16 Job Positions at Ministry of ICT and Innovation: (Deadline 28 January 2022)
Logistics Officer at Ministry of ICT and Innovation: (Deadline 28 January 2022)
Job description
Develop and implement the methodologies and tools to enable effective execution of logistic plans;
Ensure daily management of logistics in order to facilitate the proper functioning of works;
Ensure the codification and record of assets;
Elaborate periodic inventory of fixed assets to the competent authority on regular basis (monthly, quarterly and annual);
Ensure the delivery of material or equipment ordered to the Institution;
Organize and supervise distribution of purchased assets;
Ensure maintenance of fixed assets;
Identify equipment that need to be replaced based on law related to amortization rate, and the status of material;
Provide a written technical advice for the decommissioning of damaged or depreciated equipments;
Participate in elaboration of Contract for maintenance, service and equipments;
Ensure the proper management of MINICT stores;
Ensure proper management of vehicles;
Elaborate a consolidation report related to all property to the competent authority on regular basis (monthly, quarterly and annual).
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Economics
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Management
Experience: 0
Advanced Diploma in Supply Chain Management
Experience: 0
Advanced Diploma in Store Management
Experience: 0
Advanced Diploma in Business Administration
Experience: 0
Advanced Diploma in Management
Experience: 0
Advanced Diploma in Finance
Experience: 0
Advanced Diploma in Accounting
Experience: 0
Advanced Diploma in Economics
Experience: 0
Advanced Diploma in Logistics Management
Experience: 0
Advanced Diploma in Assets Management
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Store Management
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Supply Chain Management
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Finance
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Logistics Management
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Assets Management
Experience: 0
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Smart Cities & Communities Outreach Specialist at Ministry of ICT and Innovation: (Deadline 28 January 2022)
Job Description
Collect and analyze information and initial plans developed by the municipality related to their vision/conceptualization of Smart City concepts;
Develop an Action Plan with key strategies and the model that will drive the transition of Rwanda into Smart Cities;
Develop concrete actions to attract investment, promote job creation and improve infrastructure to enhance the quality of life for citizens and encourage business growth;
Analyze the status and potential of municipal services that could be improved using Smart City technologies/concepts, identifying the critical challenges and opportunities for moving forward with the implementation of Rwanda’s Smart City agenda;
Identify viable technological and innovative solutions for the country to respond to the problems or opportunities identified;
Identify synergies and strategic alliances with the public and private sectors (local, national and foreign) that could be harnessed in support of the Smart City Agenda;
Identify a portfolio of potential investment projects and potential resources for financing;
Develop and design a capacity building plan to enhance skills and capacity development for relevant eco-system stakeholders who are critical in the development, implementation and evaluation of the Smart Cities projects;
Stay on top of current trends and serve as the internal and external subject matter expert for the Smart City offerings;
Conduct extensive market research to analyze Smart Cities market trends, understand customer challenges and target market needs;
Perform other responsibilities associated with this position as assigned by management.
Minimum Qualifications
Advanced diploma in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Computer Science
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Information Management Systems,
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma in Information Management System
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma (A1) in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma (A1) in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 1
Advanced Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunications
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Information Management System
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Performance management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Knowledge of research and development of ICT policies and strategies
Knowledge of project management and planning
Understanding and skills in application of embedded systems like Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Sensor Technologies, Mobility among others
3 Job Positions of Emerging Technologies Senior Technologist at Ministry of ICT and Innovation: (Deadline 28 January 2022)
Job Description
You will proactively lead scouting initiatives across the technology landscape to identify new emerging trends, technologies and opportunities Develop appropriate policies, strategies and actions to drive the development, adaptation and adoption of essential emerging technologies in key sectors and industries across the public and private sector;
Identify and proactively anticipate current and future sector needs for emerging technologies across different value chains and evaluate the applicability and readiness toward the development of data driven solutions;
Mainstream the adoption of essential emerging technologies in relevant policymaking, and in strategic plans;
Provide technical and thought leadership as well as subject matter expertise to support broader emerging technologies and innovation conversations across the ministry, the sector and the country at large;
Deliver emerging technology positioning documentation, cabinet briefs, white papers and other required documentation for new and emerging technology areas;
Conduct extensive market research to analyze emerging technologies market trends, understand national and customer challenges and target market needs to assist in documenting business opportunities and use cases;
Spearhead the creation and development of an emerging technologies community of practice serving as catalyst for knowledge sharing and though-leadership within the technology and innovation ecosystem;
Identify, create and foster synergies and strategic alliances with the public and private sectors, as well as the civil society (local, national and foreign) that could be harnessed to increase the adoption and adaptation of emerging technologies in key sectors;
Identify a portfolio of potential investment projects and potential resources for financing;
Perform other responsibilities associated with this position as assigned by management.
Minimum Qualifications
Advanced diploma in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Computer Science
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Information Management Systems,
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma in Information Management System
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma (A1) in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma (A1) in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 1
Advanced Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunications
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Information Management System
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Performance management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Knowledge of research and development of ICT policies and strategies
Knowledge in innovation promotion and start-up growth ecosystem
Knowledge background in the application of emerging technologies like Sensor Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Cyber Security, 3D Printing, Robotics, Drones, Wearables, among others
Internal Auditor at Ministry of ICT and Innovation: (Deadline 28 January 2022)
Job description
Prepare sector annual audit plan;
Ensures that the annual audit plan is approved by management of the institution and submitted to MINECOFIN;
Carrying out financial review (Quarterly and annually);
Gives advice on the appropriateness of accounting records and financial reporting;
Assesses whether current controls are adequate to identify risk and provide assurance on adequacy and effectiveness of risk management practices;
Helps management to improve efficiency and to ensure that governance, risk management and internal control systems are operating efficiently and effectively;
Carrying out compliance audits;
Providing advisory services;
Participates in significant initiatives and priorities and providing solutions to financial and internal controls;
Safeguards objectivity and ensure he/she is not play management role;
Reviews management responses to internal audit reports;
Prepare reports on the implementation of recommendations;
To make follow-up on the implementation of the Auditor General’s recommendations;
Preparing consolidate Quarterly Internal Audit Report (QIAR);
Summarizes Internal Audit activities in a consolidated report to be submitted to the audit committee;
Copies to the concerned chief Budget manager and to the office of Government Chief Internal Auditor (GCIA);
Represents internal audit in Audit committee meetings.
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Economics
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Management
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Finance
Experience: 0
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage.
Knowledge of accounting, financial reporting and auditing standards (Such as IPSAS, IFRS; ISSAs)
Proficiency in financial management systems
Internal Auditor at Ministry of ICT and Innovation: (Deadline 28 January 2022)
Job description
Prepare sector annual audit plan;
Ensures that the annual audit plan is approved by management of the institution and submitted to MINECOFIN;
Carrying out financial review (Quarterly and annually);
Gives advice on the appropriateness of accounting records and financial reporting;
Assesses whether current controls are adequate to identify risk and provide assurance on adequacy and effectiveness of risk management practices;
Helps management to improve efficiency and to ensure that governance, risk management and internal control systems are operating efficiently and effectively;
Carrying out compliance audits;
Providing advisory services;
Participates in significant initiatives and priorities and providing solutions to financial and internal controls;
Safeguards objectivity and ensure he/she is not play management role;
Reviews management responses to internal audit reports;
Prepare reports on the implementation of recommendations;
To make follow-up on the implementation of the Auditor General’s recommendations;
Preparing consolidate Quarterly Internal Audit Report (QIAR);
Summarizes Internal Audit activities in a consolidated report to be submitted to the audit committee;
Copies to the concerned chief Budget manager and to the office of Government Chief Internal Auditor (GCIA);
Represents internal audit in Audit committee meetings.
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Economics
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Management
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Finance
Experience: 0
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage.
Knowledge of accounting, financial reporting and auditing standards (Such as IPSAS, IFRS; ISSAs)
Proficiency in financial management systems
Accountant at Ministry of ICT and Innovation: (Deadline 28 January 2022)
Job description
Prepare all types of institutional payments;
Produce monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements;
Declare and pay VAT and withholding taxes of MINICT service providers to RRA;
Develop MINICT budgets (ordinary and development) in collaboration with other units;
Ensure regular follow up of budget execution and update management on progress;
File all accounting documents;
Dealing with Office of the Auditor General.
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Economics
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Management
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Finance
Experience: 0
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage.
Knowledge of accounting, financial reporting and auditing standards (Such as IPSAS, IFRS; ISSAs)
Proficiency in financial management systems
Technologist Sovereignity and Cross Boarder Flows at Ministry of ICT and Innovation: (Deadline 28 January 2022)
Job description
Coordinate the development and disseminating ICT & Innovation policies, strategies, standards, legal and regulatory frameworks related to data protection & sovereignty at both local and international level;
Collaboration and liaising with local, regional and international partners working in the sector for mutual cooperation in the area of data economy and enabling framework to allow data to flow across boarders for business or diplomatic opportunities;
Identify opportunities, business & project models, innovational approaches to promote sovereignty and cross boarder data flow programs;
Facilitate to support specific projects related to promoting cloud hosting services for both Government and Private sector, approaches for API development, building data provenance, hushing mechanisms and operator anti-snooping;
Conduct research on current and future data economy trends and derive policy actions/models to promote data sovereignty and cross boarder data flows;
Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of ICT & Innovation sector and sub-sector policies, strategies and programs;
Be in charge with several other activities as will be assigned by the Ministry line supervisors.
Minimum Qualifications
Advanced diploma in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Information Management Systems,
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Information Management Systems,
Experience: 1
Advanced Diploma in Information Management System
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Master of Science in Computer Science
Experience: 1
Master of Science in Computer Engineering
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 1
Advanced Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunications
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 3
Master’ s Degree in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Performance management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Knowledge of research and development of ICT policies and strategies
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Knowledge of basic engineering concepts including understanding of circuit boards, emerging technologies, electronic equipment, Software systems among others
Knowledge in data privacy practices, cyber security, data cross boarder transfers, technology interoperability, Intellectual property rights, Data country sovereignties among others
Data Scientist at Ministry of ICT and Innovation: (Deadline 28 January 2022)
Job description
Shall undertake putting up enabling policies, standards, technology tools, to support the sectors and entire economy with right capabilities for data collection, data storage, data curation and analysis ;
Shall be in charge of building predictive models and algorithms, analyzes both structured and un-structured data to address efficiency challenges in work processes within sectors, deriving useful insights for projects under implementation within Government or private sector;
Conduct research to understand the trends in science and technology space, data economy collaborating with relevant local and regional stakeholders to harness the opportunities related to new projects, tools, partnerships, ensuring the data ecosystem is strengthened;
Be in charge with several other activities as will be assigned by the Ministry line supervisors.
Coordinate the development and disseminating ICT & Innovation policies, strategies, standards, legal and regulatory frameworks related to data protection & sovereignty at both local and international level;
Collaboration and liaising with local, regional and international partners working in the sector for mutual cooperation in the area of data economy and enabling framework to allow data to flow across boarders for business or diplomatic opportunities;
Identify opportunities, business & project models, innovational approaches to promote sovereignty and cross boarder data flow programs;
Facilitate to support specific projects related to promoting cloud hosting services for both Government and Private sector, approaches for API development, building data provenance, hushing mechanisms and operator anti-snooping;
Conduct research on current and future data economy trends and derive policy actions/models to promote data sovereignty and cross boarder data flows;
Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of ICT & Innovation sector and sub-sector policies, strategies and programs;
Be in charge with several other activities as will be assigned by the Ministry line supervisors.
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Information Management Systems,
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Information Management Systems,
Experience: 1
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Master of Science in Computer Science
Experience: 1
Master of Science in Computer Engineering
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Performance management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Knowledge of Rwanda’s ICT policies and strategies
Knowledge of Data Visualization (Knowledge of BI tools like tableau, power Bi or any other), Knowledge of data cleansing techniques
Knowledge of software programing, statistical programming languages (R or python or any other), structured and unstructured Query Language (SQL, MongoDB or any other), Machine models/techniques
Industry Research and Development Specialist at Ministry of ICT and Innovation: (Deadline 28 January 2022)
Job description
Provide senior management and industry with insights that will improve the current technologies offered by the country and the private sector and lead to the development of products and process innovations that strengthen the country’s and organization’s position in the marketplace;
Read articles and papers about specific areas of interest in order to keep up to date with technical, scientific and theoretical advancements in the technology and innovation field;
Conduct relevant research and conduct deep analysis to inform the sector on new and emerging technologies, trends, products, processes, ways of thinking and competitive dynamics that can be leveraged to make products and processes more effective and/or efficient or to create, invent, adapt new products and processes;
Facilitate innovators, inventors and entrepreneurs in emerging technologies through the entire development process of new products and programs, from the needs assessment, targeting, launch, initial planning phase to implementation or production;
Facilitate innovators, inventors and entrepreneurs to bring proposed market creating innovations to scale;
Forge partnerships and work collaboratively with all eco-system stakeholders nationally, regionally and internationally;
Facilitate local and international linkages between academia, industry governmental and non-governmental actors to ensure relevant technology transfer programs, innovative ideas and market creating innovations from their universities and research institutions;
Conceive, develop and submit research proposals and funding applications to tap into available funds that can be secured for the sector to further its research and development capabilities and outcomes that accrue from it;
Monitor trends and stay informed on what is happening in the research and development field in general and in the technology and innovation field in particular to ensure that the sector and the country remain up-to-date and current with the most advanced R&D, tech and innovation developments;
Identify needs and opportunities and communicate them to the technology and innovation eco-system and community
Minimum Qualifications
Advanced diploma in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Information Management Systems,
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Information Management Systems,
Experience: 1
Advanced Diploma in Information Management System
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma (A1) in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Master of Science in Computer Science
Experience: 1
Master of Science in Computer Engineering
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 1
Advanced Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunications
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 3
Master’ s Degree in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Performance management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Knowledge of research and development of ICT policies and strategies
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Digital Convergence Senior Technologist at Ministry of ICT and Innovation: (Deadline 28 January 2022)
Job description
Coordinate the development and implementation of policies, strategies, standards and guidelines in ICT & Innovation related to digital convergence;
Provide advisory services towards appropriate regulatory and licensing frameworks in the digital convergence field;
Research and develop concepts, and recommend strategies for the improvement of digital convergence in Rwanda;
Ensure suitable harmonization of all ICT projects across the sector to avoid overlapping of the deliverables;
Arrange and coordinate synergies of complementary ICT programs across the sector to ensure programs generate the best results;
Identify needs, opportunities, innovations, partnerships and project models for digital convergence and communicate them to the technology and innovation eco-system and community;
Coordinate, Monitor and Evaluate program and projects under digital convergence;
Conduct research to monitor and stay informed on the trends of digital convergence to ensure that the sector and the country remain up-to-date and current in the digital convergence field;
Manage any other activity as will be assigned by the Ministry line supervisors.
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Information Management Systems,
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Master of Science in Computer Science
Experience: 1
Master of Science in Computer Engineering
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Information Management System
Experience: 1
Master’ s Degree in Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Performance management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Knowledge of research and development of ICT policies and strategies
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Senior Technologist Content & Media at Ministry of ICT and Innovation: (Deadline 28 January 2022)
Job description
Coordinate the development and implementation of policies, strategies, standards and guidelines in ICT & Innovation related to digital content and media;
Provide advisory services towards appropriate regulatory and licensing frameworks for digital content and media;
Review and ensure harmonization of content and media format for the Ministry and its affiliated institutions;
Coordinate, Monitor and Evaluate program and projects on digital content and media across the Ministry and its affiliated institutions to ensure alignment with the sector’s broader vision;
Conduct research and stay up-to-date with digital content and media developments;
Conduct research and develop conceptual frameworks and strategies for local content monetization;
Serve as the liaison officer between the Ministry and all stakeholders including content creators and publishers to build effective solutions towards the development of the content and media field;
Liaise with and assist the Public Relations Officer on enquiries from the public, the press, and related organizations to the Ministry and its affiliated institutions;
Manage any other activity as will be assigned by the Ministry line supervisors.
Minimum Qualifications
Advanced diploma in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Computer Science
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Information Management Systems,
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma in Information Management System
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma (A1) in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma (A1) in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 1
Advanced Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunications
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Information Management System
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Performance management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Knowledge of research and development of ICT policies and strategies
Knowledge of project management and planning
Digital Age Infrastructure & Platforms Interoperability Senior Technologist at Ministry of ICT and Innovation: (Deadline 28 January 2022)
Job description
Develop policies, standards and strategies for the development, upgrade and interoperability of national digital infrastructure across sectors, including data centres, end-user devices, communication networks;
Work with private sector and design models to increase the device penetration at national level including smartphones, TVs, Smart Devices, etc;
Serve as one of the primary points of contact for telecommunication carriers and Coordinate to ensure high availability voice and data infrastructure;
Promote the development, upgrade and functioning of enabling platform service(EPS) and all components of service delivery platforms within Government and ensure the documentations of all APIs;
Coordinate with digital platform operators to ensure that service level agreements, quality of services and consumer protection is assured as per market best practices and obligations;
Be in charge of reporting Statistics generation on projects and developments related to ICT infrastructures and community adoption/development levels.
Minimum Qualifications
Advanced diploma in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Computer Science
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Information Management Systems,
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma in Information Management System
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma (A1) in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma (A1) in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 1
Advanced Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunications
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Information Management System
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Performance management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Knowledge of research and development of ICT policies and strategies
Knowledge of project management and planning
Knowledge in engineering concepts including understanding of circuit boards, emerging technologies, electronic equipment, software systems among others
Understanding of the emerging telecommunications technologies, guidelines and global practices
Experience & skills in designing and administering large, nation-wide digital infrastructure projects
Senior Technologist, Privacy & Data Protection at Ministry of ICT and Innovation: (Deadline 28 January 2022)
Job description
Develop policies, strategies, standards or guidelines that enforce IT security and data protection in Rwanda;
Coordinate the implementation of the policies, standards and strategies for IT security and data protection policy across all sectors;
Identify the possible innovations, right partnerships, best approaches and practices for national cyber security and data protection economy;
Report and provide IT security and data protection Statistics of the country;
Coordinate, Monitor and Evaluate program and projects under and Data portfolios as well as IT security in nature;
Plan and guide the implementation of cyber security safety measures for Information Systems and Enterprise Applications;
Develop a set of security standards and best practices for Information Systems and Enterprise Applications;
Manage and Maintain excellent working relationship with both national and international stakeholders and initiate partnerships that promote, strengthen and drive the Privacy & Data Protection in Rwanda;
Perform any other duties assigned by the Ministry authorities.
Minimum Qualifications
Advanced diploma in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Computer Science
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Information Management Systems,
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma in Information Management System
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma (A1) in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma (A1) in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 1
Advanced Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunications
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Information Management System
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Performance management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Knowledge of research and development of ICT policies and strategies
Knowledge of project management and planning
Practical skills in audio-visual designing using tools like Photoshop, InDesign among others
Knowledge in broadcasting media infrastructure and telecommunication infrastructure services
Intellectual Property and Consumer Protection Specialist at Ministry of ICT and Innovation: (Deadline 28 January 2022)
Job description
Facilitating the Ministry of ICT & Innovation in the implementation of deferent relevant Intellectual Property Protocols ratified by Rwanda;
Provide technical assistance/guidance and advisory for the ICT industry in reinforcing compliance with the best practices, legal and regulatory framework for Intellectual Property (IP) in Rwanda;
Initiate, link and follow up collaboration initiatives for IP protocols between the Ministry of ICT & Innovation, International organizations and Participate in negotiations of international/regional agreement related to intellectual property;
Put in place operational mechanisms, which shall include but not limited to awareness, legal advice, and registration of patents, to ensure the protection of IP for innovations, ideas and business of the local technology companies in Rwanda;
Conduct investigation on ICT & Telecommunication market practices such as quality of service, Service level agreements, Ant-competitive behaviors, performance targets, pricing irregularities, prohibitive advertising, comparative advertising, contracts between seller and buyer, guarantee terms, after sales services, time limits and take remedial actions;
Design and implement education related promotion programs including workshops, conferences, in media, all geared towards building capabilities and awareness of the ICT industry service providers and consumers on matters concerning consumer rights and protection;
Conduct extensive market research to analyze consumer protection and intellectual property trends, understand customer challenges and target market needs;
Perform other responsibilities associated with this position as assigned by management.
Minimum Qualifications
Master’s Degree in Law
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Law
Experience: 3
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Performance management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Knowledge of substantive law and legal procedures
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Knowledge of research and development of ICT policies and strategies
Innovation Financing Specialist at Ministry of ICT and Innovation: (Deadline 28 January 2022)
Job description
Coordinate the development and implementation of policies, strategies, standards and guidelines in ICT & Innovation related to innovation financing;
Coordinate the development and implementation, delivery and evaluation of innovation programs across the sector for financing opportunities;
Identify, engage and maintain a network of innovative business leaders and individuals;
Identify policy barriers and key issues to innovation financing and liaise with stakeholders, including regulators, development partners and business leaders, to build effective solutions;
Serve as the liaison officer between the Ministry and all stakeholders including regulators, development partners and business leaders across the financial innovation ecosystem and ensure the Ministry is represented in key initiatives and events;
Conduct research and develop conceptual frameworks for innovation financing;
Develop a funding strategy for innovation programs and lead the delivery of this strategy;
Support the sustainability of the innovation ecosystem by contributing to the coordination of wider fundraising and consultancy activities;
Contribute in monitoring and evaluation of all innovation programs across the sector;
Provide advisory services to improve innovation programs delivery alignment with financing opportunities;
Manage any other activity as will be assigned by the Ministry line supervisors.
Minimum Qualifications
Advanced diploma in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Advanced diploma in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Software Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Computer Science
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Computer Engineering
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Information and Communication Technology
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Information Management Systems,
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma in Information Management System
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma (A1) in Software Engineering
Experience: 3
Advanced Diploma (A1) in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Experience: 3
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 2
Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering
Experience: 1
Advanced Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunications
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Information Management System
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Performance management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/ or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Knowledge of research and development of ICT policies and strategies
Knowledge in innovation promotion and start-up growth ecosystem
Kindly Note
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