TENDER NAME: Supply of Tablets at The Réseau Interdiocésain de Microfinance (RIM Plc): (Deadline 13 Febru ...
TENDER NAME: Supply of Tablets at The Réseau Interdiocésain de Microfinance (RIM Plc): (Deadline 13 February 2024)
TENDER NAME: Supply of Tablets at The Réseau Interdiocésain de Microfinance (RIM Plc): (Deadline 13 February 2024)
Plot for sale in Kigali, Kicukiro, Masaka; Price : 5,000,000Frw per Plot
Plot for sale in Kigali, Kicukiro, Masaka; Price : 5,000,000Frw per Plot
12 Job Positions at Kibogora Polytechnic: (Deadline 6 February 2024)
12 Job Positions at Kibogora Polytechnic: (Deadline 6 February 2024)
Plots for sale, located Kicukiro Masaka Rusheshe on 3,500,000frw
Plots for sale, located Kicukiro Masaka Rusheshe on 3,500,000frw
Car for sale Toyota Hirux (Vigo) year: 2014, Manuel on best Price: 32,000,000frw
Car for sale Toyota Hirux (Vigo) year: 2014, Manuel on best Price: 32,000,000frw
Outsource external audit services at Special Drivers United(SDU): (Deadline 31 January 2024)
Outsource external audit services at Special Drivers United(SDU): (Deadline 31 January 2024)
11 Job Positions at Kibogora Polytechnic: (Deadline 29 January 2024)
11 Job Positions at Kibogora Polytechnic: (Deadline 29 January 2024)
Itangazo ry’akazi k’umwanya w’umugenzuzi wigenga(External Auditor) muri FUCORIRWA: (Deadline 5 February 2024)
Itangazo ry’akazi k’umwanya w’umugenzuzi wigenga(External Auditor) muri FUCORIRWA: (Deadline 5 February 2024)
Head of Operations at Special Drivers United(SDU): (Deadline 27 January 2024)
Head of Operations at Special Drivers United(SDU): (Deadline 27 January 2024)
2 Job Positions at Special Drivers United(SDU): (Deadline 27 January 2024)
2 Job Positions at Special Drivers United(SDU): (Deadline 27 January 2024)
Head of Finance at Special Drivers United(SDU): (Deadline 27 January 2024)
Head of Finance at Special Drivers United(SDU): (Deadline 27 January 2024)
2 Job Positions at Réseau d’Investissement social(RIS) Ltd: (Deadline 31 January 2024)
2 Job Positions at Réseau d’Investissement social(RIS) Ltd: (Deadline 31 January 2024)
House for Sale located in Kicukiro Nyarugunga near Sanitas and it has 4 rooms, 3 toilette, dining room and a Kitchen, on best price: 42,000,000frw
House for Sale located in Kicukiro Nyarugunga near Sanitas and it has 4 rooms, 3 toilette, dining room and a Kitchen, on best price: 42,000,000frw
Itangazo ry’isoko rigenewe barwiyemezamirimo muri SACCO IBONEMO GACURABWENGE: (Deadline 27 January 2024)
Itangazo ry’isoko rigenewe barwiyemezamirimo muri SACCO IBONEMO GACURABWENGE: (Deadline 27 January 2024)
Itangazo ry’isoko ryo gutanga ikizamini cy’akazi muri SACCO IBONEMO GACURABWENGE: (Deadline 27 January 2024)
Itangazo ry’isoko ryo gutanga ikizamini cy’akazi muri SACCO IBONEMO GACURABWENGE: (Deadline 27 January 2024)
Plot for sale in Kigali, Gasabo, Rusororo; Price : 5,500,000Frw per Plot
Plot for sale in Kigali, Gasabo, Rusororo; Price : 5,500,000Frw per Plot
Car for Sale, Toyota Rav4, Year: 1997 on Best Price: 4,800,000Frw(Negotiable)
Car for Sale, Toyota Rav4, Year: 1997 on Best Price: 4,800,000Frw(Negotiable)
4 Job Positions at ARECO-RWANDA NZIZA: (Deadline 23rd January 2024)
4 Job Positions at ARECO-RWANDA NZIZA: (Deadline 23rd January 2024)
MEAL Officer at AVSI Rwanda: (Deadline 31 January 2024)
MEAL Officer at AVSI Rwanda: (Deadline 31 January 2024)
Laboratory Technician at Africa Humanitarian Action (AHA): (Deadline 12 January 2024)
Laboratory Technician at Africa Humanitarian Action (AHA): (Deadline 12 January 2024)
Tender Notice (TN) Invitation for Bids(IFB) at Rutsiro Honey Ltd: (Deadline 9 January 2024)
Tender Notice (TN) Invitation for Bids(IFB) at Rutsiro Honey Ltd: (Deadline 9 January 2024)
Plot for sale located in Kigali, Gasabo Bumbogo-Musave price between 4Millions to 6Millions
Plot for sale located in Kigali, Gasabo Bumbogo-Musave price between 4Millions to 6Millions
Plots for sale in Kicukiro Masaka location for only 4,500,000 frw
Plots for sale in Kicukiro Masaka location for only 4,500,000 frw
Training and mentorship organized by ikirenga art and culture promotion in partnership with Unesco: (Deadline 14 January 2024)
Training and mentorship organized by ikirenga art and culture promotion in partnership with Unesco: (Deadline 14 January 2024)
Best Plots for sale in Masaka-Rusheshe for 4,000,000 frw only, documents are available for mutations
Best Plots for sale in Masaka-Rusheshe for 4,000,000 frw only, documents are available for mutations
Laboratory technician at AIM LifeCare Ltd: (Deadline 8 January 2023)
Laboratory technician at AIM LifeCare Ltd: (Deadline 8 January 2023)
Receptionist at AIM LifeCare Ltd: (Deadline 8 January 2023)
Receptionist at AIM LifeCare Ltd: (Deadline 8 January 2023)
Accountant Assistant at AIM LifeCare Ltd: (Deadline 8 January 2023)
Accountant Assistant at AIM LifeCare Ltd: (Deadline 8 January 2023)
Nurses(Dialysis/Dental/Lab/Triage) at AIM LifeCare Ltd: (Deadline 8 January 2023)
Nurses(Dialysis/Dental/Lab/Triage) at AIM LifeCare Ltd: (Deadline 8 January 2023)
4 Job Positions at AIM LifeCare Ltd: (Deadline 8 January 2024)
4 Job Positions at AIM LifeCare Ltd: (Deadline 8 January 2024)
Driver at Koperative Indatwa Kamonyi: (Deadline 20 December 2023)
Driver at Koperative Indatwa Kamonyi: (Deadline 20 December 2023)
3 Job Positions at Kibogora Polytechnic: (Deadline 11th December 2023)
3 Job Positions at Kibogora Polytechnic: (Deadline 11th December 2023)