Technical Advisor at IBI Rwanda Limited: (Deadline 12 July 2024)

Technical Advisor at IBI Rwanda Limited: (Deadline 12 July 2024)

Technical Advisor at IBI Rwanda Limited: (Deadline 12 July 2024)


Rwanda Trade Facilitation Activity
No. 72069624C00001

Funded by the USAID and implemented by International Business Initiatives-IBI


Trade facilitation reforms improve a country’s trade competitiveness through creating a conducive trade environment and this enhances its revenue collection. The World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA), entered into force on 22nd February 2017 and was ratified by Rwanda on the same day. The Agreement establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area entered into force on 30th May 2019; Rwanda deposited its instrument of ratification on May 26th, 2018, and became the 3rd country to ratify the continent-wide African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). These two agreements represent a great opportunity for its members to improve their trade and business climates and enhance their competitiveness.

According to the WTO report 2015, full implementation of the WTO TFA will contribute to the reduction of global trade costs by an average of 14.3 per cent. African countries and Least Developed Countries are expected to see the biggest reduction in trade costs.

Rwanda’s trade facilitation efforts are outlined in various official documents, including Vision 2050 and the National Strategy for Transformation I (NST1). More specific efforts are detailed in specialized documents such as the Blueprint for Trade Facilitation and the National Strategy for the Reduction of Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade. Against this background, the Ministry of Trade and Industry of Rwanda has among its priorities the role of spearheading the activities of Trade facilitation through a step-by step process of reforms that make trade easier and faster leading to reduction of trade related costs and unleashing trade potentials.

Trade facilitation in Rwanda is of crucial importance as it creates a better trading environment and contributes to the country’s economic growth and poverty reduction by reducing trade costs. Trade facilitation benefits a lot for both traders and governments by increasing transparency for both parties leading to predictability, reduced time and costs as well as better compliance with policies.

USAID Feed the Future Rwanda Trade Facilitation Activity (RTFA)

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)’s fund Feed the Future Rwanda Trade Facilitation Activity (RTFA) is an initiative that aims to improve the country’s trade environment. The primary objectives of the Activity include identifying and eliminating Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) to trade. Strengthening the soft infrastructure that underpins trade, enhancing transparency and efficiency in trade regulation. The USAID Feed the Future RTFA, has been awarded to International Business Initiatives (IBI) & its Subcontractors, Vanguard Economics, Dalberg Advisors & Great Lakes Media and Communication Centre.

To achieve its goals, IBI will collaborate with the Government and the private sector, building on Rwanda’s Progress in creating a conducive business environment. The Activity in Partnership with USAID Mission in Rwanda will work with the NTFC through the Ministry of Trade & Industry (MINICOM) and Rwanda Revenue Authority (RRA) to improve the systems and ensure the reduced Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade, and enhanced digitization of trade processes.


Article 23(2) of the WTO TFA and Article 28 of the Annex on Trade Facilitation in the AfCFTA Protocol on Trade in Goods calls for the establishment of a national committee on trade facilitation or the designation of an existing mechanism to facilitate both domestic coordination and implementation of the provisions of the agreement. The WTO TFA provides for special and differential treatment provisions for developing and least-developed country members. There are 3 categories of provisions, A, B and C. These provisions guide on when members will implement individual provisions of the agreement and to identify provisions that they can only implement once they receive technical assistance and capacity building.

The role of the National Trade Facilitation Committee

The Rwanda National Trade Facilitation Committee (NTFC) was legally established by law launched on 30th September 2016. The overall objective of the National Trade Facilitation Committee (NTFC) is to enhance trade facilitation in Rwanda through effective coordination of the implementation of the TFA and AfCFTA -Annex on Trade Facilitation measures and the trade facilitation agenda for the country. The NTFC oversees and supervises the implementation of the WTO TFA and the AfCFTA Annex on Trade Facilitation, National Road Map on implementation of the AfCFTA at the national level as well as contribute to the regional trade process in economic blocks Rwanda is a member.

The NTFC constantly monitors and evaluates the performance of Trade Facilitation in Rwanda. The NTFC is chaired by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM). The NTFC plays a leading role in the development of the road map for the implementation of Trade Facilitation agenda and is instrumental in synergizing this agenda across the country including outreach programs to sensitize stakeholders.

The committee will ensure that institutions and stakeholders responsible for controls and procedures related to importation, exportation and transit of goods collaborate and coordinate trade related activities. The committee brings together the private sector, civil society and public sector representatives as well as trade related service suppliers to discuss issues of trade and trade related policies/measures and agree on better approaches to reform, improve and learn from experiences.

Some of the objectives of the Committee include:

  • To fully operationalise the NTFC for enhanced coordination of trade facilitation activities.
  • To assess whether all important stakeholders are represented on the NTFC.
  • To support the NTFC Secretariat and improve the equipment and facilities of the NTFC for better performance of its roles.
  • To enhance the capacity and skills of staff and nominated members of the NTFC.
  • To enhance the coordination of trade facilitation through sensitisation of internal and external stakeholders on trade facilitation measures, trade facilitation in general as well as change management.
  • To improve mechanisms for consultations on the elimination of cross-border Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs); and
  • To enhance the coordination of NTFC thematic working groups.
  • To support the effective implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA)

To achieve its mandates as described above, the NTFC Secretariat will require Technical Assistance. It is therefore desirable to bring on board a Technical Advisor. The specific objectives of the technical advisor will include:

  1. Support the Ministry of Trade and industry (MINICOM) in Rwanda to coordinate implementation of the WTO TFA and the AfCFTA trade facilitation measures.
  2. Develop and coordinate implementation of the FTA Road Map and implementation plan.
  3. Provide capacity building and awareness on WTO TFA Measures to NTFC members and stakeholders
  4. Support MINICOM to review the existing National Strategy for elimination of NTBs
  5. Review usage of the National NTB Monitoring Committee (NMC) website on reported NTBs and take necessary steps to ensure updates and functionality of the system
  6. Consult directly traders on emerging NTBs and ensure that they are reported
  7. Attend NMC quarterly meetings of NTBs at EAC level and provide technical support for elimination of the reported NTBs
  8. As needed, and subject to available resources, support the NTFC generally in effective execution of its mandate

The recipient for this assignment is the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM). USAID Feed the Future RTFA will review and receive all reports and deliverables.


The Technical Assistant (TA) will support the NTFC Secretariat. The expert will be under the overall supervision of Component Lead at USAID Feed the Future RTFA (currently Mr. David Muganza).

The TA will be responsible for initiating and coordinating trade related reforms regarding the implementation of TFA. This will include, among others, simplification and harmonisation of trade processes and procedures, monitoring of compliance of measures, notification to the WTO TFA Secretariat, and report on the Trade Facilitation Annex under the AfCFTA Protocol on Trade in goods, and updating of the Rwanda Trade Information Portal.

The following will be major areas of focus

  • Provision of structured and targeted technical support to the NTFC Secretariat on Trade Facilitation reforms under WTO FTA framework.
  • Provision of assistance to the NTFC Secretariat with a view of strengthening its organizational capacity in the pursuit of further facilitation at national and regional levels.
  • Provision of technical guidance on the implementation of the TFA in Rwanda.
  • Review the existing National Strategy for elimination of NTBs and provide a written review with analysis and recommendations.
  • Assist MINICOM in drafting new NTB elimination strategy 2025-2030
  • Review of NTB reporting systems, including but not limited to the Tripartite NTBs website and Rwanda Short Message Services (SMS)/online.
  • Follow up with national focal points on emerging NTBs in Rwanda and along the trade corridors.
  • Follow up with concerned authorities/agencies to resolve reported NTBs.
  • Update stakeholders on the use of NTBs SMS online system.
  • Enhance capacity of the NTFC to technically address trade facilitation issues and make appropriate policy recommendations.
  • Assess the work by Joint Border Committees at selected borders of Rusumo, Gatuna and Petite Barriere and create their linkage to NTFC.
  • Capacity building to informal Cross border traders at Rusumo, Gatuna and Petite Barriere borders.
  • Support the effective implementation of the AfCFTA Trade Facilitation Annex.

Reviewing and updating the trade facilitation & NTFC work plans

  • The TA will be expected to support the NTFC Secretariat to update its trade facilitation work plan including the ones for thematic working groups like NMC.
  • Regularly monitor and update the UNCTAD TFA Trade Reform Tracker
  • Review & update the Rwanda National Road Map for the implementation of the TFA and draw a detailed plan for implementation.
  • Support the NTFC Coordinator to develop an outreach programme on trade facilitation comprised of specific activities to be conducted to educate stakeholders, obtaining regular feedback from them as well as identifying agency that can conduct these activities.
  • Review the existing National Strategy for elimination of NTBs and provide a written review with analysis and recommendations.


  • Contribute to the simplification and harmonization of trade processes and procedures based on the outcomes of the Trade Portal simplification program.
  • Compile and summarize progress reports of thematic working groups of NTFC.
  • Coordinate studies and research on elimination of NTBs in Rwanda and in the EAC.
  • Support the coordination in resources mobilization through liaising with potential donors

Monitoring, evaluation and reporting

  • Support the NTFC coordinator to monitor progress of TFA implementation.
  • Work with the NTFC Coordinator to develop a results chain, monitoring and evaluation plans of TFA programmes in Rwanda and submit quarterly reports.
  • Monitor the work of the steering committee and thematic working groups.

Knowledge Management

  • Contribute to the development of a strong lesson learnt from evaluations, research, international best practices, and develop case stories for sharing with Partners and NTFC members.
  • Work with NTFC coordinator to develop and disseminate at least two lesson learnt stories in the process of implementing the Trade Facilitation in Rwanda.
  • Develop a plan for sharing knowledge with NTFC membership on the interlinkages of the trade facilitation agenda, regional integration and their relevance in the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

General Support:

  • As needed, and subject to available resources, provide support to the NTFC Secretariat.


The Technical Advisor will report to the Permanent Secretary, under direct supervision of Director General of Trade and Investment at MINICOM and will provide progress report to the Chief of Party, Rwanda Trade Facilitation Activity, through the Component 1 Lead (currently Mr. David Muganza). The TA shall be required to provide regular reports on the progress registered.

The TA shall be based at the MINICOM offices in Kigali, although the TA will occasionally be required to be present at the IBI office for consultations during normal working hours. The TA may be required to travel within Rwanda as the need arises. It is not anticipated that this position will require travel outside Rwanda.

Reports pertinent to this assignment must be submitted to the RTFA Chief of Party through the Component 1 Lead.


The Technical Advisor to NTFC/MINICOM Technical Advisor will be contracted on a full-time basis for a period of one year (1 year) with an option for extension subject to the availability of funds.



10 days after signing contract

· Presentation of an agreed inception report including the work plan detailing how project milestones will be delivered

FY 24/2025, Quarter 1 (July-Sept)

· Develop and submit MEL plan.

· Update trade facilitation work plan including all thematic working groups and submit to MINICOM, NTFC members and IBI.

· Hold quarterly meetings of thematic working groups and NTFC meeting

· Review the Rwanda National Road Map for implementation of the TFA and draft an analysis including identification of successes and failures, analysis, and concrete recommendations for the next Road Map.

· Results framework and monitoring plan for TF project developed and approved.

· Monthly updates and quarterly report submitted to IBI with approval of the Permanent Secretary of MINICOM

FY 24/2025, Quarter 2 (Oct-Dec)


· review of current NTB elimination strategy 2020-2024.

· Finalise and submit the draft of the revised NTB elimination strategy 2025-2030Progress reports of the thematic working groups of NTFC submitted and convene members meeting.

· Monthly updates and quarterly report submitted to IBI with approval of the Permanent Secretary of MINICOM

FY 24/2025 Quarter 3 (Jan-Mar)

· Validation of the revised NTB elimination strategy 2025-2030.

· Progress reports of the thematic working groups of NTFC submitted.

· Monthly updates and quarterly report submitted to IBI with approval of the Permanent Secretary of MINICOM

· Assess the work by Joint Border Committees at selected borders of Rusumo, Gatuna and Petite Barriere and create their linkage to NTFC.

· Capacity building to informal Cross border traders at Rusumo, Gatuna and Petite Barriere borders.

FY 24/2025 Quarter 4 (Apr-Jun)

· Develop and submit a strong lesson learnt from evaluations, research, international best practices and case stories for sharing with Partners and NTFC members.

· Develop a plan for sharing knowledge with NTFC membership on the interlinkages of the trade facilitation agenda, regional integration and their relevance in the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

· Progress reports of the thematic working groups of NTFC submitted.

· Monthly updates and quarterly report submitted to IBI with approval of the Permanent Secretary of MINICOM.

· Prepare end of contract report


The Technical Advisor will work closely with the RTFA Component 1 Lead and Program Manager. They will ensure information sharing and regular updates on the progress to the Permanent Secretary at MINICOM.


The Technical Advisor should have the following qualifications and experience:

  • Hold undergraduate or master’s degree in economics, Business Administration, International trade, International Customs Law & Administration, Development Studies, Management, or a trade related discipline.
  • 5 years proven experience in trade facilitation work, addressing non-tariff barriers, private sector engagement, customs procedures, or other related experience.
  • Familiar with trade facilitation activities and/or NTFC work in Rwanda.
  • Familiar with Policy reforms and advocacy in Rwanda.
  • Organised and able to work under pressure with an ability to meet deadlines
  • Proficient in oral and written English.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills as well as stakeholder management skills
  • Works well in a team and can take direction from senior staff.
  • Good interpersonal skills
  • Managerial experience a plus

You are required to indicate your daily rate payment in the same application email.


Interested Experts are invited to submit their proposals, including a detailed methodology, timeline, budget, and CV highlighting relevant experience by 12th July 2024. All proposals will be submitted to

We look forward to receiving your proposals and working together to enhance Rwanda’s trade regulatory environment.

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