Canadian Council of Muslim Women Lila Fahlman Scholarship 2024: (Deadline: 15July, 2024)

Canadian Council of Muslim Women Lila Fahlman Scholarship 2024: (Deadline: 15July, 2024)

Canadian Council of Muslim Women Lila Fahlman Scholarship 2024: (Deadline: 15July, 2024)

Applications are open for the Canadian Council of Muslim Women Lila Fahlman Scholarship 2024. The Lila Fahlman Scholarship is named after the late Dr. Lila Fahlman, a renowned educator and founder of the CCMW (Canadian Council of Muslim Women). The scholarship is sponsored by CCMW with generous donations by community members and sponsors.

Individual scholarships may be awarded to Canadian Muslim women who are enrolled in a full-time undergraduate or certificate programs at a Canadian college or university. Preference may be given to those who are involved in or have previously supported CCMW through their volunteer work.


  • The scholarship is up to $1,500.


Open to a Muslim woman student who:

  • Is a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.
  • Is enrolled in a full-time undergraduate diploma or certificate program at a Canadian college or university for the upcoming academic year.
  • Is committed to completing the full academic year.
  • Is making a recognized positive contribution to society through civic engagement and/or volunteering experience.

Considerable preference will be given to individuals who express familiarity and connection with the mission of CCMW as a highly diverse organization with a mission to affirm the identities of Muslim women in Canada through faith, social justice and meaningful community engagement.


  • Signed Scholarship application form.
  • A 1-2 minute video or audio describing the reasons why you would be a worthy recipient of this Scholarship. Include your contribution to civic engagement at the community level, other volunteer activities, your academic achievements, your most important accomplishments and your future goals. If providing video or audio presents a barrier, an essay of no more than 500 words in 12-point font and double-spaced can also be submitted.
  • Summary Financial Need
  • Two letters of reference, which may be from a teacher from your school, college or university or someone who is familiar with your community service. A letter of reference from a CCMW member who is familiar with your accomplishments could be included here.
  • Record of most recent Academic transcript.

Click here to apply

For more information, visit Official link


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