Applications open for European Bee Award: (Deadline 6 September, 2024)

Applications open for European Bee Award: (Deadline 6 September, 2024)

Applications open for European Bee Award: (Deadline 6 September, 2024)

Applications are now open for the European Bee Award initiated by the European Landowners’ Organization (ELO) and the European Agricultural Machinery Industry Association (CEMA) to celebrate inventive, effective, and scalable projects safeguarding pollinators across Europe.


  • The award also comes with a diploma of recognition and the winning project will be promoted through ELO and CEMA communication channels:
    • Category 1: Land management practices to protect and enhance pollinators in the farmed environment. The prize will reward developments in farming practices that help create the right living conditions for bees and other pollinators, encouraging their presence in cropped areas while enriching biodiversity in the farmed environment.
    • Category 2: Application of innovative technological solutions to reduce farming operations’ impact on pollinators. A special focus will be placed this year on projects that new technologies and new applications of technologies to allow bees and other pollinators to be better protected from the impact of farming operations (for example, application of crop protection products or during harvesting).
  • In addition to the above categories, a “Jury special mention” will be awarded by diploma of recognition for an excellent small-scale or novel project, farm or initiative. An independent jury chaired by Dr Michael Garratt and including international experts, members of the European Institutions and NGOs will be in charge of assessing which practices and innovative ideas in agriculture most contribute to the maintenance of good pollinator communities in Europe’s farmed landscape.

Award Information

  • Land Management practices (€ 4,000 prize)
  • Innovative technological solutions (€ 4,000 prize)
  • Special Mention of the Jury (diploma of recognition)

Examples that match the award criteria the jury will welcome

  • Novel and innovative ideas to protect bees and pollinators
  • Projects that are scalable
  • Technological solutions that can demonstrate efficacy
  • Practices that also benefit non-pollinator biodiversity in the farmed environment
  • New crop management practices that benefit both managed honeybee populations and also wild bees and other pollinators
  • New ways to manage non-cropped areas that increase the availability of flowers and other resources for pollinators
  • Innovation in integrated pest management that use modern technology to reduce negative effects on pollinators
  • New farm equipment technologies that reduce the impact of farming operations on honeybees and other pollinators

Deadline: 6 September, 2024


 Who can apply? 

  • The European Bee Award is open to everyone.
  • They reward farmers, landowners, research institutes, academia, and private and public organisations who develop outstanding and innovative projects aiming to protect bees or other pollinators and helping to preserve biodiversity.
  • Former applicants are very welcome to re-apply.


For more information, visit OFFICIAL LINK & APPLY.


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