INTERNAL & EXTERNAL JOB VACANCY – SPARE PARTS STOREKEEPER We are seeking to hire a Brewery Spare Pa ...
Spare Parts Storekeeper at Bralirwa: (Deadline 27 July 2022)
Spare Parts Storekeeper at Bralirwa: (Deadline 27 July 2022)
Imyanya myinshi y’akazi igera kuri 421 itaragera kuri Deadline, kubantu bafite A2, A1, A0, masters ndetse n’imyanya y’ubushoferi
Imyanya myinshi y’akazi igera kuri 421 itaragera kuri Deadline, kubantu bafite A2, A1, A0, masters ndetse n’imyanya y’ubushoferi
Itangazo rya Polisi Rireba abashaka gukorera impushya zo gutwara ibinyabiziga, Provisoire na Definitif (Gukorera permis mu Rwanda)
Itangazo rya Polisi Rireba abashaka gukorera impushya zo gutwara ibinyabiziga, Provisoire na Definitif (Gukorera permis mu Rwanda)
Business Unit Coordinator at Neusoft Medical Systems: (Deadline 23 July 2022)
Business Unit Coordinator at Neusoft Medical Systems: (Deadline 23 July 2022)
Site Administrator at ANDRITZ Hydro GmbH: (Deadline 20 July 2022)
Site Administrator at ANDRITZ Hydro GmbH: (Deadline 20 July 2022)
Youth Engagement Team LeaderShape at Never Again Rwanda: (Deadline 29 July 2022)
Youth Engagement Team LeaderShape at Never Again Rwanda: (Deadline 29 July 2022)
4 Job Positions at The Pharo Foundation Rwanda Ltd: (Deadline 29 July 2022)
4 Job Positions at The Pharo Foundation Rwanda Ltd: (Deadline 29 July 2022)
School Accountant at The Pharo Foundation Rwanda Ltd: (Deadline 29 July 2022)
School Accountant at The Pharo Foundation Rwanda Ltd: (Deadline 29 July 2022)
School Operations and Logistics Lead at The Pharo Foundation Rwanda Ltd: (Deadline 29 July 2022)
School Operations and Logistics Lead at The Pharo Foundation Rwanda Ltd: (Deadline 29 July 2022)
School Operations and Logistics Lead at The Pharo Foundation Rwanda Ltd: (Deadline 29 July 2022)
School Operations and Logistics Lead at The Pharo Foundation Rwanda Ltd: (Deadline 29 July 2022)
School Principal at The Pharo Foundation Rwanda Ltd: (Deadline 29 July 2022)
School Principal at The Pharo Foundation Rwanda Ltd: (Deadline 29 July 2022)
School Teachers at The Pharo Foundation Rwanda Ltd: (Deadline 29 July 2022)
School Teachers at The Pharo Foundation Rwanda Ltd: (Deadline 29 July 2022)
32 Job Positions of Clinical Psychologist at NATIONAL REHABILITATION SERVICE: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
32 Job Positions of Clinical Psychologist at NATIONAL REHABILITATION SERVICE: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
2 Job Positions at Rutongo Mines Ltd: (Deadline 30 July 2022)
2 Job Positions at Rutongo Mines Ltd: (Deadline 30 July 2022)
Group Supply Chain Superintendent at Rutongo Mines Ltd: (Deadline 30 July 2022)
Group Supply Chain Superintendent at Rutongo Mines Ltd: (Deadline 30 July 2022)
Group Finance Manager at Rutongo Mines Ltd: (Deadline 30 July 2022)
Group Finance Manager at Rutongo Mines Ltd: (Deadline 30 July 2022)
Junior TVET Expert for Eco-Emploi Programme at GIZ Rwanda: (Deadline 29 July 2022)
Junior TVET Expert for Eco-Emploi Programme at GIZ Rwanda: (Deadline 29 July 2022)
Caseworker at Prison Fellowship Rwanda (PFR): (Deadline 22 July 2022)
Caseworker at Prison Fellowship Rwanda (PFR): (Deadline 22 July 2022)
10 Job Positions of Animal Resources Officer(contractual) at KIGALI CITY: (Deadline 15 July 2022)
10 Job Positions of Animal Resources Officer(contractual) at KIGALI CITY: (Deadline 15 July 2022)
3 Job Positions at Komera Project: (Deadline 21 July 2022)
3 Job Positions at Komera Project: (Deadline 21 July 2022)
Business Development Manager at Komera Project: (Deadline 21 July 2022)
Business Development Manager at Komera Project: (Deadline 21 July 2022)
Tailoring Assistant at Komera Project: (Deadline 21 July 2022)
Tailoring Assistant at Komera Project: (Deadline 21 July 2022)
Information Technology Officer at Komera Project: (Deadline 21 July 2022)
Information Technology Officer at Komera Project: (Deadline 21 July 2022)
21 Job Positions at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
21 Job Positions at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
Principal Cashier A0 at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
Principal Cashier A0 at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
Planning, M&E Officer at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
Planning, M&E Officer at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
6 Job Positions of Nurse, Head of Department/Matron A0 at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
6 Job Positions of Nurse, Head of Department/Matron A0 at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
Midwife, Head of Department A0 at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
Midwife, Head of Department A0 at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
Infrastructure Maintenance Officer A1 at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
Infrastructure Maintenance Officer A1 at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
Head of Anesthesia Technician A0 at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
Head of Anesthesia Technician A0 at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
Head of Lab A0 at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
Head of Lab A0 at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
Head of Anesthesia Technician A0 at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)
Head of Anesthesia Technician A0 at NGOMA DISTRICT HEALTH: (Deadline 25 July 2022)