Consultancy Services for Business Process Analysis and TOR Development for the Public Service Request Portal of MIFOTRA at GIZ Rwanda: (Deadline 16 June 2022)
Expression of Interest (EOI)
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a federally owned international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations. GIZ has worked in Rwanda for over 30 years. The primary objectives between the Government of Rwanda and the Federal Republic of Germany are poverty reduction and promotion of sustainable development. To achieve these objectives, GIZ Rwanda is active in the sectors of Decentralization and Good Governance, Economic Development and Employment Promotion, Energy, and ICT (Information and Communications Technology).
The GIZ project “Digital Solutions for Sustainable Development” (DSSD) has a mandate to advise Rwandan institutions on the implementation of the Smart Rwanda Master Plan (2016-2020) and its priority projects. The project also aims to promote the development of digital solutions in collaboration with sector ministries, local and international private companies, research institutions and civil society.
The Digital Solutions for Sustainable Development project entered a new phase in 2021. In addition to digital solutions that are being developed together with the Rwandan partner authorities, more vulnerable groups such as the rural population, women and people with disabilities are to be involved in the digital transformation in line with the approach Leave no one behind. One of the project objectives is designed to develop initiatives to promote digital participation in collaboration between public and private stakeholders. The assumption here is that digital skills, combined with target-group-specific digital services, will enable a large proportion of the population to be part of the digital transformation and use these services. To reach the target groups effectively, use leveraging effects and develop user-centric services, stronger cooperation between public and private actors is being promoted. This will contribute to develop and offer services in a systematic and coordinated manner.
The Ministry of Public service and labour in its mandate receives various requests from government institutions that need immediate attention and response. These requests are usually sent to the official MIFOTRA’s email. There is a dedicated team under the central secretariat tasked with the process of receiving and responding to these emails/requests. This team is also in charge of dispatching the received requests to various departments and implementing agencies in the ministry. Because this entire process is not automated, there are several challenges including but not limited to limited visibility on the status of requests and minimal prioritization and tracking of requests.
Minimal visibility on the status of requests made to MIFOTRA is one of the greatest sources of inefficiency in processing requests. Reports shows that about 30% of the requests made to MIFOTRA do not provide the requesters any form of information regarding their status. Some requests may require further analysis from the concerned departments while others may require supplementary documentation. The processing of these requests may take hours or days depending on the nature of the request. The requesting institutions have minimum visibility of how far their request has reached and when to expect the final verdict.
Because there is only one main email used for correspondence regarding the requests made, differentiating between the actual requests from informational communications is cumbersome. It is time consuming for the central secretariat team to review each request received and properly designate it for dispatch to the appropriate department or implementing agency. Prioritization of requests and tracking requests becomes difficult due to the large number of emails, some of which are “just information to the ministry.” Some of the requests are prioritized by the respective departments they are designated to and some of the requests may be sent to the wrong departments due to difficulty in traceability.
Therefore, proper intervention to increase efficiency through effectively and timely management of the requests made to the ministry is required. In addition, increasing visibility on requests made is expected to increase productivity of the secretariat.
MIFOTRA needs to have in place a portal that will assist in the processing, management, monitoring and dispatching of all service requests. The rationale of the system is to enable the secretariat in charge of receiving these requests to manage, monitor, track the requests status in the various departments and in the long run provide real-time status to the requesters.
The system is expected to digitize the service request process with the aim to address issues of handling, processing, tracking and management of service requests after they have been submitted as well as strengthening structures and linkages for requesters in order to increase efficiency.
This system feature will lessen the burden of manually managing processes required for processing service requests. As well as centralize the entire process across the country. The System is expected to provide an interface that will be based on the current manual operations currently in use.
The system should be linked with all the MIFOTRA departments to enable automated data recording, reporting, and computing with extensive data extraction, collection, and processing functions.
The System should be layered but not limited to the following proposed components/processes:
- Users Management (user account expiration, disable Inactive users)
- Department Allocation
- Requests Receipt Management
- Processing requests
- Monitoring request status
- Keeping service request records as submitted by the requesters.
- Managing dispatched requests
- Reports management with Analytics, charts, graphs, maps, and mobile-friendly dashboards
Tasks to be performed by the contractor
The bidder is required to plan, organize, and facilitate the initial phase that will guide the development and deployment of the public service requests portal.
The initial phase will include the design of the system architecture, a high-level & low-level requirements document, as well as business process mapping to further guide the development of the system.
Work package 1: Business process mapping
- The contractor will ensure to work with MIFOTRA and its partners’ users and management, to analyse the current business processes and desired improvements which should be complete and fully documented as the foundation of the system design and present the “system design document” to MIFOTRA management and its key stakeholders.
- The consultant should develop a high standard documentation of all business processes defined by MIFOTRA designed in BPMN with actors, systems, and activities.
- The design document should clearly address how the system will help to achieve the primary objectives set out in Chapter.2.
- The contractor should propose a minimum of 3 recommendations ranging from reporting advice to add on product suggestions, by leveraging their expertise to improve system efficiency. These 3 recommended options will then be compared in a structured pro/con process
- In a systematic and holistic way, the consultant should determine functional and non-functional requirements and features of the system to be built. And should match to the process documents.
Work package 2: Integration Architecture
- The contractor should develop a detailed integration architecture that will enable loose coupling with other government mainstream systems I.e., the MIFOTRA ILIS and other government support systems.
- The contractor should develop a comprehensive knowledge transfer plan to ensure the efficient handover of the Integrated architecture document and process mapping tools to MIFOTRA and its key stakeholders.
Work package 3: Prepare TOR for the tender of development and Implementation
- The contractor should prepare quality assured ToR documents for the development and implementation tender based on the RISA standard format.
- The consultant should define the scope of the iterations based on prioritization and dependencies.
Work package 4: Reporting
The following reports will be submitted by the contractor:
- Inception report: This report shall be given two (2) weeks after the commencement of the assignment detailing but not limited to the approach and methodology, proposed work plan for undertaking the assignment, and implementation timeline scheduling of the assignment.
- Weekly progress reports: This report shall constitute a summary of the accomplished work and shall reveal in detail achieved milestone and the work plan for the coming week. The report shall also identify the problems encountered during the implementation of previous week’s activities and the suggested measures and needed help from RISA & MIFOTRA team to facilitate the following week’s work. This report should be submitted on a weekly basis.
- Draft and final Reports: This report will elaborate all activities undertaken during assignment execution including all project documentation. This will include all the integration architecture and business process mapping documentation and manuals, with the latter including feedback from all MIFOTRA stakeholders. As well as the final ToRs for the development and implementation of the system.
Please note: This assignment is intended for the delivery of proper requirements documentation and requirements gathering, as well as ascertaining the proper architecture for building a public service request portal. The assignment of build test and deployment of this portal will be separate from this one.
Expected Deliverables
The following deliverables shall be delivered to the Client:
- Deliverable 1: Inception report detailing that the Consultant understanding of the assignment and the methodology to be employed to complete the assignment; roadmap with specific, clear, and detailed milestones with their respective implementation, deployment timelines to ensure timely system delivery.
- Deliverable 2: Produce the detailed Integration Architecture, module and system integration architecture, system hierarchy/level diagram, system & user manual, and system entity relationship diagram and/or any other system related documentation.
- Deliverable 3: Produce a business processes document that highlights processes and desired improvements which should be complete and fully documented as the foundation of the system design.
- Deliverable 4: Develop a High-level requirements document which will include functional and non-function requirements that match the process documents.
- Deliverable 5: Based but not limited to the High-level requirement document, develop a low-level requirements document which include details of functions, features, and non-functional requirement. This document will provide a detailed description of how the system will look like and work to guide implementation. The document should include user interfaces and domain model.
- Deliverable 6: Develop Terms of Reference that will guide the development and implementation phase of the system.
- Deliverable 7: Ensure that required reports are timely submitted and adjusted accordingly as per respective feedback received from all different stakeholders involved.
- Deliverable 8: Produce a final detailed report at the completion of the assignment that includes all achieved milestones, challenges faced, and mitigation strategies used and recommendation that can guide future similar assignments.
Certain milestones, as laid out in the table below, are to be achieved by certain dates during the contract term:
Milestone |
Deadline |
Inception report detailing work plan |
Week 2 after contract signing |
Business processes mapping, module and system integration architecture, system hierarchy/level diagram, system & user manual |
Week 4 after contract signing |
Produce high & low-level requirements documents |
Week 6 after contract signing |
Prepare TOR for the tender of development and Implementation |
Week 7 after contract signing |
Final reports and ToR validation |
Week 8 after contract signing |
Estimated expert days (up to) |
Team leader/Project manager |
Up to 60 expert days |
Expert 1: Technical Architect |
Up to 60 expert days |
Expert 2: Systems Analyst |
Up to 60 expert days |
Total number of expert days: 180 days.
The selected Consulting Firm must carry out the project within two (2) months from the project start date.
Period of assignment: From 16.05.2022 until 30.07.2022.
For the bid, the bidder is required to show how the objectives defined in Chapter 2 & 3 are to be achieved, if applicable under consideration of further specific method-related requirements (technical-methodological concept). In addition, the bidder must describe the management system for service provision. This should also include a contingency concept if the timeline of the development of the system changes due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Technical-methodological concept
The bidder is required to consider the tasks to be performed with reference to the objectives of the services put out to tender (see Chapter 3). Following this, the bidder presents and justifies the strategy with which it intends to provide the services for which it is responsible (see Chapter 4).
The bidder is required to present the actors relevant for the services for which it is responsible and describe the cooperation with them. Experts in the field of business systems development.
The bidder is required to present and explain its approach to steering the measures with the project partners.
The bidder is required to describe the key processes for the services for which it is responsible and create a schedule (project plan) that describes how the services according to Chapter 3&4 are to be provided. In particular, the bidder is required to describe the necessary work steps and, if applicable, take account of the milestones and contributions of other actors in accordance with Chapter 2 & 3.
Personnel concept
The bidder is required to provide personnel who are suited to filling the positions described, based on their CVs (see Chapter 7), the range of tasks involved and the required qualifications.
The below specified qualifications represent the requirements to reach the maximum number of points.
Team Leader/Project manager
Experience & Technical expertise
- Proven experience in architecting and/or developing high quality, robust Enterprise Applications involving complete SDLC.
- Proven Experience in Business Process Model and Notation
- Proven experience in assessing Non-functional requirements and functional requirements
- Should have implemented country level government projects
- Should have hands on experience in implementing IT projects, managing teams and delivering IT projects on schedule. Planning and steering assignments and supporting local and international short-term experts.
- Experience with regular reporting in accordance with deadlines.
- Proven experience in business process modelling & in development of use case scenarios.
Qualifications of the Consultant(s)
- Master’s or Post Graduate degree in computer science /information technology or any other related field with at least 6 years of experience.
- Bachelor’s degree in software engineering/computer science / information technology with over 10 years of experience
Technical architect
Experience & Technical expertise
- Proven Experience in conceptualization and solution for implementing command center solutions and video Wall applications
- Proven experience in business process modelling & in development of use case
- Proficient in state-of-the-art application/database layer instruction /prevention technology
Qualifications of the Consultant(s)
- Master’s Degree university degree in IT, Computer Science/Information Technology, or related field
- Excellent business language skills in English and Kinyarwanda
- 5 years’ Proven experience in system architecture and/or developing high quality, robust Enterprise Applications involving complete SDLC.
Systems Analyst
Experience & Technical expertise
- Proven Experience in developing, analyzing, prioritizing, and organizing requirement specifications, data mapping, diagrams, and flowcharts for developers and testers to follow.
- Proven experience in translating highly technical specifications into clear non-technical requirements.
- Proficient in coordinate the execution of testing procedures and develop test cases to serve the overall quality assurance process.
- Proven experience in business process modelling & conceptual models that define the structure, behaviour, and more views of a system.
Qualifications of the Consultant(s)
- Master’s Degree university degree in IT, Computer Science/Information Technology, or related field
- Excellent business language skills in English and Kinyarwanda
- Excellent analytical skills
- 5 years’ Proven experience in system architecture and/or developing high quality, robust Enterprise Applications involving complete SDLC.
Requirements on the format of the bid
The structure of the bid must correspond to the structure of the ToR. In particular, the detailed structure of the concept (Chapter 4 work). The bid should be drawn up in English (language).
The CVs of the personnel proposed in accordance with Chapter 4 & 6 of the ToR must clearly show the position and job the proposed person held in the reference project and for how long. The CVs should also be submitted in English (language).
The application should contain the following:
A Technical Proposal with a description of why your company would be considered as the most suitable for the assignment, relevant expertise, and a detailed clear methodology, on how will be your approach and complete the assignment.
The Technical Proposal should also contain key experts CV(s) indicating education background /professional qualifications, all past experiences, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the experts.
Submission of your EoI
EoI will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Company or individual profile,
- Relevant experience,
- Company strategies to assure agility, flexibility, and responsiveness,
- Personnel and,
- Financial offer.
The EoI should contain the following:
For Technical Proposal:
A Cover letter expressing interest in this assignment
Technical offer
References and recommendations of similar works executed in Rwanda
Company registration certificate (RDB)
VAT registration certificate with RRA
Latest tax clearance certificate
For the Financial Proposal:
The Financial Proposal indicates the all-inclusive total contract price, supported by a breakdown of all costs. The cost must be in Rwandan Francs and VAT excluded.
Please submit electronically your EoI (technical & Financial offer) in 2 separated emails and should be in PDF files to this email: [email protected] until latest 16th June 2022
Please you must write in your email subject this sentence:
EOI number 83410801 – submission of technical& financial offer,
without this sentence, your offer may not be considered
Hard copies are not allowed this time
GIZ reserves all rights
List of abbreviations
BMZ German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
DSSD Digital Solutions for Sustainable Development
MIFOTRA Ministry of Public Service and Labour
RISA Rwanda Information Society Authority
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
SDG Sustainable Development Goals
ToR Terms of Reference
SDLC Systems development life cycle
MIS Management Information System
BPMN Business Process Model and Notation
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