13 Job Positions at Ministry of health: (Deadline 23 September 2021)
1. Legal Affairs Specialist
Job description
1. Develop legal and regulatory instruments of the institution
• Drafting the legal texts regarding the institution and deliver legal opinions argued on the texts of laws, instructions, regulations and procedures
• Collect, preserve decisions carrying jurisprudence as regarding appeal interesting the institution, and establish the documentation interesting the institutions in legal matters, and inform regularly the services concerned
• Propose justified amendments of legal texts in order to improve quality of services and/or to facilitate reaching objectives determined by the Institution
• Produce information memoranda for users on the decisions of authorities.
2. Provide legal advice/opinion on litigious files engaging the Ministry and in the interest of this Institution
• Deal with legal issues, providing legal advice on contractual, staff, financial and institutional matters to ensure their compliance with applicable laws, instructions, regulations and procedures
• Prepare model contracts and decisions to be adopted and used by the institution
• Propose necessary amendments to contracts and agreements to avoid possible misinterpretation in support of the best interests of the institution
• Facilitate the interpretation of applicable laws, instructions, regulations and procedures
• Monitor the implementation of applicable laws, instructions, regulations and procedures
• Analyze contentious files and/or requests emanating from users or agents of the institution
• Propose solutions with competent authorities
3. Liaise with the Ministry of Justice and other Institutions in legal matters
• Work closely with other Institutions including the Office of Attorney General by providing necessary information on legal issues involving the institution.
• Represent the institution before the court in case he/she is entitled to do so.
• Attend regular coordination and validation meetings organized by the Ministry of Justice and other Institutions.
4. Conduct legal research
• Carry out legal research and highlight potential problems that may engage the liability of the institution.
• Propose new amendments and revision of existing legal instruments related to the mission and mandate of the institution.
• Initiate new legal instrument drafting if necessary.
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Law with Diploma in Legal Practice
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Law with Diploma in Legislative Drafting
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Criminal Law with Diploma in Legal Practice or a Diploma in Legislative Drafting.
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Capacity for legal research and analysis in complex areas of law
Knowledge of substantive law and legal procedures
Experience in legal advisory
Experience in legal drafting and negotiation
Knowledge in civil litigation management
Knowledge in legal research and analysis in various areas of law
Analytical and problem-solving skills
Possession of capacity of research and analysis in complex areas of law
Resource management skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
2. Health Information Systems & Data Management Specialist
Job description
1.Participate in strategic and operational planning of health information systems in health sector.
• Participate in design, update of the Rwanda Health Information System (RHIS) features
• Foster innovation, planning projects, and resource mobilization activities.
2. Contribute to the continuous deployment of health information system across the country and ensure availability of quality data and information for use.
• Plan and provide end-user services, including training, help desk and technical support services.
• Ensure the RHIS is deployed and correctly used across all health care system levels, including the private sectors and community;
• Ensure availability of quality and timely data, and provide the capacity to the Districts M&E teams to collect, analyze and use their own health data
• Jointly with M&E unit and other MOH and RBC divisions and units, conduct regular data cleaning and data validation activities
• Jointly with M&E unit and other MOH and RBC divisions and units, prepare and submit the periodic statistical booklet
• Participate in the development and implementation of Health sector information management tools, standards, guidelines and data management instruments;
• Contribute to the development and implementation of integrated supervision and other services assessments
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics;Law;Applied Mathematics;Data Sciences;
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Statistics
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Applied Mathematics
Experience: 3
Master in Applied Mathematics
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Data Sciences
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Data Sciences
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Public Health
Experience: 1
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology;
Experience: 3
Master’s degree in Epidemiology
Experience: 1
master’s degree in biostatistics
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Field Epidemiology & Laboratory Training Program (FELTP)
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Health Informatics
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Familiar with statistical software, possess good data entry and work processing skills
Ability to present statistical results and conclusions effectively in appropriate tabular, graphic and written forms
Resource management skills
– Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Technical skills in the design and use of health Information systems platforms for data use and reporting
Click here to read more & Apply
3. Sector Strategic Planning specialist
Job description
1. Ensure the planning process and assuring participation and maximization of inputs from all units
• Set Health Sector priorities
• Coordinate the development of the Health Sector strategies, plans and budget
• Development of planning tools and other relevant planning documents for planning use)
• Define priorities and produce Sector action plan
• Assist the Development Partners to align with the national health priorities
• Follow-up of the implementation of action plan and budget execution
• Provide programmatic tool to assess the implementation of action plans and budget execution of different stakeholders for the follow up of their performance
• Ensure the implementation of programs and projects are in compliance with local laws and procedures
• Participate in sustainable business planning and result oriented performance by MOH and all implementing agencies.
• Ensure the integration of sector policies and strategies in the District Development strategies and Plans and provide support to Local Government in areas of health planning and Budgeting
• Contribute to all other activities of the MOH according to the needs.
2. Implementation of monitoring and evaluation activities
• Participate in the Design an operational framework for monitoring program activities.
• Promote a results-based approach to monitoring and evaluation, emphasizing results and impacts.
• Participate in the preparation of the progress reports for the Management including identification of problems, causes of potential bottlenecks in implementation, and providing specific recommendations.
• Check that monitoring data are discussed in the management meeting and in a timely fashion in terms of implications for future action.
• Undertake regular visits to the fields to support implementation of monitoring and evaluation, check the quality of data produced, and to identify where adaptations might be needed; monitor the follow up of evaluation recommendations with Program /Project Managers.
• Foster participatory planning and monitoring; organize and provide refresher training in, planning, monitoring and evaluation for programs and implementing units, local government officials and other stakeholders with a view of developing sector monitoring and evaluation capacity.
• Identify the need and develop the TORs for specific monitoring and evaluation activities and baseline survey.
3. Monitor the Performance central and decentralized entities in the Health sector
• Propose Health Sector Performance Indicator
• Monitor the implementation of the Approved Health Sector Performances
4. Faster the Institutional Relation of MOH and others partners
• Review and integrate inputs from the planning consultation meeting with MINECOFIN and other stakeholders
• Conduct a consultation meeting with all stakeholders (districts, private sector, health professional bodies & associations, civil society, etc.)
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Economics
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Policy
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Project Management
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Public Policy
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Project Management
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Management
Experience: 3
Masters in Management
Experience: 1
Masters in Business Administration
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Monitoring & Evaluation
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Economics
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Development Studies
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Statistics
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Monitoring & Evaluation
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Public Health
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Finance
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Finance
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Medicine
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Global Health
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Health Economics
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Knowledge of National Planning, budgeting and reporting framework, tools and systems
Strategic planning and decision-making capabilities
Knowledge of policy formulation and analysis
Knowledge of planning, strategy and policy formulation
Knowledge in application of results-based management
Knowledge of research, data analysis and reporting
Resource management skills
– Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Knowledge of programs and project planning monitoring & evaluation
Knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system
4. Human Resource Management Specialist
Job description
• Human Resource Planning
1. Implementing the organization’s recruiting strategy
2. Monitor organization structures of health facilities
3. Administering pre-employment tests
4. Assisting with completing background investigations
5. Processing transfers, promotions, and terminations
6. Participate actively in the planning for staff workforce in the health facilities and advise the way of filling the gap of health workers
• HR Development
1. Conducting training sessions
2. Administering on-the-job training programs
3. Evaluating the effectiveness of training programs
4. Maintaining records of employee participation in all training and development programs
• Total Rewards
1. Analyzing job duties
2. Writing job descriptions
3. Performing job evaluations and job analyses
4. Conducting and analyzing compensation surveys
• Employee and Labor Relations
1. Resolving employee grievances of both central and decentralized level
2. Advising supervisors on rules, regulations and laws governing employees
3. Minimize work related conflicts among the employees of health facilities for effective and high performance culture
• Recruitment and placement process
1. Preparing and updating employment records related to hiring, transferring, promoting, and terminating employees in both central and decentralized level
2. Explaining human resources policies, procedures, laws, and standards to new and existing employees
3. Manage orientation process for newly hired employees
4.Informing job applicants of job duties, responsibilities, benefits, schedules, working conditions, promotion opportunities, etc.
5. Advising on succession planning and its implementation
6. Interviewing applicants
• Compensation management for all the staff at central and decentralized level
1. Oversee the salaries and fringe benefits of the employees in health facilities
2. Manage employee complaints related to salaries and fringe benefits
Minimum Qualifications
Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Business Administration with specialization in Human Resource
Experience: 1
Bachelors Degree in Human Resource Management
Experience: 3
Bachelors Degree in Management with specialization in Human Resource
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Law with a recognized Human Resource Professional Certification
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Administrative Sciences with a recognized Human Resource Professional Certification
Experience: 3
Degree in Business Administration with specialization in Human Resource
Experience: 3
Degree in Public Administration with recognized Human Resource Professional Certificate
Experience: 3
Master’s in Management with Specialization in Human Resource
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Analytical skills
Knowledge of public sector human resource policies, regulations and procedures
Operating knowledge of human resource management systems and processes
Resource management skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
5. Human Resource Officer
Job description
1. Organize recruitment process
• Maintain organizational structure
• Prepare notices and advertisements for vacant staff positions;
• Participate in pre-selection and inform successful candidates’ dates of written and oral exams;
• Schedule and organize exams (written and interviews);
• Conduct written and oral tests
• Results publication
• Organize staff orientations (induction period);
• Ensure probation phase are concluded and reports made.
2. Monitor staff performance
• Ensure all staff signed their performance contract on time and their compliance with duties and annual plan of action;
• Provide advice and assistance when conducting staff performance evaluation;
• Provide advice and recommendations on actions to be taken for performing staff (rewards) and non performing staff (sanctions).
3. Manage administrative and financial records of staff
• Update personnel records on a regular basis.
• Identify incomplete records and ensure proper filing.
• Prepare monthly salaries and allowances;
• Declare monthly and quarterly statutory contributions;
• Elaborate annual leave plan for the Ministry ‘staff
• Prepare annual bonus and horizontal promotion of staff
4. Monitor staff attendance activities.
• Monitor daily attendance of staff;
• Investigate and understand causes for staff absences;
• Recommend solutions to resolve attendance difficulties;
• Monitor scheduled absences such as holidays or travel and coordinate actions to ensure the staff absence has been adequately covered off to ensure continuity of services;
• Recommend disciplinary measure for staff with unjustified absences.
5. Update staff regularly on human resource and work related policies, regulations ,etc.
• Ensure proper implementation of existing human resource management policies, regulations and procedures;
• Promote labor standards and workplace safety;
• Provide advice and assistance to staff and management on pay and benefits systems;
• Promote welfare of the institution staff.
• Human Resource Planning
1. Implementing the organization’s recruiting strategy
2. Monitor organization structures of health facilities
3. Administering pre-employment tests
4. Assisting with completing background investigations
5. Processing transfers, promotions, and terminations
6. Participate actively in the planning for staff workforce in the health facilities and advise the way of filling the gap of health workers
• Employee relations, Compensation and benefits administration
1. Minimize work related conflicts among staff for effective and high performance culture;
2. Deal with disciplinary cases of health facilities;
3. Advise on regulations, laws, and rules governing employees
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelors Degree in Human Resource Management
Experience: 0
Bachelors Degree in Management with specialization in Human Resource
Experience: 0
Bachelors Degree in Business Administration with specialization in Human Resource
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Law with a recognized Human Resource Professional Certification
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Administrative Sciences with a recognized Human Resource Professional Certification
Experience: 0
Degree in Public Administration with recognized Human Resource Professional Certificate
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Management with recognized Human Resource Professional Certificate
Experience: 0
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with recognized Human Resource Professional Certificate
Experience: 0
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Operating knowledge of human resource management systems and processes
Resource management skills
– Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Knowledge of Public Sector human resource policies regulations and procedures
6. Public Health Emergency Coordination Specialist
Job description
• Develop, Update and Coordination of implementing health policies, standards, guidelines for Public Health Emergency;
• Coordinate the preparation for, response to, and recovery from public health emergencies;
• Ensure proper Planning, such as risk and resource mapping, development of plans and procedures, and training and exercising;
• Coordinate all partners working in Public health emergencies;
• Take part in a technical working group involving Public Health Emergency;
• Ensure capacity building at all levels of Rwanda’s health system for a proper preparedness and response of Public Health Emergencies ;
• Take part in clinical research activities in the Department of Clinical and public health services;
• Revise and develop strategic plans of action in Public Health Emergencies
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Clinical Medicine
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Health Sciences
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Health Sciences
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Global Health
Experience: 1
Master’s degree in Epidemiology
Experience: 1
master’s degree in biostatistics
Experience: 1
Master’s degree in Public Health
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Clinical medicine
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
– Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system
7. Health Facilities Development Specialist
Job description
1. Develop regulatory documents for Health facilities
• Development of protocols, packages of activities, guidelines and standards in health;
• Coordinate the team of supervisors and evaluators to timely provide integrated supervision and evaluation reports;
• Ensure that the supervision channel in the clinical services within health facilities is properly and timely followed;
• Ensure capacity building at all levels for a proper management of clinical services by respecting norms and standards;
• Ensure the follow up of the respect of patients’ flow and the respect of norms and standards for health facilities in construction and license all new health facilities before they start;
• Assess the implementation of policies, protocols, norms and standards;
2. Ensure that all Health Facilities are well managed
• Set up policies and strategies in monitoring and evaluation of health facilities management;
• Update and adapt health facility management tools;
• Ensure capacity building at all levels for a proper health facility management
• Ensure the availability of accurate management tools in all facilities;
• Supervise the management of referral and district hospitals;
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Public Health
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Pharmacy
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Health Sciences
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Health Sciences
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Health Care Administration
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Health Care Administration
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Global Health
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing
Experience: 3
Master’s degree of Nursing
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Clinical medicine
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
– Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system
knowledge in Healthcare Administration and Management
knowledge of Clinical Setting
8. Specialized Health Services, Alternative & Traditional Medicine Development Specialist
Job description
• Coordinates activities related to the traditional medicine, complementary and alternative medicine
• Ensure that regulatory documents and tools related to the functioning of the traditional Medicine, complementary and alternative medicine are in place
• Ensure that the traditional medicine, complementary and alternative medicine are regulated by a recognized regulatory body.
• Develop and monitor traditional medicine, complementary and alternative medicine
Management Information System
• Conduct inspections of traditional medicine, complementary and alternative medicine establishments
• Ensure high quality of services and products related to traditional medicine, complementary and alternative medicine.
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Public Health
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Clinical Medicine
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in General Nursing
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Pharmacy
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Health Sciences
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Health Sciences
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Health Care Administration
Experience: 1
Master’s degree in Global Health
Experience: 1
Master’s degree of Nursing
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Clinical medicine
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Problem solving skills
Time management skills
Results oriented
Resources management skills
Decision making skills
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Analysing skills
Knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system
knowledge in Healthcare Administration and Management
9. Pharmaceutical Development and Supply Chain Coordination Specialist
Job description
1. Coordinates activities related to the pharmaceutical services
• Proactively identify the problems in the field and seek solutions
• Be proactive, innovative and expedient duties
• Keep the unit and other MoH staff updated with the latest developments in the domain
• Be exemplary in promoting the good positive image of MOH and the country
2. Initiate laws and implementing orders and tools related to the functioning of the pharmaceutical sector
• Develop laws the relates to the pharmaceutical sector
• Develop pharmaceutical sector policy and its strategic plan
• Develop implementing tools of the pharmaceutical sector laws
• Monitor the enforcement of the pharmaceutical sector laws.
3. Organize and conduct inspections of pharmaceutical establishments
• Plan, conducts routine, planned and unplanned inspections for enforcing compliance of the laws and regulations.
4. Ensure high quality of pharmaceutical product that come within the Rwandan territory
• Analyze the applications for import permits/visa and Import License for medicines and other health commodities
• Verify imported pharmaceutical products whether they comply with the prescribed requirements at the port of entry/customs.
• Analyze dossiers for product assessment, evaluation and registration for they are authorized to be marketed on the Rwandan market.
• Monitor rational medicines use (including poor quality medicines, clinical trial, Pharmacovigilance and post marketing surveillance)
5. Coordinate the review and implementation of the national essential medicines list, national formulary and standard treatment guidelines (NEML, NF & STGs)
• Periodically coordinate the review of essential medicines list, national formulary and standard treatment guidelines
• Monitor the compliance and implementation of these treatment guidelines
6. Establish cooperation with other national, regional and international institutions involved in supplying and controlling pharmaceutical products.
• Develop technical cooperation agreement(s), Memorandum that require the country’s engagement.
• Participate in national, regional, and international forum and meetings to promote country’s best practices.
7. Develop legal documents for establishing regulatory framework for traditional and complementary medicine sector
• Initiate the law establishing the law regulating traditional and complementary alternative medicines
• Develop national policy for Traditional and Complementary Medicines
• Develop, Ministerial orders, guidelines and regulations for the better implementation of the Law and the Policy.
• Develop policy strategic plan for easy implementation.
8. Develop a harmonized CPDS governance document for the facilitation of the national functional supply chain
• Plan and coordinate health commodities quantification,
• Supply chain planning and monitoring for an interrupted supply
• Develop governance document and guidelines
9. Coordinate the national pharmaceutical sector stakeholders consultations and engagements and other collaborative initiatives especially in relation to policy, legal and regulatory framework for a better vibrant, owned and a well coordinated sector
• Develop technical documents for stakeholders’ involvements and coordination
• Convene stakeholder’s meetings proper coordination and participation
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Pharmacy
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Health Supply Chain Management with a background in public health or pharmacy
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
– Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
10. One Health Coordination Specialist
Job description
• Conduct desk review studies and assessments on various topics related to One Health;
• Perform epidemiological analysis, risk assessment and forecast of health threats requiring One Health interventions;
• Contribute to adapt existing information systems to improve information sharing within and across health sectors;
• Prepare, organize, participate in and provide technical support, as facilitator, trainer and/or evaluator, at the national and districts events such as technical meetings, workshops and simulation exercises in liaison with the key stakeholders.
• Contribute to extending of One Health approach to engage relevant sectors and disciplines including animal health, wildlife, environment, public, academia, research and private sectors at global, regional and national levels.
• Contribute to strengthening national and regional capacities to efficiently operationalizing One Health; Design/Develop the training curricular based on the required core competencies for relevant levels;
• Prepare, organize, participate in and provide technical support as the trainer for the One Health training/workshops.
• Support activities to improve national capacity to apply an extended One Health approach to prevent and manage spillovers.
• Contribute to developing/reviewing One Health strategies and Framework.
• Contribute to resource mobilization efforts for One Health related programs
• Formulate and develop project proposals;
• Prepare and participate in coordination calls/meetings with donors, and relevant partners with regard to resource mobilization.
• Support the coor1dination of the One Health coordination/ working Group
• Contribute to implementation of One Health related projects in coordination with other stakeholders;
• Preparation of briefing notes, success stories on One Health.
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Clinical Medicine
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Health Sciences
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Health Sciences
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Global Health
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s degree in general medecine
Experience: 3
Master’s degree in Epidemiology
Experience: 1
Master’s degree in Public Health
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Field Epidemiology & Laboratory Training Program (FELTP)
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Resource management skills
– Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system
11. Sector Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Specialist
Job description
1. Support the coordination and the technical team in the development and application of Implementation Manuals related to planning, monitoring, and evaluation.
2. Support in preparing annual work plan and budget (AWPB) in close collaboration with the technical team.
3. Develop a Monitoring and Evaluation plan to facilitate monitoring of the projects under MOH, RBC, and SPIU.
4. Support the program manager in coordination and collaboration with other line ministries and agencies involved in implementing gender, women empowerment, and children protection projects.
5. Lead the development of management information systems.
6. Ensure consolidation and entry of quality data in information systems.
7. Develop and update Monitoring and Evaluation tools and action plans for MOH and RBC as needed.
8. Collect and process data on outputs delivered by all partners and survey to be carried.
9. Organize in close coordination with the program manager a timely implementation of annual independent evaluation to assess overall progress towards outcomes and development objectives of SPIU projects.
10. Organize the implementation of other studies, field visits, evaluations/surveys as identified /recommended by technical committee or steering committee meetings including the development of ToRs, follow up on studies, and ensuring quality deliverables.
11. Be a focal person for cross-country impact evaluation, for donors and support the impact evaluation by monitoring the work of the contracted impact evaluation firm and assisting in key tasks such as developing a sample frame, developing monitoring and evaluation questions.
12. Produce quarterly reports and coordinate review meetings about the progress
13. Ensure timely collection of data for the resulting framework requested by stakeholders.
14. Produce periodic reports (semi-annually) to be submitted to PRIMATURE.
15. Support the supervisor in preparing quarterly, semi-annual and annual technical and financial reports about the implementation status
16. Ensure that donor implementation support missions, audit and evaluation recommendations related to Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation are implemented
17. Perform any other duties in line with MOH and RBC the supervisor may assign that to him/her
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Economics
Experience: 3
Bachelors in Project Management
Experience: 3
Master’s in Economics
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Policy
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Public Policy
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Project Management
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Management
Experience: 3
Masters in Management
Experience: 1
Masters in Business Administration
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics
Experience: 3
Bachelor’s Degree in Monitoring & Evaluation
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Development Studies
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Monitoring & Evaluation
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Public Health
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Finance
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Finance
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration
Experience: 3
Master’s degree in Epidemiology
Experience: 1
Master’s Degree in Field Epidemiology & Laboratory Training Program (FELTP)
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Analytical skills
Digital literacy skills
Knowledge of National Planning, budgeting and reporting framework, tools and systems
Capabilities in quality assurance of documents
Knowledge to draft proposals, concept notes and conduct policy analysis;
Team coordination, mentoring, coaching and supervision capabilities;
Organization skills
High analytical and complex problem-solving skills
Judgement and decision-making skills
Skills of qualitative and quantitative methods and their application in development planning
Knowledge of systematic monitoring and reporting framework
Knowledge of planning, monitoring & evaluation of policies, programmes & projects (i.e. evaluation concepts, systems and tools)
Resource management skills
Problem solving skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system
Knowledge and skill in M&E, health data analysis, management and reporting
12. Medical Infrastructure Standards Specialist
Job description
• Develop, update and coordinate the implementation of health policies, standards, guidelines for Medical Infrastructure ;
• Coordinate all partners working in Medical Infrastructure;
• Participate in technical working group involving Medical Infrastructure;
• Ensure capacity building at all levels of Rwanda’s health system for a proper management of Medical Infrastructure;
• Participate in clinical research activities in Department of Clinical and public health services,
• Revise and develop strategic plans of action in the area of Medical Infrastructure;
• Develop policies and strategies for quality improvement and implement and evaluate quality assurance and accreditation programs for the medical Infrastructure.
• Participate in healthcare infrastructure project design,
• Monitor activities of ongoing infrastructure projects, and healthcare facility maintenance planning and financing.
Minimum Qualifications
Master’s in Civil Engineering
Experience: 1
Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering
Experience: 3
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Analytical skills
Decision making skills
Time management skills
Risk management skills
Results oriented
Digital literacy skills
Resources management skills
Knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system
Knowledge of the Rwanda Healthcare infrastructure system
Proven experience in development of standards for healthcare infrastructure
13. Medical Technology Quality Assurance Specialist
Job description
• Support to develop nation medical devices policy, standards , road map, strategic plan, guideline and regulations;
• Provides technical support to plan, review and quantify nation medical devices needs;
• Conduct and evaluate nation health care technology assessment;
• Support Ministry of health in efforts to address facility level bottlenecks related medical technology at national and facility level;
• Evaluate new medical devices design, research and provides technical assistance;
• Encourage and advocate local manufacturing of medical devices;
• Support and strengthen capacity building on utilization, maintenance, installation, calibration and handling of medical equipment;
• Support to conduct risk assessment and quality assurance medical equipment;
• Coordinate the use of medical devices information system to link between Ministry of Health and health facilities;
Minimum Qualifications
Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering
Experience: 3
Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering
Experience: 1
Competency and Key Technical Skills
Strong critical thinking skills and excellent problem solving skills.
Client/citizen focus
Commitment to continuous learning
Analytical skills
Problem solving skills
Time management skills
Results oriented
Resources management skills
Decision making skills
Digital literacy skills
Fluency in Kinyarwanda, English and/or French. Knowledge of all is an added advantage
Risks management skils
Knowledge and understanding of the Rwandan Health system
Kindly Note
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Check well before applying, if you doubt about the eligibility of any offer do not apply and notifie to mucuruzi.com via this email: [email protected] and remember to never pay any fee to have a job or get any opportunity, if you do so, do it at your own risk.