will be used in the chart of accounts and the financial statements;
• Identifying whether GoR holds any assets that are within the scope of IPSAS 32 Service
– Concession Arrangements: Grantor and assist the reporting entities to deal with them accordingly;
• Assisting each reporting entity to be able to identify and include all its inventories, property, plant and equipment (PPE), intangible assets, investment property, service
– concession assets, assets under finance lease, biological assets in the individual financial statements;
• Providing support to enable all reporting entities to document all types of assets held, and compile asset registers and inventory records;
• Support technical working groups to conduct analysis for designated work streams and come up with proposed conclusions/ solutions/ decisions on the way forward;
• Participate in the review of existing work/process flows (“as is”), provide input regarding accounting data requirements to the IFMIS team and review for IPSAS compliance and design of the proposed future processes (“to be”);
• Assisting the entities to determine accurate opening balances for each category of assets including inventories (identification, application of definition of asset, measurement, impairment, recognition, de
– recognition);
• Assist in ensuring that the IFMIS application build and other relevant government systems effectively support the implementation of the IPSAS program. This may for example include providing the necessary support in developing an inventory and a non
– currents assets functionality in IFMIS and ensuring that IPSAS compliant financial statements can be generated directly from the IFMIS both at the level of the individual entities and for the government wide accounts;
• Facilitate the training initiatives in line with the IPSAS Implementation Blueprint;
• Carrying out any such other duties that will be assigned by the IPSAS Project Implementation Manager, the Accountant General and Deputy Accountant General in charge of Accounting and Reporting in line with the improvement of financial management for the Government of Rwanda;
Job Profile
• At least a Master’s degree level in Finance, Accounting; professional qualification as ACCA, CPA will be an added advantage with 3 years relevant working experience in financial management activities and public sector activities such as preparation of accounts, design and implementation of financial management policies, procedures; accounting standards such as IPSAS; IFRSs; ISAs and financial management information systems Or a Bachelors degree in the same areas with 5years relevant working experience as above
• Dynamic and proactive individual with the ability to produce technical work plans and monitor performance against them.
• Strong track record in performance management is vital (setting targets, monitoring delivery, planning);
• A sound, operating knowledge of computers is essential.
IFMIS and System Specialist AT MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING : ( Deadline : 17 October 2019 )
Job Description
• Undertake stocktaking of capacity gaps in using IFMIS in collaboration with Districts, the Project Coordinator and the IFMIS Coordinator or his/her delegate;
• Prepare an action plan in consultation with Districts and subsidiary entities on how to strengthen capacities of the staff using IFMIS in Districts and their subsidiary entities in accounting and financial reporting matters;
• Develop new IFMIS functionalities for decentralized entities in partnership with IFMIS Project Manager, Business Analysts, Architects and Designers;
• Upgrade existing IFMIS functionalities for decentralized entities as user requirements’ change;
• Create test data and write all required test codes to assure that the written functional codes produce results a per user requirements;
• Test software to ensure the code is correct, fix bugs where they occur and rerun and recheck the application until is produces the correct results;
• Design and develop guidelines for deploying statutory and ad hoc system reports;
• Document every aspect of the IFMIS source codes as a reference for future maintenance and upgrades;
• Update job knowledge by studying advanced development tools, programming techniques, and computing equipment;
• Work with system administration resources to ensure best architectural, deployment and performance within hosting infrastructure;
• Contribute to the IFMIS technical solution from design to code level;
• Carrying out any other duties that will be assigned by the IFMIS Coordinator in line with the improvement of financial management of the Government of Rwanda;
• Engage with the Monitoring and Evaluation team including contributing data to help analyze the capacity building interventions;
• Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual reports on implementation of the action plan specified in a) above;
– Attend and participate in the following coordination meetings:
– Joint meetings between the PFM specialists, the Programme Coordinator, FDD, MINECOFIN technical departments and MINALOC every six months
• Stock
– taking meetings between each PFM specialists’ team and the district technical teams, Corporate Services Division Manager, Sector Executive Secretaries, and Vice Mayor for Finance every four months;
• Meetings every two months with District PFM counterparts for coordination and updates.
Job Profile
• At least a Master’s degree in Information Technology (IT), Software Engineering, Computer Science with 3 years relevant working experience in web and/or mobile application development with automated testing Or Bachelor’s degree in the same areas with 5 years relevant working experience as above
• Proven Experience in the Smart IFMIS functions is a must
• Excellent knowledge of developing Java Enterprise Applications using JEE and Spring
• Practical skills in developing web applications using popular java frameworks (Struts, JSF, Spring MVC, or ZK)
• Strong understanding of ORM technologies (JPA, Hibernate, or MyBatis)
• Excellent knowledge of build tools like Maven, Ant, etc
• Practical knowledge of RDBMS including Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL)
• Deep expertise and hands on experience with Web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, JQuery and API’s
• Excellent knowledge of digital signature and encryption: symmetric key and asymmetric
– key algorithms, hashing, certificates
• Deep expertise and hands on experience with Java logging framework such as Log4J, Apache Commons Logging or SLF4J
• Excellent knowledge of java auditing frameworks such as JaVers
• Expert in testing tools JUnit or TestNG
• Familiarity with load and performance testing tools such as JMeter, NeoLoad, etc
• Familiarity with code quality tools such as SonarQube
• Familiarity with automation tools such as Jenkins
• Familiarity with version control tools such as SVN, Git, etc
• Familiarity with web and application servers including Jetty, Tomcat, WebLogic, JBoss, etc
• Demonstrable knowledge and experience in staff training and capacity building
• Strong and confident communication skills, as well as strong relationship building and management skills
• Demonstrable ability to find solutions to complex challenges
2 JOB POSITIONS AT MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING : LG Internal Audit Specialist : ( Deadline : 17 October 2019 )
Job Description
• Undertake stocktaking of capacity gaps in audit and internal control matters in collaboration with the Districts, Project Coordinator and counterparts in the Office of the Chief Internal Auditor;
• Initiate capacity development reforms in collaboration with the Districts, Project Coordinator and counterparts in the Office of the Chief Internal Auditor;
• Actively participate in delivering on PFM capacity building initiatives approved in the fiscal decentralization Joint Action Plan and others as assigned by the hierarchy;
• Prepare an action plan in consultation with Districts and subsidiary entities on how to strengthen capacities of the PFM Staff in Districts and their subsidiary entities in audit matters and financial control matters;
• Provide coaching to PFM staff at District and their subsidiary entities on the collaboration framework between them and their respective internal audit committees;
• Participate in delivery of training workshop to PFM Staff and other stakeholders from MINECOFIN and other Institutions involved in building capacities for the PFM staff in districts and their subsidiary entities;
• Engage with the Monitoring and Evaluation team including contributing data to help analyze the capacity building interventions;
• Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual reports on implementation of the action plan specified in a) above;
– Attend and participate in the following coordination meetings:
– Joint meetings between the PFM specialists, the Programme Coordinator, FDD, MINECOFIN technical departments and MINALOC every six months;
• Stock
– taking meetings between each PFM specialists’ team and the district technical teams, Corporate Services Division Manager, Sector Executive Secretaries, and Vice Mayor for Finance every four months;
• Meetings every two months with District PFM counterparts for coordination and updates.
Job Profile
• At least Master’s degree in Finance, Accounting with professional qualification as ACCA, CPA CIA with 3 years relevant working experience in internal auditing in a public institution or Government/donor funded project or as external auditor in a highly reputable audit institution Or a Bachelor’s degree in the same areas with 5 years relevant working experience as above
• Working experience as auditor Prior experience in project management, project monitoring, log frames and M&E in a developing country is an added advantage
• Prior knowledge of the public financial management capacity gaps in districts and their subsidiary entities
• Demonstrable knowledge of Rwanda’s fiscal decentralization policy and strategy;
• Excellent understanding of the PFM Learning Strategy would be an added advantage;
• Demonstrable knowledge and experience in staff training and capacity building on audit and internal control matters
• Strong and confident communication skills, particularly in high level discussions as well as strong relationship building and management skills
• Ability to understand, interpret and apply compliance obligations, in a complex environmental of overlapping and sometimes contradictory requirements
• Fluent in Kinyarwanda and English or French, the fluency in both in English and French being an added advantage
• Demonstrable ability to find solutions to complex challenges
4 JOB POSITIONS AT MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMIC PLANNING : LG Procurement Specialist : ( Deadline : 17 October 2019 )
Job Description
• Undertake stocktaking of capacity gaps in public procurement laws, procedures and standard practices in place in collaboration with the Project Coordinator and counterparts in Rwanda Public Procurement Authority;
• Develop a set of pathways for learning that recognize the diversity of individuals who undertake procurement across local government and the degree to which they have knowledge and expertise in procurement (from novices to masters);
• Provide specialist advice to Project Coordinator and Senior Stakeholders on procurement policy, procurement planning, contract formation and contract management activities, including policy exemptions, contract variations, and renewal and extension strategies;
• Initiate capacity development activities in collaboration with the Project Coordinator and counterparts in Rwanda Public Procurement Authority;
• Actively participate in delivering on PFM capacity building initiatives approved in the fiscal decentralization Joint Action Plan and others as assigned by the hierarchy;
• Prepare an action plan to strengthen capacities of the PFM Staff in Districts and their subsidiary entities in areas of public procurement;
• Provide coaching to PFM staff at District and their subsidiary entities in public procurement;
• Collaborate with other Specialists to ensure the sustainable transfer of capacities to PFM staff in all in districts and their subsidiary entities;
• Participate in delivery of training workshop to PFM Staff and other stakeholders from MINECOFIN and other Institutions involved in building capacities for the PFM staff in districts and their subsidiary entities;
• Prepare monthly and quarterly reports on implementation of the action plan specified in a) above
Job Profile
• At least a Master’s degree level in Procurement, Law, Economics, Development Studies, Finance with 3 years relevant experience in public institutions or Government/Donor funded projects Or a Bachelors degree in the same areas with 5years relevant working experience as above;
• Working experience as a Procurement Officer Prior knowledge of the public financial management capacity gaps in districts and their subsidiary entities;
• Demonstrable knowledge and experience in staff training and capacity building in the field of public procurement;
• Experience in development of training materials and modules for private and public procurement;
• Ability to impart public procurement knowledge and skills to procurement practitioners under his/her responsibilities;
• Ability to understand, interpret and apply compliance obligations, in a complex environmental of overlapping and sometimes contradictory requirements;
• Very good writing skills;
• Fluent in Kinyarwanda and English or French, the fluency in both in English and French being an added advantage;
• Strong and confident communication skills, particularly in high level discussions as well as strong relationship building and management skills.
• Demonstrable ability to find solutions to complex challenges.
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